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What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    Right tomorrow, I am going to finish these school things off, name everything and put them into their respective piles. Then cook!

    After that, provided I have enough energy, I want to make a list of the real sewing projects I have already cut out and the ones I have the fabric for but at the moment are only dreaming of.

    I have two quilts to finish so will work on them periodically and I’m between it will e things like shorts, t shirts, seashore dresses etc and maybe I will start on some cooler weather stuff also. Feb and March are usually really really hot with high likelihoods of power outages so I want to have a pile of hand sewing to turn too should the occasion arise and I can’t use the machines.

    Lots to do!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Sarvi, the idea that’s buzzing in my head will either be haute couture or high farce. So I say go for it. If our kids look absurd at least we’ve amused ourselves in the making of something.

    I’m not sewing anything right now as I’ve blown the bulb on my sewing machine and the local chain store didn’t have the right type. So I’m out until the start of the week. Meanwhile I’ve added to the traced patterns and cut out pile…..

    homefire @homefire

    justsewit- Every time the seasons change I get the bug and drag out my binder with all my pattern jackets, surround myself with fabric and start labeling things. Now, I hardly ever get to everything but it’s so much fun to take stock. My DH says its like playing paper dolls for grownups:)

    I have my first two Sketchbook Shirts started! Don’t know why I’ve waited so long to use this pattern!

    meleliza @meleliza

    As promised: http://queenoftheflies.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-100-calorie-ice-cream-dress.html This was a nice diversion from the big complicated things I’m working on now. K approved and promptly handed me two other fabrics she wants one in.

    Tamara @justsewit

    One chair bag completed! It was supposed to be asked on a moshi monsters type theme but I missed the mark totally and it ended up with a Monsters Inc description instead.

    Next up, one reading folder and two pencil cases!

    Then cooking! I think it will be an already longer than long day!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    100 calorie, that’s cute! Kid approved, that’s the best.

    Lightning, what kind of thing are you planning? I started a modified Sunday Brunch coat and it’s proving very useful for sorting out what to do. A bit sad that it’s too tight across the chest, but I think there’s a little gal in Australia who might be able to make some use of it. I’ll have to level up my attention to the stitching!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    It’ll be much better if it’s a surprise (especially if it’s awful and the surprise is I never finish it…). It involves a morphing of the Secret Agent and School Days patterns with some cuffed Sketchbook trousers. In my head it’s an awesome suit. I guess it’s the appropriateness for a two year old that’s highly questionable.

    Tonight I’ve sewn the bodice for a Bubble dress that I think will be nice for A’s second birthday party in two weeks. It’s from an recycled designer shirt my mum gave me. I’m enjoying pressing my seams (for once) cause the warmed up fabric smells like mum!

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Mel, my namesake looks gorgeous in her new dress; you really are very clever!!

    Big Fiona

    Tamara @justsewit

    First day of school today and the pencil case is still in pieces! The PVC stuck and I botched the design by jumping a step. So I told N he has to take his old pencil case today to let me work on this on and get it finished for him. Everything else is completed – Miss 10 pencil case was a bit tight to put the rule in but that was with everything else so it should suffice.

    So after that I am going to have a no sewing day to get my shoulders feeling Norma, again and take the time to make a list of what to do next.

    Meleliza, would love to see this miniature creation but will have to wait until the Internet returns to full speed!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Aha, we have some trousers like that going over here, too. So far we’ve got one coat that’s too small, but a useful first pass. Excited for the next steps.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Just a note that really has nothing to do with sewing! I HATE typing on the iPad because I can’t understand what I am trying to say!!

    Well at least you got the first go out of the road Sarvi. The second go will fit better for sure now the general gist has been realised.

    So totally not into sewing right now. My shoulders are hurting due to bad posture at the machine – really needed to nick off with the ballet teacher’s cane!

    I’m now adding to the must sew list ….. I have just realised my rtw clothes i am currently wearing have holes!! Grr! Horribly embarrassing to find out you’ve been swanning around town with holy clothes!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Nearly finished my Lisette Traveller shirt blog post.

    Half way through sewing Liddy’s CC birthday dress.

    Bunting for swimming carnival may not happen…..we were healthy all school hols and 4 days back at school and a gastro goes through the house!

    I lost 3 sewing days caring and then succumbing myself!

    Sarvi,I have a little girl in Australia who would love that coat! (Hint hint)

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Ms. Nicole, I bound the sleeve seams as best I could with a little girl in Australia in mind 🙂 I just hope she doesn’t object to a little lower than her usual standard of sewing!

    Nicole @motherof5


    I showed Tilly Baby A modelling it and she clasped her hands to her cheeks and said ‘I can’t believe it’.

    Thank you,thank you!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh no! What a start you poor thing Nicole!

    I have to rehash the reading folder! I had a note go home with a tinier chapter book (thrilled!) and a note saying “Sorry Tamara, but I think your exquisite reading folder is too small. I couldn’t fit the book in.” Oh well it just requires unpicking and putting a zipper on the long side and putting the binding on. But it was a bit wet at the corners so I will do a layer of PVC on the outside too! You win some you lose some. I still have the pencil case to finish anyway.

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