Tamara replied to the topic New here? Introduce yourself! in the forum off topic 8 years ago
@cammipatterson welcome! So glad you introduced yourself. It is great to read a bit about everyone and their story.
Please show us the metro t shirt dresses when you’ve made them so we can all celebrate your efforts. It is nice to have a visual record for future reference too.
Looking forward to reading about what you are sewing.
Nicole replied to the topic New here? Introduce yourself! in the forum off topic 8 years ago
Hello @cammipatterson, I am so glad you have joined!
Liesl’s patterns are just so good, you will learn a lot and be so pleased with your results.
Tamara replied to the topic Making a t shirt dress from the metro-t in the forum liesl + co: metro t-shirt 8 years ago
Hi @cammipatterson what a great starting project!
I haven’t made an above the knee t shirt dress but I have used the metro pattern to make a t shirt maxi dress for my teenage daughter.
What I did was measure where she wanted her dress to finish and then I made the adjustment to the pattern by adding the amount of length and cutting through the…[Read more]
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