Amy MacKay
Amy MacKay started the topic Hollywood with Peckham waistband? in the forum liesl + co: hollywood trousers 1 day ago
Would it be possible to do a Peckham waistband on the Hollywood trousers? I’d like something a bit more flexible and am wondering if that would work.
Amy MacKay replied to the topic moving dart Fira top in the forum liesl + co: fira dress + top 2 years ago
I had to do the same adjustment. I drew the box around the dart as if I was going to cut it out and move it, but instead then took an extra price of paper and traced the box and dart, and then moved that down to become my new dart.
Amy MacKay started the topic Sway back adjustment in the forum liesl + co: bistro dress 5 years ago
I am trying the bistro dress shift dress modification (the sidewalk cafe dress?). I’m doing a muslin and am pretty happy with the fit in the front, but struggling with fabric bunching in the back. The blog post mentions a sway back adjustment and I trying but not gerting it right. Can anyone point me to more information or a good tutorial? I am n…[Read more]
Amy MacKay's profile was updated 7 years ago
Amy MacKay replied to the topic Ruffle picnic shorts in the forum oliver + s: class picnic 7 years ago
Thank you so much @beachmom and @motherof5– it is a great tutorial. I’m dreaming of summer and fun seeing for my girls and these will be perfect!!
Amy MacKay started the topic Ruffle picnic shorts in the forum oliver + s: class picnic 7 years ago
I know there used to be a tutorial for adding a ruffle to the picni c shorts, but it’s no longer available. Does anyone know of a tutorial?
Amy MacKay started the topic Dress in knit in the forum oliver + s: playtime 7 years ago
I’m pretty new to knits (hopscotch shirt several times), and am trying to do the knit version of the playtime dress. I’m having difficulty attaching the bodice and dress. The layers are slipping and bunching and catching in the seam. I’m using a lightning stretch stitch (that is a nightmare to unpick), and my walking foot. I also had difficulty…[Read more]
Amy MacKay replied to the topic double gauze for garden party in the forum oliver + s: garden party 7 years ago
Here’s the final products. Finished just in time for Easter! I added flat piping and lace to the sleeves and just a little bit of length. The double gauze was beautiful and worked well for this pattern.
Amy MacKay replied to the topic double gauze for garden party in the forum oliver + s: garden party 7 years ago
Thanks for the encouragement! I’ve got the double gauze and its beautiful! Any advice on precasting? I’m thinking of zigzagging the ends to prevent excessive fraying, washing/rinsing in cold and line drying. Is that reasonable?
Amy MacKay started the topic double gauze for garden party in the forum oliver + s: garden party 7 years ago
I have two little girls (ages 2.5 and 5 years old), and much less time to sew than I would like. I have been dreaming about sewing for them for this summer, but realistically won’t have time to do more than one outfit each. So I’m carefully consider what that should be. I’ve done a variety of the easier Oliver and S patterns (hide and seek,…[Read more]
Amy MacKay became a registered member 9 years ago
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