Oliver + S

your wish list

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    lilypadmontana @lilypadmontana

    Is it too early to be clamoring for the spring sewing patterns? Anyone have any thoughts on what they may be? I’m still holding out hope for a dressy blazer but I know there are two big strikes against it; 1. Boy 2. Higher difficulty level. A mama can still hope right? 😉

    Nicole @motherof5

    I would love a larger size hat pattern. My offspring have gi-normous heads.

    Justine J @justmejay

    Oh, yes, a larger hat pattern please (including adult sizes!)

    meleliza @meleliza

    I think the blazer question has been asked and answered. I’d sew it, but then only a few of us probably would. I’m will settle for buying making myself one after I come home from Ireland with lots of gorgeous tweed!

    I was thinking it might be nice it have a simple easy cardigan pattern. Everyone is on the knit bandwagon anyway, right? I just made the Oslo from The new seamwork magazine for myself and I thought it would be a good staple in a little girl wardrobe as well. Something to make in lightweight jersey or a sweater knit. I don’t knit sweater any more because it takes forever and costs a fortune now they’re bigger. But sewing a sweater doesn’t take long and costs a bit less. Add pockets or not, buttons or snaps, etc.

    I can’t wait to see the spring patterns either! I bet they’re awesome.

    Tassiemum @Tassiemum

    I cannot wait for the spring patterns, I hope they are out very soon. I am still hoping for a blazer pattern or a jacket pattern like the lisette jacket just released, although from the blog post it seems as though this will not be. I love simple patterns that are quick to sew but I still need more difficult patterns to advance my sewing techniques. Maybe the more complicated patterns could be released as digital patterns only in the future to reduce costs.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I would love an adult version of the secret agent trench. I just priced out a similar one and it was just a bit exorbitant! At least then we could choose our colour and not just have black!

    A zip up hoodie someone mentioned earlier would also be fantastic!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Trying to find where the spring patterns were launched last year but having trouble locating it. Will they be soon or next month?

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    March 10 last year, so they can’t be to far away 🙂

    Masha Richart

    I’d sew the blazer too 🙂 A knit cardigan would be wonderful as well – they are my personal favorite thing to wear so my girls get new ones each year (store-bought). Now that I have dipped my toes into the waters of swimsuit sewing, it occurs to me that an O+S swimsuit pattern with a couple different views would be awesome …

    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes a swimsuit would be ideal but it would have to include a boy version also.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    One piece + tankini? Or maillot + coverup?

    Tamara @justsewit

    Either or possibly both. It would be a rather extensive pattern though wouldn’t it if it were both.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Tamara.
    sosew @sosew

    my wish is some interesting pants for boys that are more old fashioned – less cargo pant, more knickerbocker. i wish the boy patterns had the same charm that goes into many of the girl ones! but maybe parents that dress their boys like that are less common.

    Brittney @georgeandizzy

    A swimsuit would be amazing! I have tried a few out there and haven’t found one that I liked the fit/instructions yet. Just imagine one designed by Liesl- it would be perfection!

    Anonymous @

    A swimsuit would be great. I’d especially like a girl’s tankini with skirted bottom.

Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 391 total)

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