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What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    You betcha it is! But then up here we have a whole summer with the majority of days over 40 degrees C AND our summer weather goes on for more than 6 months! That’s why it is crucial for me to get some sewing done as my kids are still wearing winter pj’s and winter tops and things. It is just past 9am and I am seriously considering putting the air con on!

    Pink drill all laid out with the class picnic pattern pieces being pinned as we speak. I’m primed for production line mode! Pink, red and orange first I think!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    meleliza I hpoe your Halloween isn’t wrecked by bad weather. I’ve had such fun with my costume and we don’t even celebrate halloween. I can’t imagine how disappointed I’d be to have my fun ruined by a storm (I’d probably send the kids out anyway!)

    Fingers crossed for you.

    Justsewit, send a bit of warmth our way. The south east has slipped back into winter. The city of “four seasons in one day” is living up to it’s reputation.

    Oh, and what am I sewing now? Nothing (for a little while at least….)

    Nicole @motherof5

    Needlewoman,I would describe it as ‘being’ volunteered!

    I am probably back to 4 as I quoted $35/shirt (this is including fabric and notions)and a few parents didn’t want to spend that.

    This is purely a fabric cost,I am sewing them for free.

    I hope they check out renting them as the shops we rang charge $50 to HIRE them out…..

    Tamara @justsewit

    Believe me you can have the heat – and my summer cold if you like … I’m struggling through the day and still cutting things out – because I’d rather be curled up nursing this cold (well I feel that way).

    So I’m not sewing yet but cutting out still … a pink and orange spotted Class Picnic top and Class picnic shorts in the most sherbert-y of sherbert colours, only three pairs so far but that’ll do for now I can always cut the others later.

    Lightning McStitch I just saw a photo of your Evel Kanevel costume and it is fabulous! A job very well done!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I get the same thing Nicole. Parents at the school want mo to sew for for them but do not want to spend the money. First they ask me to sew something for them then they go into this “well making is so cheap and it’s not that hard to sew” speech. Do they want quailty or store bought??. 😉

    Right now I need to finish Mr W Hiccup Viking costume today. Last night I finished the furry vest and now it looks like I a bear came in my house and left his fur everywhere! First hting I will have to sweep and mop then back to sewing.

    I still have two costumes after this one to finish and Halloween is getting closer. I wanted to be done by now but we have a sick little one so it was no sewing for two days.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    I’m always flattered when people admire things I’ve made, but when they suggest I should “open a shop” I ask if at $40+/hr they would be willing to pay for the time plus materials for that little dress/shirt etc. Most garments I make would cost well over $150 by the time I factor in materials (a pittance) and my time (priceless). I do it for love, and if I’m doing it as a gift for you, your friend, or your school, you better jolly well appreciate what you’re getting!

    I’m intrigued by a hiccup viking…..

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have that too – the playgroup ladies asked me ages ago to do costumes and due to time challenges this year I haven’t gotten to the point of followup re: their ideas. The “Oh we’ll pay you” line was issued but in the next breath it was “we can’t afford it”. I suggested they source the fabrics themselves – they all can sew (don’t know why they think they are too busy to get together and do it themselves …) and then we will negotiate a sewing cost, meaning the useage of my machines and threads etc. To me that is fair and I think they are sourcing fabrics. The risk is the kind of fabric they choose may not be what I suggest for the costumes but I guess it is an “enter at your own risk” situation.

    I can just imagine W as Hiccup – greatest book ever (on audio that is) and fab movie too!

    Well, I actually made something today after spending the better half of the day trying to grasp some resemblance of creative energy (or any energy) and cutting out all those shorts and tops, I turned around and decided to try making the Badminton top …. in knit…. and it worked!!!! I do have to stress that I used woven print for the facings and the trim bits and it holds it all together nicely. I will upload a photo once the hem is done and all the basting/ gathering stitches are removed and I do have to stress that it was “I have a cold” sewing so not the most fabulous effort but it was worth the go and I will be making more because it is nice and roomy for her to wear possibly as shortie high summer pj’s and nighties.

    I used “stella” knit which has alot of elastine in it and bounces back. I wouldn’t recommend a knit fabric that doesn’t retain its shape as the pattern is supposed to be for woven fabrics and you could hit disasterous results if the fabric stretches out of shape.

    I do plan to make one in “proper” fabric just to compare.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Oh I get asked ALL the time why I don’t start a clothing line. My friends even have a name for it…. “Gigi’s Closet”. Because you envy what’s inside. Nice tag line, huh?

    One day I did a cost analysis of how much it costs to make a dress on FB. I asked my friends what I should charge for my labor. We all agreed that while $10 wasn’t much, it would be not sweatshop wages. The I asked what my profit mark up should be. Not wholesale but retail. They said 50%.

    So I said, here is a pic of the simplest shift I make. supplies were $20. (If I was a true business, probably 1/2- 1/4 of that bc of volume purchasing, ability to buy wholesale.). I said this dress took 4 hours. (To do well.-we’ve all whipped up garbage in 30 min.).

    So $60 in manufacturing, plus $30 is mark up. That is $90.

    Who will pay $90 for this simple dress?

    No takers! Quelle Surprise!

    Then I said, imagine how much the labor is getting paid per hour for your cheap Target clothes? Even with technology, manufacturing clothing is a time intensive AND manually intensive labor. (I don’t mean to dip my toe into politics here. It isn’t my intent.).

    But I am happy many if you others have found the same conclusion. For the sewists here who can make profitable sales, I’m impressed!!! Perhaps some one should start a business being a small business for a cottage indusrty clothing manufacturer mentor!


    On a more interesting note, I woke up at 12:50 with sewing inspiration, and wrote down notes to go back to sleep. Now I have to see how long I can put off this itch!

    Deb @Mynorth

    I bought a onsie the other day from Joe Fresh and it was marked down to 94 cents. What?!!! Yet despite it being so inexpensive, there still must have been profit for the company. And that begs the question; what was the person paid who made the onsie?

    Back to the labour of love of sewing; I’ve got a hamper full of traced, cut, and ready to assemble O+S patterns and so long as the power doesn’t go out due to the storm, here’s hoping they’ll get done this week!


    meleliza @meleliza

    The fashion industry is huge and complex. The university where I used to teach had a lot of fashion students. I learned a lot about how things work from reading their papers. Its fascinating, really, and It’s hard not to think about it once you realize the labor that goes into constructing a garment! I’ve been in the same place where people say “you could sell these!” And I reply that I’d never make any money at it. Americans won’t pay the real cost of labor. We’re just not used to it. I agree that $90 for a simple play dress is more than most people are willing to spend. However, I do think people will pay a fair price for special occasions.

    I’m moving forward with Halloween costumes despite Sandy. I have no idea what will happen to P’s All Saints pageant on Monday either, but I did make him a St Nicholas beard this morning out of wool roving! It’s hilarious. I heard on the news last night that Home Depot sold out of generators or I’d send hubby down to get one for the sewing machine! I made a fairy tale Tinkerbell muslin, trying out the sleeve and my skirt ideas and I am ready to cut! I’ve decided not to worry about room to grow, the costume will be ephemeral.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Thank you J1568, and LIghtning for your kind comments; the corduroy is actually a dark green but that’s beside the point. I recommend this pattern’s instructions for adding the ‘piping’ – it beats corded piping into a cocked hat! I plan to use it again with a red/blue/green/mustard spot on cream background with a contrast piping for some willing child.

    I really empathise with anyone negotiating sewing for people who don’t sew. Been there, done that for over 25 yrs. You should try explaining to people abt the ‘costs’ of making a quilt – it can get really hairy! A long time ago I realised I could never get paid for the work involved, and if I get some of the material’s costs back, I’m in front. As Mynorth says, it is a labor of love for those of us who would like to see every child in the world well and attractively dressed. LIghtning, your Evel K costume is amazing!!, and your little man on his bike looks very pleased with himself.

    Here in the antipodes, Hurricane Sandy is being commented on in the context of the last weeks of the Presidential campaign as it heads to the east coast of USA. I really hope it doesn’t spoil any little person’s Halloween night. Traditionally, the night is supposed to be wild and woolly but I realise that’s not very convenient for parents and kids with costumes to display.

    Thanks for the tip abt the Rowenta Iron. Never seen the brand down here, but I’ll make a note of it for the next time the iron needs replacing. Happy to know you are happy with yours, Cybele.

    By the way, to the wonderful forum member who mentioned the heatresistant batting, thank you! A flash of memory/inspiration prompted me to ask abt it in my local Spotlight, and what do you know, they had it at $12.95 (AUS) a metre. I have bought a gorgeous panel of Art Nouveau Coffee Advertisements from Fort Worth Studio Fabric online, and plan to make potholders/heat pads for family/friends for Xmas. I have lots of spare wool batting from quilting but feel safer knowing I can also add this other stuff. What a marvellous resource this forum is!!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I agree with everybody upthread. I also get the “you should sell/design clothes” comment and I can’t seem to get across what I mean when I say that really, I should not. Just because I can follow a recipe doesn’t mean I should write a cookbook or open a restaurant. People think I’m being modest, or worse, falsely modest.

    And yet, in the same breath people tell me I should take on unpaid internships in my field, where I have a degree! Knowing what I now know, I utterly prize the gifts friends have sewn for me. I know all too well what it cost them in time, effort, and expense, and even better I know I could never afford to buy such things in a shop (if I could even find them, which I doubt).

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Well I am almost done with W’s Hiccup coostume. I have just to add the leather lacing down the pant sides and then to add the fur cuff (the boot top) and then I am done. Boy is W super excited too. I made him take off his costume so I could finish up the pants. It doesn’t get any better than that! Still two more costumes to go though…..

    meleliza @meleliza

    LightningMcStitch, that costumes is simply wonderful! Your son must be just wild about it!

    I sent the kids off with the sitter and then with dad and had a very productive day. I made a long wooly beard for St Nicholas, which looks hilarious on my 7 year old. Then, I cut out and assembled the entire fairy tale/tinkerbell dress! I drafted my own skirt with all the little points. What a lot of work that was to turn out and press! I only need to do the zip and hand finish the lining. Not bad for a day’s work, eh? Despite the looming storm and some serious car trouble, I sent hubby out for last minute supplies too. Tomorrow’s priorities are to finish a St Nicholas hat and staff for Mondays pageant, then hem the Jake shirt, then finish Tinkerbell or work on her wings and over skirt. I also have Monday afternoon and Tuesday to finish up these costumes. If the storm is bad and celebrations are cancelled, I may invite all P’s classmates over for pizza and candy on Halloween.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Finished one Badminton top in Nicey Jane church flowers pink and another in light blue stella knit with Out to sea flowers trim. Now it is on to Ottobre boxer shorts that have been sitting there since January – one in Wow wow wubzy fabric and the other in CW stripe.

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