Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    cybele727 @cybele727

    I am getting some iron on transfer stuff. So we can iron on the pictures he wants. 🙂

    sayiamyou @maraya

    I have the yoke for a playdate dress completed. I’m hoping we can get the kids in bed on time tonight so I can get it finished up. Then it’s on to 2 drawstring bags to use gift bags for my nephew and a school friend of A’s.

    EllenMCM @EllenMCM

    Justsewit, I love the music class skirt! Easy and fancy. I’ve never made the 2+2 – I don’t know why.

    I need to put buttons on the music class blouse, and then I’m going to tackle the Negroni. This will be the first time I have ever made a men’s shirt. I will be using an old sheet, and several tutorials on sleeve cuffs and plackets.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I love making mens shirts Ellen.

    Nearly finished Beatrix’s sewing turn and then on to Matilda.

    Time to glue the Carnival PDF together.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Ellen, a man’s shirt would be something I have a hankering to do. Unfortunately, my hibby doesn’t like me to even buy his shirts so making one would be a miracle.

    I have the elastic and buttons to do on the pink hopscotch and then that is done.

    I stuck together the hula hoops skirt and the butterfly pattern in preparation for the eventual making of them both.

    Nicole, I have great plans for the carousel. Can’t wait to see yours.

    Masha Richart

    Ellen, I aspire to do that one day. My husband keeps talking about my sewing him a suit (and I fail to contain my laughter every time he mentions it) but a shirt I could probably do. It just feels daunting!

    In my quest to sew all the knits in my stash (where this came from, I have no idea), I have started making nursing loungewear. I found a sweet pattern on Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/listing/171370912/e-pattern-sweet-blossom-lingerie?ref=shop_home_active_1) that includes variations for a nursing sleep bra, camisole and gown. I made up the bra and am very pleased with it, and last night I cut out the gown. I am not one for wearing special nursing clothes during the day – I usually just pull one shirt up and one down – but I find easy night nursing access dead useful. And now I’ve ventured down the rabbit hole of lingerie elastic and trim … I found a shop on eBay with a good variety and am anxiously awaiting my order! I’m even thinking of making matching underwear – and I never thought I’d be sewing panties.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Goodness, dear RTWG, you are on a real sewing kick, aren’t you? So glad you have a good pattern for your nursing wear. Thank you everybody for your kind comments about the ‘profitable Popovers’. Apart from contributing to a good cause, I always hope that people might find their way to dear O + S as a consequence of buying one of my efforts. LoL, dear T; I think you credit with far more energy, and sustained organisational abilities than I possess. I’m a shocker about working to the deathknock – whatever the project – although I have lots of good ideas in advance. But inspired by your confidence, I have decided to cut out Popovers whenever I have enough leftover fabric from another project – particular when the fabric has been distributed around my ‘clients’, and it would be embarrassing to inflict the same fabric on the same family, again. Right now, I’m trying to come up with a coordinating wardrobe for a two year old. The mother is extra busy setting up a new business – to be officially launched tomorrow night – and is too distracted to respond to my texts, so I think I will just go ahead with some the fabrics she has already ‘approved’.

    Which reminds me, RTWG, I noticed that you really like the Playtime dress; how roomy is it when made of woven fabric? I have made it once but eliminated the sleeves, and rounded the armholes to make a sleeveless pinny because I was concerned that all the fabric under the arm might bother Miss 5 (as she was at the time). I’d love to make a size 2 in a Cloud 9 drill weight fabric (vothgirl has made culottes for her oldest in the same fabric). I know a few of you have made this dress; any tips about sizing or anything else would be welcome.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I’m afraid I can’t help with the playtime question Fiona, as I haven’t made that one (or have I?) – it would have had serious alterations if I did and I know I used a knit and a woven for one pattern but as to whether it was that particular one, I simply cannot remember. I would think it would be roomier with a knit though”

    I think cutting out popovers in the leftover fabric is a fab idea. In order to avoid a fabric repeat hehe!

    In terms of wardrobe planning, I look at shoes and hair accessories for guidance – I have pink, purple, white, grey, silver, black in my sights for the winter wardrobe as a result. And then you can being in additional colours that coordinate.

    Masha, I need to look at that link. It sounds very interesting seeing as my own nursing nightwear should bite the dust in place of new things. I know Megan Neilsen has some nursing nightie patterns that I have thought would be handy but she does “normal” sizes and I belong heartily in the “big girl” section! Nursing/ sleep bras would also be really handy as you know that nothing leads to leaking everywhere and is just too uncomfortable for words, especially in the early days.

    I went to trace more patterns this afternoon but was interrupted by children returning home from school and a baby waking up. So I didn’t get to trace more than a romper pattern from a Petite Poche pattern I’ve had and never used.

    Tomorrow morning I plan on completing the little pink puppet show dress and then in the afternoon I might manage cutting out another skirt and tracing more patterns.

    Masha Richart

    Fiona, I have found the Playtime to be pretty on par with my other oft-used patterns – Music Box, Bubble Dress, Class Picnic, etc. So for my slender girls I size down the width considerably – the last ones I made (woven) were a size 2 with length but that was a while ago. I’d say I go down two sizes or so from RTW but that is the case with the patterns above as well. I did not find that I needed to make a different size when I made the interlock one.

    Tamara, yes, I find sleep bras are a MUST at least for the first couple months! The pattern includes “normal” cup sizes (I am not one either) with instructions for an easy FBA. I will say that my muslin with the FBA was too small so I think more extensive adjustments would have been necessary for me to produce a workable garment on my own. But she randomly includes one pattern piece in a 32I/34H/36G which are my measurements at the moment, and that pattern piece worked for me. I am not sure why she includes that size above the others (there isn’t any mention of it in the pattern as far as I can tell) but I might still be tinkering with the fit if it had not been included. Also, I don’t usually have a difficult time with PDFs but this one was quite annoying to put together. Still, it’s only $7 and is useful for me. Hope that helps.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Thank you RTWG; I have made the Music Box for the little one last year – 18-24mths because she’s a bonny kid. The finished measurements around the chest are my usual ‘go-to’ for trying to choose a size, but I also appreciate that even the pattern looks big, there is a styling aspect to be considered, also. The size 5 worked well on Miss 5 this time last year, and didn’t look too big on her. I guess when you are long-distance sewing, bigger is better than too small – it will look right eventually, and a lot of people don’t mind slightly oversized clothes on children. I’m not as keen – the baggy look can just make kids look like street waifs, and of course, the fabric gets bashed up before the item looks nice on them. I’m probably just making difficulties for mself. Thanks for your assistance. Good luck with your knits – I know what you mean – sometimes the leftover fabrics just bug you til they are used, don’t they?

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    Hello, I’m gatecrashing this thread slightly rather than starting a new thread for a slightly self indulgent question. I really want to make myself a blouse, but I am quite specific about what I want, something like one of these:-


    I’ve hunted high and low, including vintage patterns. Does anyone have any idea where I could find something similar? It’s those little gathers at the shoulders, and a simple button front or button top half that I like (good for nursing!). Any suggestions would be very gratefully received.

    PS, loving the nursing sewing that’s going on! I might have to join you on the nursing lounge wear sewing, as it would be so nice to have something new.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    @dubhels2003 perhaps the new Thread Theory Camas Blouse?

    Camas Blouse Tissue Pattern

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    Also have a pattern-search question: what are you ladies’ favorite men’s button down shirt pattern? I have some gorgeous redwood herringbone RK Shetland flannel I want to sew up for Ben. It’s not something I’ll get around to before this fall, but am wanting some pattern recommendations. Thanks!

    Sherry @mim22

    @Dubhels2003 There is an Australian pattern company


    that has some blouse patterns similar to what you looking for. They also send you a free pattern with each pattern order and their size range goes from size 4 to 30 so covers everyone. I love both blouses particularly the hot pink. Hope you find what you are looking for.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I was also going to suggest the Camas blouse 🙂

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