Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    Lining all stitched down but have hit a rock with the buttons – I have a total of one! Oh well, will add it to the list for Spotight and make a trip on Monday. Maybe I can stitch them on during my hospital stay.

    Two angel sets to do and then we have to tidy up and knock off for a wee while!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Cybele, that is very exciting to move into your own space 🙂
    I sewed up some Christmas bunting yesterday (Boxing Day). I got given a pre printed panel this year.
    We’re in the process of swapping over the study and the spare room (where all the sewing stuff (fabric) )is stored. It will be a good opportunity to take stock of what I have!

    Nicole @motherof5

    It must be in the air!

    My Twins have moved their desks to their bedroom so I have set up my cutting table in our sewing/children’s office.

    Tildy and Liddy are quite happy to make and work on one end of that and as it is 31/2 metres long there is plenty of room.

    I am sewing a Class Picnic for Lids, red taslon for the shorts to wear over swimmers and a cheese cloth fabric for the blouse.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I will be binding necklines, sewing on buttons and lace and threading elastic today – hopefully! I was up for three hours tidying up the disaster zone that was the lounge area very early this morning due to insomnia.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I just got Jalie 3244 (footed onsie pattern)! I’m going to make my husband one, but it has to be an animal, so it will be a panther 🙂 But first I’m making a baby one to check out the construction order and pattern.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh I had a look at that pattern last time I was on that site. I will be very interested to see how it turns out Heidi and how you find the pattern. I used the Jalie jeans pattern earlier this year but followed along with the Craftsy class with Angela Wolf to make them. I’m glad I did it that way because I don’t think they would have been completed with the fly instructions being very vague on the pattern itself.

    I haven’t sewn today at all! Its been so hot here and I have been so tired thanks to a dog barking all night – wish I could put him on mute! I might get as far as tidying up the sewing room and that’s about it. They will get done eventually.

    Masha Richart

    Just finished a red satin sarafan (traditional Russian pinafore) for my 4-year-old’s Russian school concert in January. I was dreading the task because I had to draft my own pattern and I was a bit scared of the satin, but it ended up being a very pleasant sew. I had a sarafan that my grandmother had made for me years and years ago, so I studied that to make my pattern. It was so nice sitting at the machine and thinking about her doing the very same thing 30+ years ago.

    Masha Richart

    Heidi, PLEASE post photos of your husband in the footies. Cut his head off if you must but I really, really want to see this!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    This time he’s having the version without feet as it’s summer and for camping. But He wants one in coral fleece with feet and hood for winter 🙂

    avashmava @avashmava

    Last night I sewed up 3 pair of Sleepover bottoms with fleece. Kids were pleased. Also made a fleece Dallas Stars blanket for youngest boy and a Texas Rangers fleece pillowcase for older boy from jammie scraps. 😛

    Today I am finishing the large Messenger Bag from LTTS for a friend after making a second trip to the store for proper hardware. Bought the wrong size the first time. :\

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I can’t wait until I get to set up my room. I am deliberately taking my time to set it up as I want. I think the room is about 8X11. I am so excited to get out of the nasty basement. It is so dirty there and hard to keep the machines clean. (Of course, I don’t mean my threads all over.) 🙂

    I have to figure out the layout of the room and the best use of space.

    I hope everyone who celebrates a holiday had a serene one.

    Tamara @justsewit

    It takes a bit of time to really find out what works best so taking your time is a sensible one. I have rearranged my sewing room (again) simply because it is so darn hot I want the sofa bed in the coolest part of the room. The table is now set away from the glare so hopefully I will be able to work better during the daylight hours. That is when I find my baby feet! In under 24 hours I will be a mummy of 3!

    So I am signing off for now and will resurface when I can. The sewing room will be used as a midnight feeding nook and that way I won’t have to stumble through the house to find the couch. I found all these projects I had planned to do but haven’t amd had a bit of a cry over it! They will be done eventually and luckily they are in more than one size and not cut out/ prepared etc. that is except the two little sets i really wanted to finish. They are priority as they are light and floaty and in the smallest size so within the next six weeks hopefully I will get the two completed. That’s realistic don’t you think?

    Ok so do have fun without me. Sew up a storm and make beautiful things. I will be looking forward to seeing them.


    Kerrilyn @Kerrilyn

    All the best Tamara. Enjoy those newborn snuggles.

    cybele727 @cybele727


    Happy Babying! Snuggle lots!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Hope all goes well with the new baby, Tamara!
    I’m making the Jalie onsie from cuddle fleece. The pattern is fantastic! It all lines up and sews up so well. The instructions aren’t Oliver and S standard but they are fine, with great pictures, and give good results.
    I love sewing with fleece, no ironing! It makes the project so fast 🙂

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