Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Nicole @motherof5

    Good luck @justsewit.

    Class Picnic blouse and shorts finished. I piped the shorts facing which actually made the easier to sew. How often that does happen?

    Now I must finish this dress for my cousin. A sweet baby boy named Eoin placed it on hold for 12 months.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    After finishing the onsie, I had enough of the coral fleece left over to cut out a Cosy Bear hood from LTTS and a lullaby jacket! Not bad for a $2, <1m remanent. The bear hood is all done, and so cute and soft.
    I’m not lining the jacket as I want it as cuddly on the outside as the I side. I just realised I want to add a zip to the front instead of press studs as I’m not sure the fabric will hold up with press studs. Off to spotlight for a tiny separating zip!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    After talking with my husband tonight we decided that as well as a hood and ears the onsie should have zip off feet (like boots) and zip off mittens too 🙂 Off to Spotlight again in the morning.
    We rather like gadgets and overcomplicating things!
    At least I think the zip off mittens should be easier than the integrated ones I drafted for the kids onsie last year.

    EllenMCM @EllenMCM

    I’m working on an Ottobre blouse with a partial placket. I made some practice, plackets, but am feeling wimpy about the real thing.

    Nicole @motherof5

    @EllenMCM, do you have the Jumprope dress pattern? I was making my son a shirt last year and I pulled out the Jumprope instructions to help me do the sleeve plackets.

    Still sewing my cousins dress. Next up, the Field Trip cargoes and tee for Tildy. Then I will be cutting more swimmers, school uniforms or a shirt for my husband.

    EllenMCM @EllenMCM

    I have the jump rope pattern! I got it just for the placket. And it worked beautifully. I love ottobre, but their placket is above my pay grade.

    The placket is now on the shirt, which is almost done. Buttonholes and a hem tomorrow, buttons the day after that. And then the next shirt! And possibly another one! Because if plackets are going to be easy, I might as well make 15. I’m also pondering the jump rope dress for spring.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I was going to suggest the Jumprope placket instructions, but Nicole beat me to it 🙂

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m attempting to make bathers for myself, but i’ve stalled on my second muslin as I can’t find the old bra to harvest the hardware 🙁 I’ll have to wait untill I can get into Spotlight tomorrow.

    I’ll go back to working on the zip coral fleece lullaby jacket, so soft and cuddley 🙂

    Masha Richart

    I am working madly to finish DD1’s Barbie house before Wednesday. Not a lot of sewing involved in that, but I did sew curtains for it yesterday (to string up on teeny curtain rods, so cute!). Once that is done I really need to finish the Playtime dress I cut out for her, oh, three months ago, before summer when it is too hot to wear it. All I want to sew, though, are baby clothes.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Not sewing! Just resting, nursing, trying to take in some zz’s and attempting to keep cool! When we finally have a cool change at the end of the week Chloe and I will get to play dress u in her oliver and s wardrobe.

    I don’t see myself sewing from scratch for a few weeks yet but… I did sew three buttons on whilst in hospital last week, to finish the school days jacket. Photos to come.

    I have the angel sets to complete before the end of summer so they are my sewing priority projects for now.

    katybellabug @katybellabug

    @justsewit Time to rest! Enjoy your newborn snuggles, she is beautiful.

    I am preparing my pieces for the culottes sew-along and my fusible interfacing is refusing to adhere to my fabric. Very maddening! I have no idea why but I am getting it to stick just enough.

    I am making the Lunch Box Culottes, but is anyone making the Girl Friday version for themselves?

    Justine J @justmejay

    Love your fabric choice for the culottes Katy. Maybe I should play along and make a pair for Lucy…. Afraid I shan’t be making the girl Fridays for myself – as much as I love all Liesl’s pins, I am just the wrong shape for them… 😉

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Katy I made some Girl Friday culottes, and while I have some fit issues, since they were my first ever pants I’m pretty happy with them after all. I have a very involved multi location photoshoot planned (cause it amuses me) so they may not get blogged for a while, but here’s how they look in an art gallery setting…. 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    I’d actually like to make the top that goes with the girl friday culottes – eventually – thinking it would be great for nursing.

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    Time for some selfish sewing! I ordered the silk batiste last night to make bias tap with for finishing the neck, arms, and hem facing of the wool dress I am making myself.

    I’m very excited to get started on this project!

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