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What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    Haven’t gotten very far with the costumes. I am wishing I had a bargain buy like Nicole’s lucky purchase – would have saved so much time. Sometimes I think Spotlight is just too expensive for their fabrics!

    Fortunately the plan is to have the pants from the hiccup costume pass a normal trousers and that means one less item of clothing to sew for a forever growing boy next winter. The shirt, I am not so sure about using this as an everyday wear type item and the vest is a definite no way!

    Of to do something about getting started and drag myself away from reading too much information about…. Stuff!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Keep your fingers crossed for me, hopefully today I will sew!

    Liddy has a party this weekend and would really like her Music Class shirt (needs sleeves, cuffs and buttons/button holes).

    I did 4 hours of ironing last night (The Twins have been washing/hanging out/folding) and I made a huge stew last night (leftovers for tonight ) , Trixie only woke for two feeds over night, so hopefully I will feel up to it (and have time) today.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Don’t stress too much on sewing Nicole and do try and rest some….although I know it has to be hard not sewing.

    Right now I am sewing a series of “knock off” outfits for Sarah. So far we have two fall dresses and I am starting a skirt and top tonight. They are Chasing Fire flies “copies” in Sarah’s choices of fall fabrics. All of these outfits are requested by little miss so I am very happy to meet her requests. Poor baby boy is now the jealous one!

    Nicole @motherof5

    You are such a poppet Sharon, thank you.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I just received my new issue of Ottobre yesterday and today I’ve nearly finished the short flippy skirt for me πŸ™‚ I changed The skirt from a 6 gore in knit fabric to an 8 gore in woven and it’s worked beautifully. I made a two layer skirt with a burgandy underskirt and a matching sheer for the overskirt. It looks lovely despite being quite short, I’ll wear it with legging, I think it might be too formal for work.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Heidi, what does “gore” mean (in this sense that is, as I know the meaning that’s to do with bulls and Pamplona tourists)? Skirt sounds intriguing, and lovely.

    I’m not sewing at all. I have been making an awesome Thread Theory Cardigan for my dad. I’m so excited about it, I desperately hope it will fit, but right towards the end, as I’ve tried to practice a few buttonholes my machine has gone completely haywire and had to be sent in for a service.

    The problem is not the buttonhole but about every inch or so it stops moving forward, does some horrible on the spot thread knot, then leaps forward a few stitches length and then runs fine for another 3/4″ before repeating the above. Honestly, it had been doing it for the last few seams I sewed but with a straight line stitch I’d hardly noticed and assumed it was the fabric being a bit “sticky”.

    It could (just possibly) have something to do with my laziness and tendency to sew over pins. I’m not sure, but I’m prepared to concede it’s possible… πŸ™‚

    I have broken three needles in the last two days (usually average about one every 6 months!), and I suspect a small part of one may have lodged itself somewhere in the machine and is causing it to stick. Luckily the small bits of needle that I felt hit my face on two of those three occasions didn’t lodge anywhere!

    I was wondering if I should start wearing safety glasses while sewing….

    I should just stop sewing over pins though, right.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    You should stop sewing over pins. Sorry! I think gores are sort of the opposite of darts. A wedge of fabric inserted into the garment, rather than stitched out of it. A horn of fabric goring the garment, perhaps?

    I love hearing about everybody’s fall sewing!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Well look at the bright side Shelly, at least you didn’t sew over any of your fingers! I am very much looking forward to seeing your dad’s cardigan finished. The pattern and the fabric are perfect choices! I am wanting to buy this pattern myself for my husband for this winter.

    Right now I ma making a knock off Chasing Fireflies look for Sarah. I have the skirt all done but one bow on the front and next up is the knit shirt as soon as I have more serger thread.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    A gore is a panel of a skirt. Usually they are equal widths, and narrow at the waistband, then wider at the hem. Sarvi, what you are describing is a godet – lots of godets in 1930s evening wear. Beautiful!

    I’ve put the tiny dolly clothes on hold, Audrey squashed the baby doll the other day, so she’s not old enough to be able to play with them independently. I’m making Harriet a dress to match Audrey’s from the fair instead.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Here’s a link to the Ottobre gored skirt I finished this morning πŸ™‚ https://www.flickr.com/photos/73669617@N07/14881861130/

    Jay is right about the gore being a skit panel, this one is narrow at the waist and has significant flare from the hips to the hem.

    A godet is a triangular piece of fabric added to give extra width at the hem.

    They both function similarly but the gore is integrated into the pattern and the godet is a separate piece. I’ve used both recently as my Elsa Skirt has godets πŸ™‚

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Two from two out of my new Ottobre! First the skirt and now I’ve just finished a successful muslin of the asymmetrical zip front hoodie using random fleece from my stash! If it wasn’t a mish mash of fabrics it would be totally wearable, in fact I will probably wear it around the house πŸ™‚

    Now i know that I have extremely narrow shoulders and need to cut a corresponding smaller size through the shoulders and armscyth, than my high bust measurement would indicate, is giving me an amazing fit πŸ™‚

    Tamara @justsewit

    I am really struggling to get going with these costumes. I have been down with something resembling the flu for most of the week. Don’t worry, it is very much stress related but not home stress. I have had kids home during the week also so the time allowance just hasn’t been there.

    The kids are ok with it. They just want me to play mind craft with them!

    I will still complete the art museum trousers for N and put them away for next year. At least then I will know they are likely to still fit as they are a little big for him in how I altered them anyway.

    It also means that I can finally get one with summer gear for the biggies and sew some things for bump.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I sewed!

    I only managed an hour but it felt so lovely to sew, Trixie happily slept in my sewing room.

    Just cuffs and buttons on Liddy’s shirt now.

    (And I did cut out some track wear for Zara)

    Feel better Tamara.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Egads, I think I hate you. You are superwoman. You sewed “only a hour”. Oh how I could find an hour! 6 kids, just gives birth and returns to the sewing. WOW!

    I only have the hem left on the garden party for the first day of pre-K for the WeeGee. Per her request I put pockets in it. With athletic shorts beneath, I think she will be happy as can be.

    I will be sobbing as I send her to interact with the real world, though. I am afraid to send my fierce little independent spirit out into a world that molds children into sameness.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Aww, aren’t you lovely Jenny!

    I finished Liddy’s shirt and it is so pretty. She is so pleased.

    I hated sending my Little Ones off to school too.

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