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What are you sewing now?

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    miss_sonja @miss_sonja

    Heidi, please do share a picture of your Elsa dress! It sounds great!

    I am trying to make a Metro tee for myself. Got the pattern printed and taped together and cut out. Fabric is washed. I just need the boy to take a good long nap so I can cut & sew.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    I’ve been very busy sewing – the Fair is on Sunday, Tamara.

    I had a horrible moment last Friday when I looked up the long range forecast for Sydney and Sunday was showing 15 and lots of rain. I have changed my dress from the pale gold taffeta with full skirt, to a lovely wool houndstooth from my stash with a pencil skirt. I hadn’t started on my dress anyway, it just meant I needed to toile the skirt as well. I’m about half way through the dress now. A full day of sewing today will hopefully get it mostly done.

    The new forecast for Sunday is 20 and possible showers.

    Look what I missed… Congratulations Nicole, she’s beautiful, and what a lovely name. It fits so well with the rest of your family.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Hope you are being granted that sewing time to complete your outfit Jay. The forecast doesn’t sound hugely bad – maybe the showers will stay away for the time of the fair?

    I have to make book week costumes! Dork diaries character and a Hiccup! I was thinking he would say he wanted to dress as Prince caspian seeing as this is the current book but no he is firm about hiccup! No biggie. I just hope the remnant of sherpa is enough for the vest and boot tops.

    Then once that is done I can start sewing for the mystery baby (the things you do to have a babe in utero cooperate!) with a hint of girl. But of course the sonographer was quick to give a verbal disclaimer!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m making a lion costume, as designed by an 7 year old for her birthday. It has a leotard (finished), playtime leggings (just needs elastic), a skirt (she’s coming today to make it) and a mane ๐Ÿ™‚

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Finished all the stuff for the Fifties Fair (I put up a post in the thread I started for it). I need to relate Audrey’s adventure in scissor-land from Thursday afternoon though. I had my dress mostly done, I think I had lining to sew into the skirt, and sleeves to put in maybe. It was substantially complete anyway. I got up from sewing at the dining table and realised Josephine needed an urgent nappy change, so didn’t think to pack away the sharp implements. Audrey followed me down to the nursery, chatted to me while I changed the nappy (and the rest of the outfit!) then disappeared back to the lounge/dining room. When I got back I discovered her sitting in my sewing spot, with my thread scissors in her hand, cutting into the raw edge of the hem on my dress. Poor thing got shouted at the most loudly in her short life, as I wrestled the scissors out of her hand and frantically checked for other cuts. She ran off and hid in the lounge room, and I decided the worst was a 3cm cut into the 10cm hem. I then apologised to the sobbing apologetic little girl, and gave her lots of hugs.

    Moral of the story, don’t ever ever ever leave scissors where the toddler can reach them. Even if she does say “Be careful, scissors are sharp.” all the time ๐Ÿ˜€

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh no! Poor little darling girl! Maybe she was “helping”? We had an incident similar when I was a child. The toddler was my sister and the target was my hair! It was two weeks prior to my starting school and I had just had my hair cut at the hairdressers. The trouble was the scissors weren’t left out! She knew where they went when they were put away! So the sneak decided to use them (and mum’s good tablecloth) before threatening me with the scissors so I would be scared whit less and then proceeded to undo the hairdressers good work – unfortunately, I was the one who was shouted at!

    So I will add to the moral, make sure the toddler doesn’t know where your good dressmaking scissors actually go and if they do, change the spot to very definitely out of reach (and don’t have table cloths to use as hairdressing capes).

    I won’t get to sew today despite the need to. I have to make those costumes but I really am not in the mood! I also thought of putting together something quick to put in the local Ag show this weekend, seeing as no one put ANYTHING sewing wise in last year and it turned out to be very disappointing. I have about six baby items cut out and ready to sew, so I may use them to put an ensemble together.

    I will just have to squeeze time this week. It will be yet another busy one.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    I was “that toddler” about 25 or so years ago, and my target was my younger sister’s hair ;-). I think I made a big mess of it tho I don’t really remember! My mum won’t let me forget it tho!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Baby things would be perfect for the Ag show!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes but which ones?? I doubt I will get the chance this year which is awful – it means no show entries at all at this rate! I just hate letting the side down!

    I’m thinking a bubble dress provided I get the time.

    No I know Patricia they have memories like elephants our mothers don’t they? I told that story at her wedding ๐Ÿ˜‰

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Hmmm, I’m glad she didn’t cut her hair… I didn’t cut my hair when I was little, I wound the front into a tail comb so tightly that it had to be cut off though!

    Audrey has requested that I make clothes for the tiny dolls she got at the Fair. Ugh, they are smaller than barbie dolls!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh I envy you! My daughter didn’t request such things and didn’t play with dolls. I am hoping this one will be different though – I am looking forward to tea parties!

    Today is the school sports carnival and hubby’s turn to do parent volunteer duty. I plan to stay home and get started on these dreaded costumes!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Jay, you can make very groovy 1950’s style dolly clothes from felt and sew in press studs. I am sure you know what I mean.

    I made Barbie clothes for the Twins one Easter long weekend, my husband still laughs about it. The Twins met him at the door and said ‘Mummy made us Barbie ball gowns today and she said #$%^ a lot’!

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Ooh, good thinking Nicole, no hemming on felt! One of the dolls is a baby (complete with bottle in hand! something my babies never had…) and I might knit something for it.

    I hope the costumes are going well Tamara.

    I’ve started tidying the wreckage from last weeks sewing, alternating with hand sewing lace trim onto Audrey’s petticoat that wasn’t quite finished in time before she wore it. I’m thinking about making a bodice for the petticoat too – the elastic waist kept slipping under her tummy and making the lace show below the dress hem.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Jay, I saw a great tip in Country Bumpkin, sew the gathered skirt onto a purchased white singlet. Then you can embroider the neck line.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Oooh, that is a good tip! Thanks Nicole ๐Ÿ™‚

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