Oliver + S

Yanaka alteration for a twisting sleeve

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    Cecile H @cecileheusser

    I’m working on a Yanaka jacket. Do you have any suggestions for an alteration to help prevent the sleeves from twisting?

    Attached are a few pictures of me in a muslin.

    (Ignore the writing in the photos. Those are notes to fit the jacket for my mom. The sleeves do not twist for her. :))

    Thank you!

    Liesl Gibson

    Hello! Thanks for your patience as I’ve been traveling. This should be a relatively easy fix. You’ll want to pin out the resulting fold in the fabric and blend the lines to make a smoother sleeve. The result will be sort of like this very crude drawing, with more of a curve to the sleeve. I hope that makes sense?

    Cecile H @cecileheusser

    Your reply makes sense. I’ll give it a try. Thank you!

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