Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Nicole @motherof5

    I finished my tiny Puppet Show so I have baby’s coming home outfit done. Piccies tomorrow.

    Next up, a very grown up Music Class blouse in white linen for my ‘getting very grown up’ Liddy.

    beachmom @beachmom

    That mattress is impressive! So smart if you to sew your own.

    Tamara, Goid luck with all that baby sewing!

    Nicole, I’m sure baby’s coming home outfit will be precious!

    It’s been far too long since I’ve sewn up any O+S patterns. But I’m finally back at. I have a pair of ruffled class picnic shorts with zip fly almost done plus a customized class picnic blouse…all for BK. I had to trace a size 8 for her! It won’t be long until none of my kids fit into O+S.:(

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I am still sewing the Jacob’s back to school clothes. I hope to be done by next week and whip up some pants for Wyatt and Garrett too for sports. Sarah is not a happy girl with right now at all!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Cindy, her outfit is drop dead gorgeous!

    Sharon, it will make Sarah all the more grateful to you. The rota system stopped the Twins taking me for granted.

    I am a good half way through Liddy’s Music Class blouse, so very elegant, but I have to stop to colour hair and do leg waxes!

    How is that for multi tasking?

    Tamara @justsewit

    I haven’t sewn a stitch all day – had this very bad headache since 2.30 am and it still hasn’t gone no matter the litres of water consumed!

    I hope to get to something tomorrow even if it means more cutting out!

    Off to have a look at everyone’s creations.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh I have made up my mind to figure out the best way to work with that silver coloured silk dupion tomorrow. I am hoping to get at least a pair of puppet show shorts and a teaparty something either bodice or bottom plus the bias and then I have to move on to shorts and things for the bigger kids and myself. With huge blowflies jumping on me whilst typing it is a huge signal to get cracking on the warm weather gear! Yes another “lovely” surprise this August!

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    28 degrees in August? Really? We’ve had the longest run of -5 overnight on record. It has been bitterly cold here.

    You have a very ambitious few months ahead of you Tamara! What a happy sewing time 🙂

    I’ve progressed with the hailspot voil dress – bodice is almost complete, I’m about to embark on the skirt. I had a break yesterday to make a set of doll sized Chinese pyjamas for a friend’s little girl’s birthday this afternoon.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes really! Not a comforting feeling on many respects I assure you. But then -5 is a bit ridiculous too! Having said that though I have no idea what is normal weather for you guys at this time of the year. We’ve had a cold and dry winter this year and I would have preferred cold and wet.

    I worked out I would have to make 3-4 items for the next 20 weeks in order to make all 60 items by due date. But then the more ambitious items would be the things that take the time, not things like the little knickers that go over the nappies etc that team with an angel top or diaper shirt to make a set. But then of course I have made a few items in the 6 -12 month size already (the set I made for the show one year) if I get to use it it just requires a tag in the dress and the hat.

    Quite frankly it will be quite a lot of fun to concentrate on something like this – and take my mind off the stresses that surround us.

    The dress sound really lovely. But the Chinese pyjamas has provoked the memories of a little doll I was given on our trip to Hong Kong as a kid (a three day stop over on the way to the UK). It was made of the most interesting and soft rubber and had little satin Chinese style pj’s – bright pink I think.

    Anyway, today I am comparing sizes of patterns with each other – I used the size 0-3 month patterns from AS&E for my two bigger kids as babes so if the patterns are much the same sizing for the 0-3 of Liesl’s then I can go ahead and get sewing later this week.

    And then after that little activity of pattern comparing I can get on with sewing maternity gear of the warmer weather variety – 29 degrees today and 30 tomorrow!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Just finished making a mock up of a bump worthy weekend getaway top in size 16 with tons of mods. And now after dinner is done and kids are in bed, I will whip up the real version in an aqua and white lawn/ voile fabric (I actually have to look at it find out). And then tomorrow I can work on doing a bump worthy skirt to match.

    Duh! It’s Lisette lawn!! The child has taken my brain!!!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Attemting to work out how to turn the Colette Mabel into an Elsa costume skirt for Book Week next week 🙂

    beachmom @beachmom

    Tamara, will you post pictures of your recent sewing to flickr? Though I am all done having babies, I’m always interested in how people adapt sewing patterns for their specific needs.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I am still sewing for the boys, I can’t stop myself now. ; ) After I sew one thing I think of two more things that they have to have! I am enjoying it so much but Sarah is getting a bit impatient now. I figure when I am all done with the boys’ sewing that I will make her a bunch of new items too.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I do plan to. I have some pre preggie sewing pictures I am yet to put up. I made the actual top on Monday and am now considering whether or not it would be conducive or not to reconfigure the market skirt I made alot earlier (last year) to accommodate a tube for the belly. The thing is I don’t think I am really big – well at least I am getting comments of “you’re not very big for 20 weeks” but you never know when the bump will starting getting that way – I can still wear my stretchy exercise pants!

    Anyway, it is comfortable and I think it will even do for early postpartum aswell – provided I just don’t go huge!

    Today I am unsure as to whether or not I will get to sew but I hope to knock some more items out over the following four days – another top and some sort of bottoms plus getting going on big kid summer sewing.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    When do you find out what the baby is Tamara? I can’t wait to know!!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Sharon I was supposed to go yesterday to have my scan but I couldn’t get in to see the doctor in order to obtain the form I need that would allow me to have the scan (all sounds complicated I know). I have rescheduled for next Wednesday the 20th. Unfortunately it is in the afternoon which means choosing lunch carefully so baby is not too wriggly – it does a lot of wriggling but still feels rather dainty. It also means yet another day off from school for the kids as I don’t think we will make it home in time to meet the bus.

    I have just made my second trip to town today (thanks to thinking one of the kids forgot their lunch and racing home to make another sausage roll to bring back in, only to find the lunch box was actually in the bag all along) and despite not having had lunch yet myself, I haven’t had the opportunity to do any of what I planned today.

    I feel like going and having a big sleep I feel so knackered! But no, instead I will have some lunch and bit of a sit down veg in front of the telly moment and then i might go do something in the sewing room for an hour before the school bus arrives.

    I am tossing up skirt patterns at the moment even though it looks as though I will be back in jeans for part of next week, it is still good to get ahead so we can get on with the fun baby sewing.

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