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What are you sewing now?

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    cybele727 @cybele727

    I have one flat felled invisible seam left on the everyday skirt! Then it is waist band! Next up- Garden party with pockets! The leftover fabric I will use for the clutch pattern when it becomes available.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have tiny puppet show shorts laid out ready to cut in 0-3 and 3-6 months – in denim! Can’t wait to see them done up. I haven’t used this pattern at all yet.

    I am hoping to have them cut out at least today. They are to team with some red blue and white check fabric and a print with elephants on it. I want them to mix and match so the shorts will be rather boring.

    Have a child at home 🙁 so will have to spend much of the day doing school work and studying for a science test! (She will not I of course).

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Sounds like everyone has been very busy! We just got home from our holiday at the VW show. Chris has gastro, but so far the rest of us are ok.

    I need to get going on my 50s fair outfits, as I only have 2 1/2 weeks to go. I’m going to try to cut out my bodice tomorrow. I did get up to the yoke on the fronts and back, and half the sleeves done on Josephine’s jacket while we were away.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh I do hope you have a large os stock of hydralite icy poles Jay! They do wonders and I personally think they are more effective than the liquid stuff. We had gastro go through during the holidays and ran out and so when bout number two happened in Perth I ran off to the chemist and bought some to keep at my parents (not to mention I couldn’t find a bucket so got one of those also). It just pays.

    Anyway, I haven’t gone into the sewing room today thanks to the child being home (don’t ask about the science book its a sore subject). So instead I have been knitting and finishing the second sleeve on this little blue cardigan. The next part looks super difficult and so I am tempted to start on the next one so I have something to do this afternoon and then I can seek some more experienced knitter’s advice on how to do bobbles when they are available.

    Sewing tomorrow hopefully.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Steady and sweet moments of sewing here too!

    Half way through my baby Puppet Show top, I definitely recommend sewing dolls clothes before sewing baby things. It makes them seem far less fiddly.

    Going out for a meal tonight, I have never done the ‘Baby Shower’ thing, my girlfriends have shouted us a meal at the pub in the next town in lieu.

    Deep friend Camembert cheese with cranberry sauce for entrée, I have checked, if it is hot, I may eat it.

    Tamara @justsewit

    You must have a really great group of friends in your town Nicole! Have a great night out and eat some hot camembert for me won’t you?

    I found a small piece of tan linen in my cupboard today. It will fit the 3-6 month size puppet show shorts on there but not the 0-3 as well. I am going to try and wrangle some bias out of it for a linen top, when the linen I ordered turns up that is. I haven’t of course cut the pair out yet but have set it aside for future use. I swear I have white linen in the cupboard somewhere but it is yet to rear its head.

    I am also re thinking the check fabric. I just think it would be too much so am scaling back and using it as accent details for the top which will allow me to use whatever is left over for maybe a pair of check shorts instead.

    When I ordered tags for sizes I got packs of 20’s. So I aim to make all the 20 items in the three smallest sizes before baby arrives. Because chances are I won’t get alot of sewing done for a little while afterwards given the time of the year and being school holidays. That totals to 60 items! And of course they can be as simple or as elaborate as a pair of bloomers.

    I also went through my smocking books today and found this sweetest little set – diaper shirt and knickers that would be hugely useful also. Of course I could always embroider the giraffe on the layette bodysuit if I really wanted but I really want to make the pink one – in blue!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh I might have to put the baby sewing off for a little while. It was 28 degrees today and I felt like I was in a sauna in just my jeans (yes thankfully they still fit) and my long sleeved bump worthy metro tee.

    It is time to break out the summer gear already!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    28ºC in August! That’s a bit unreasonable!

    Nicole @motherof5

    60 items? How long until you are due?

    lilypadmontana @lilypadmontana

    Wow 60 items? I dream about sewing all of my children’s clothing with no store bought (only hand-me-downs). I actually haven’t bought them anything since late spring and been sewing like crazy for summer and soon switching over to fall. Nicole is my inspiration 😉

    I finished the mattress! http://lilypadmontana.wordpress.com/2014/08/06/a-sweet-dreams-mattress-tutorial/

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh Heidi if you could send some rain over that would be really helpful – crops flat on the ground looking very sad over here. We generally have 28 degrees in August but more like late August not early. But everything is either early or not at all this year – wildflowers out in full bloom a good three weeks before the usual! So yes it is very unfair!

    60 items for 60 tags Nicole. I will do as many as possible before baby is born in late December (currently only 19 weeks) even if it means pegging my eyes open at night! The prep starts now. I find out the gender next week and that will make things ten times easier. But I am resolving myself to the fact that the other kids need clothes too so they have to be done first and so the aim is to get their shorts and t shirts out of the way first before going whole hog on baby stuff and I had a plan of devoting at least a couple of months to just baby sewing. Mix that in with shearing and harvest, it means some tricky wrangling and possibly a few later than normal afternoons at the machine.

    I will just have to do the hand stitching things like sewing on buttons and the like while supervising homework and watching after school activities not to mention getting hold of another daylight lamp to stitch at night with in front of the telly.

    Like I said I will sew as many as possible before late December.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Good luck with that one Tamara, you’re a better man then I am Gunga Din.

    Lily, you have made me blush, I absolutely adore your sewing!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Lily I had to click the link after I did the message above didn’t I?(this child has taken my brain!!) the mattress looks absolutely terrific! You are so very very clever!

    Too funny Nicole!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Tamara, you can have some of our rain! It has poured for a good portion of the last 2 weeks, the school oval is rather muddy and soggy! However you may not appreciate the 110km/hour winds we’ve had with it!

    I got to see the leotard on my niece yesterday, perfect fit! She was so happy 🙂 We then designed her birthday present, a lion costume. It will consist of a leotard, skirt, leggings and short cape for the mane. I might have to make a tail and some ears as well 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh yes it has to have a tail and ears or she might be mistaken for something else!

    Knowing our luck Heidi it will rain when we won’t need or want it – like in November when we are harvesting!

    I found so,e silver silk dupion that was left over from when I made a romper for Noah to wear to my sister’s wedding. I am thinking of using it as puppet show shorts and if there is enough the bottom of a tea party playsuit or something of that nature. We will,see what it can and how much it can fit on there.

    I found some white linen all wrinkled so I spent a good deal of time pressing it. I even managed to get enough bias pieces out of the tan linen to make the mini piping for the puppet show top.

    I will try and work on either more cutting tomorrow or start sewing something up and then I have to put it away and concentrate on summer gear for the big kids and myself.

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