Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    cybele727 @cybele727

    Nicole! Close. It is blackberry/eggplant purple, but heathered. I will post when done! I am only doing a seam a night. I am thinking of getting one of those magnifying things for my machine. My eyes are so abused!

    Wow a mattress! Brave!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Lilypadmontana, I don’t know how much more organic you could by making a mattress! I have a small pile of patterns on the coffee table to work on while analysing a dvd I want to share with one of the kids’ teachers. I think I might branch out to the 6-12 months size just to get ahead.

    Whoops! Plans are now on hold. I had,to dash to school and collect a child whose glasses have snapped in two! The day just keeps getting better and better!

    Linda @Knitting1

    You all sound so busy and happy with your sewing! I am on total stop as been busy with work since I returned from Canada. I’m dying to sew something but too tired in evenings. I’ve got my daughter hooked on sewing again though! She’s into patchwork and quilting just now, but I’ve just forwarded her the blog post from Ashley re. Outdoor wear, hoping to get her into dressmaking as well. My first thing to sew when I get time- I’m trying to learn to fit patterns for myself, so have started work on the whole process and have material to cut a toile and have traced out a blouse bodice (Belcarra) for when I get time. Itching to get my hands on it! I need to do a FBA, a much larger waist and smaller hips- sound an attractive shape, don’t I? !! Linda

    Linda @Knitting1

    PS. When do Oliver+s normally release new patterns? Is it twice a year?

    Tamara @justsewit

    They are normally released twice yearly Linda – spring and Autumn (fall). Sometimes Liesl will mix it up a bit but mainly it is twice a year. Shouldn’t be long now for the new patterns. I estimate probably September? But that is an absolute guess I have no inside knowledge!

    I just went and purchased some rather gorgeous linen, deciding that I simply don’t have enough neutral baby fabric in the cupboard. So I got blue! I know it will be confusing for those if this child is female but it is my absolute all time favourite colour and I dressed my eldest in blue (despite the confusion). So white and blue check linen for a layette bodysuit it is then.

    Spare glasses are located the child can see again so now school is officially “over” for the day, I can now take the time to get on with some tracing – yes what I wanted to do five hours ago!

    Tamara @justsewit

    They are normally released twice yearly Linda – spring and Autumn (fall). Sometimes Liesl will mix it up a bit but mainly it is twice a year. Shouldn’t be long now for the new patterns. I estimate probably September? But that is an absolute guess I have no inside knowledge!

    I just went and purchased some rather gorgeous linen, deciding that I simply don’t have enough neutral baby fabric in the cupboard. So I got blue! I know it will be confusing for those if this child is female but it is my absolute all time favourite colour and I dressed my eldest in blue (despite the confusion). So white and blue check linen for a layette bodysuit it is then.

    Spare glasses are located the child can see again so now school is officially “over” for the day, I can now take the time to get on with some tracing – yes what I wanted to do five hours ago!

    Tamara @justsewit

    They are normally released twice yearly Linda – spring and Autumn (fall). Sometimes Liesl will mix it up a bit but mainly it is twice a year. Shouldn’t be long now for the new patterns. I estimate probably September? But that is an absolute guess I have no inside knowledge!

    I just went and purchased some rather gorgeous linen, deciding that I simply don’t have enough neutral baby fabric in the cupboard. So I got blue! I know it will be confusing for those if this child is female but it is my absolute all time favourite colour and I dressed my eldest in blue (despite the confusion). So white and blue check linen for a layette bodysuit it is then.

    Spare glasses are located the child can see again so now school is officially “over” for the day, I can now take the time to get on with some tracing – yes what I wanted to do five hours ago!

    Harmony @Harmony

    Last night I put together the patterns for the small size of Sunny Day shorts and the ruffled halter.

    I’ve had several babies on my lap recently, and while it doesn’t make me want another baby I do have this sudden urge to sew tiny clothes…

    Next up for mine will be fall PJs. Youngest went on a field trip to Moody Gardens down in Galveston and came home with a shark scavenger hunt sheet. On that sheet there was a pajama cat shark,


    and now I must find a way to make pajama cat shark pajamas. I think transfer paper will be my friend here:-)

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    After sewing five boy shirts and one set of pajamas I am sewing a little girlie outfit for my Sarah using some bier rose from Heather ross and dusty rose twill with the Puppet show pattern. I hope I have enough fabric!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Well I didn’t have enough of either fabric for a size 4 so it shall become a baby dress and bloomers for niece who is expecting a baby girl in December of this year. I think I’ll crochet a pair of baby booties and matching sweater set for her as well.

    I also started on another dress shirt but this one is for Caspian, it’s the Out to Sea one with a navy blue pair of sail boat pants made into full length pants for the fall. I think sewing for my boys has gotten a bit addicting. ; )

    Tamara @justsewit

    I didn’t get to sew today – 79th birthday party for fil! And tomorrow looks unlikely also as more relatives are stopping by on their annual caravanning trek around the place (they join the grey nomads annually and pop in when they are in the vicinity).

    I did however, go to spotlight, gain a compliment on my late lunch tunic from the young lady serving me and I purchased some interfacing which I totally missed out on realising it was on special like everything else! So I could have indulged in some cute aeroplane fabric after all! Oh well! I probably would regret the purchase afterwards.

    Anyway, so if I do get a chance to do something tomorrow it will be to do with more tracing of patterns – shorts for the big kids and so,e maternity patterns loaned to me. I hope 5 m will cover all of that. If not then it will happen Monday and then I can actually sew using the machine later in the week.

    Nicole @motherof5

    No sewing but I have cut out the Art Museum trousers and Music Class blouse for Liddy.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I just sewed my first leotard! I found a pattern and a few random pieces of fabric in the stash and two hours later, including cutting and tracing I have a finished leotard 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    That’s awesome Heidi!

    I may get the chance to sew today, seeing as I am sittting in the house with just the cat. I still have some sizes to trace of the baby patterns I pulled out but I have visions of a white broderie bodysuit floating around in this noggin of mine – hardly unisex I know! I think I am suffering fatigue!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Well done Heidi, we pulled the leotards out the dress up box this morning as Lids and Tildy had a dance class.

    Lids wore Hugo’s old ballet kit and Tilly, one of the Twins. So cute!

    I sewed up the tiny Puppet Show shorts today, so teeny and weeny!

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