Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    I didn’t get very far today as we had lots of visitors. I will endeavour to try again tomorrow which means shopping trip Wednesday instead. I am in need of tracing supplies!

    Oh I love lacework on knitting even though I happen to not be very good at knitting in general. There is one lacey pattern I would love to try but I have decided to wait to see if my hunch is true and certain first – I doubt it would look any good on a male child.

    I am already getting bored of this blue thing I am constructing – I think I stuff the first sleeve and the second doesn’t look much better. But there is varigated wool I want to use so I have to hop to and finish the blue one before starting on the next – and that is even should be a wait and see if the hunch is correct project but too bad I need so,ething to do whilst watching telly!

    So while the homework is on, I thought I would trace the puppet show pattern in the 3-6 month size so that I can get ahead with the actual sewing part later on.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Fingers crossed you get more done today 🙂

    Most of the baby knitting I have done before has been unisex, so this is a new one for me! I did a lot before I got married, when I used to catch the train into Melbourne every day. I had a group of friends who knitted together every morning. I have done quite a bit of lace knitting for myself, so this is going to be a novelty – a FAST lace knit!

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have put the foot down, no slacking off and homework MUST come home or else! So we did something different yesterday that required my attention a d of course the tracing was put aside. However,mthis morning I am completely solo so I may get the chance then.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Nearly finished Jed’s shirt, just cuffs and button holes to do. I have started filling the freezer with meals for post baby.

    I do admire those that knit and finish tiny baby outfits.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh yes! Too easy! Except you would have to keep them under lock and key around here or they’d be eaten before hand! We did big cook ups for neighbours when their number four arrived and I plan to do the same for the neighbour whose number four is arriving during harvest. It just makes life so much easier – although I don’t count on it being a favour made in return because they will be too busy!

    House is in a clean state and I have four hours of happy time spent in the sewing room to pursue!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I am doing an everyday skirt. It is slow going due to my own fault. I am flat felling the seams since the linen frays easily. But the thread is the exact color as the fabric and the seams are only a 1/4 inch after trimming and folding. The eyes are getting old. 🙂

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Cooking in advance was something I kept planning to do but rather than too easy, I found it too hard, and this was with zero other kids. And you’re doing it with five, Nicole? My hero(ine)!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Is it navy Jenny? I am finding navy or black quite hard to sew in the evening.

    Thank you Sarvi, I like a good Siberian takeaway.

    I finished Jed’s shirt and I think I may have THE shirt pattern to sew up his pink Liberty Capel.

    Very excited about that!

    Next, another rugby, this time in green.

    But first, I have a floor length, beaded chiffon evening dress to shorten for one of Hugo’s gal pals.

    It is nearly formal time.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Tracing lots of patterns now that I am off the phone from my two hour chat with a cousin I haven’t seen or spoken to in years. Baby gear patterns – bubble dress, teaparty romper and puppet show outfit along with a bubble and the layette pattern. That should keep me busy for a while.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    That all sounds so small and cute, Tamara!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I hope you get to it Tamara.

    Jed’s shirt is a go, a little length to the body and it is perfect. I have only had the Liberty for two years….

    Rugby sewn up and ball gown done. As I was marking the hem I glanced at the price tag, $398, far enough for all the beading on the bodice.

    After I finished it I looked again, $898!!! I am so glad I didn’t know that when I started.

    The lass mentioned she did two weeks roustabout work in the shearing shed to earn the money.

    I am making some wee dolls clothes for Matilda’s xmas present now. I popped ‘Gifts’ onto the Rota, right after ‘Baby’ (eep)!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I finished the dolls clothes, a tiny wee LTTS cape and a dress based on this outfit https://www.flickr.com/photos/motherof5/9339692079/in/set-72157632815351345 .

    I also drafted off the tiny size Puppet Show and cut a blouse from white Halispot muslin and had just enough of the fabulous charcoal muslin Sarvi and Colette sent me to make the shorts, there is nothing left now but snippets for mice!

    After that I glued together the Art Museum PDF. Lidia found some red denim on our Melbourne fabric shopping trip. She measures up to a size 7 with the length of a 12, don’t you love home made? Try finding that in the shops! She has chosen to have a white blouse ( more Hailspot) using the Music Class pattern. I will make her the 12 as her chest just measures past the 10. She is a lot broader across the back then her sisters.

    What are you sewing or planning to sew?

    lilypadmontana @lilypadmontana

    I’m sewing a mattress for my girl…never thought i’d be saying that! I’m making it out of wool and natural rubber. I sure hope it turns out somewhat comfortable!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Wow! That’s novelty sewing that is! I have never heard of or know anyone who has done that before now. I hope it turns out well and comfy.

    I have an unwell child at home today but will still plan to get some more tracing done. After all it is my mess in the lounge on the coffee table (couldn’t resist watching a history channel program that caught my eye yesterday). So far I have traced the smallest size for the teaparty romper, bloomers and the first two sizes for the layette bodysuit and shirt with the short sleeves and I plan to use the bloomers and the shirt together as the weather will be very hot. I have visions of a silk playsuit dancing in my head – well all things silk actually. If I could find the black mini piping it would be ok….

    But more tracing today – bubble dress first two sizes amd I will also trace the swingset pattern – ya never know!

    lilypadmontana @lilypadmontana

    The mattress is a novelty for me too! We got my girl a new bed and needed a twin sized mattress for it but I didn’t want to buy her a regular mattress, and we can’t afford an organic one, sooooo I’m making one!

    justsewit – sounds like you’ve got many lovely things in the works!

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