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What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    I can’t wait to use those patterns after baby arrives. They look very comfortable.

    I have a market bag full of fabric from my sister and two prints in cotton I bought during the week to sort out tomorrow. Not exactly sewing but preparation of such.

    I want to get to some drafting of itty bitty sizes and my sister loaned me some maternity patterns I would like to make in lieu of the warmer weather.

    I have decided I am too busy to enter the show this year. Besides the entires close tomorrow and despite my requesting to use the printer to print the forms off, it just never got done. So I will have extra time now to go like the clappers and sew and get ahead and fill four wardrobes ready for the warmer weather and very possibly complete that quilt that was intended as an entry ready for next year – I think it might be asking the impossible otherwise.

    So this week coming I plan to draft a few patterns and hopefully get started on some much missed sewing.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I finished my new Colette Mabel skirt! And had to put it on and wear it to the supermarket. I did a L waistband with an XL skirt, as the previous skirt still fits OK but the waistband is a little loose and wrinkly, fits perfectly πŸ™‚

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I can’t wait to see your new skirt Heidi!! I want this pattern too but have yet to but it.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    mama_knowles, this pattern is seriously worth the money! At least if you have a small (ish) waist with large hips, ie pear or hourglass shape. I make no changes to this pattern, it’s very easy to wear and looks streamlined and stylish AND it’s very fast to sew πŸ™‚

    Nicole @motherof5

    I sewed! Real sewing, not just mending ‘happy dances’ (which may or may not look like the dancing hippos from Fantasia)

    I finally started Jed’s shirt, I love sewing mens shirts.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I don’t know Nicole, I was introduced to a show called big ballet the other night (on foxtel) and they were by far and away less dainty than ANYone at 32 weeks could ever be!

    Glad you finally got some real sewing done.

    Today is clean up the havoc called a sewing room and then I can mess it up again by drafting a few patterns and getting started on some summer items for the kids. It is a chance to be super organised in the wardrobe department so I am jumping at it.

    Shorts and skirts first up I think. There are a few in Ottobre issues I want to make and because she seems to be growing like a weed, I will have to deal with that particular wardrobe first. I am looking at 164 cm size and if they happen to be a bit big then great – it’s called wearing a belt to keep everything up! Of course I need the royal seal of approval though (wink nod).

    juliamom2009 @juliamom2009

    Tamara – we watched that Big Ballet series too – it was really good! I was impressed with their skills. (Nothing to do with sewing, I know!)

    Tamara @justsewit

    I only saw the first episode and it was an absolute scream! For someone who spent ten years dancing only to be told I was too tall to go anywhere with it, I completely understand why the series was done… And to twist it to a sewing conversation, I long to make a tutu for this rather long child that is being expected – except I am not sure if it will actually be used or not!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Oh, yes! The “you’re way to tall for ballet” line. I only did ballet for a few years as a kid but I definitely remember that line!

    I’ve spent the last couple of days sewing quick easy projects πŸ™‚ A Hula Hoop Skirt, 2 pairs of Ergo Suck Pads and 2 superhero capes. I’ve now got about 5 pairs of Ergo Suck Pads put away for baby gifts. They are so quick and easy to make and I can get two pairs out of a 25cm cut of the pretty fabric. I try to use something plain but absorbant on the back, generally tshirt fabric.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Yay for sewing Nicole!

    This week has been a mad week of sewing school clothes for Jacob. He has officially out grown most of the O+S sizing sadly but I was lucky to find some other great patterns. I not sure who is more excited about sewing him clothes me or him! I have three shirts done with more on the way.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    I’ve gotten a little carried away (as I am prone to doing) with Kid’s Clothes Week and the Kid Art theme. So far I’ve made an Issey Miyake inspired peplum t-shirt, a vampire painted t-shirt and a Robert Morris sculpture inspired t-shirt. Meanwhile I’ve also had a lesson in beading and I’m busily sewing beads onto a deer to emulate Kohei Nawa’s pixcell deer.

    Ridiculous, but fun. My favourite kind of sewing.

    Sarvi, something went wrong for my daughter to get a Miyake knock off before I did. We must make that jacket thing one day.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    YES, one hundred percent agree. I feel it would work well as a group sew project, so we can pool ideas, like a study group.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    I made a T-shirt for Audrey’s doll Harriet yesterday. We’re off to a big VW show on Wednesday (we’ll be gone for nearly a week, this is our idea of a holiday!), and I screen print VW T-shirts and sell them, so it seemed necessary for Harriet to have one that matches Audrey. I had to hack a T that I was using to test prints on, so it’s not as perfect as if I had printed it on purpose, but it will do. I just need to put some Velcro down the back today.

    I’ve also been knitting Josephine’s jacket for the 50s fair. I’ve done about 7 cm of the fronts and back, but discovered I can knit the boring rows in the car, so I’ll hopefully get a bit done on the big drive.

    Tamara @justsewit

    My daughter was proposing to take her knitting in the car … The ride proved to be too bumpy and she got frustrated over losing stitches constantly! So I hope your knitting whilst on the move plan works well – and you don’t drop stitches!

    I have been sorting out these cut out things into glad bags – lots of t shirts for some reason! I plan to sew them up and if they don’t fit, will donate. I also have other things that I can still put away for possible later use – and if not then they will be donated also!

    So today, after I have finished clearing the cutting table of the mountain, I plan to sew some of the t shirts and try them on the kids when they get home from school. That way I will know that if they don’t fit I will just donate unsewn to someone somewhere with kids that size. If they do fit, it won’t be for long of course but at least they will be worn for that brief moment in time instead of taking up floor space in my sewing area.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Well done on the clearing up, Tamara! Hopefully some of those t shirts will fit πŸ™‚

    Re the knitting – We’ll be driving on mostly big highways (to Newcastle on Wednesday, then Nambucca Heads Thursday), so the road should be fairly smooth. I The problem will be that every 4th row requires me to look, and I get car sick… I will just have to show restraint and only do the three rows of purl and plain, then wait until we stop to do the lace rows.

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