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What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    I have some delicious cotton print staring me in the face that I want to use next. I am thinking it would be perfect for a Fairy tale dress in a mini size. I would love to get started on some of my show sewing before heading to Perth next week, just so that I can feel slightly organised in that area.

    So I think that will next on the sewing table.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    I got my toile cut out today!

    I’ve also decided to knit a jacket for Josephine for the 50s fair, so I ordered wool from Bendigo today. At least that will give me something to do while I’m sitting on the couch watching ABC4Kids with Audrey πŸ˜€ I dug through my collection of vintage patterns and found a suitable one with jacket, hat and booties.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I adore vintage baby knitwear! In fact my sister sent me pictures to choose from so she can “clack the needles” and make someyhing for bump. I fell in love with the little dress in one of the pics! All I can say is we will be busy back pedalling if our suspiscions prove very incorrect!

    I’d put a baby in a bonnet and bootees – I think it epitomises what a baby “should” be dressed in.

    Time to escape the smelly dog and do something constructive instead of just talking about it!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I started on my Deer and Doe Aubepine dress this afternoon. (I am sewing it with Robert Kaufman’s strawberry interweave chambray.) I did a FBA on the bodice, I should have done a muslin first but dove into the good fabric instead…..I have just finished the bodice and I’m happy that it fits great so far!! (I was a bit scared there for a few minutes) I so am excited to finish!! Thank you to Nicole and her girls for introducing me to the world of Deer and Doe!

    Nicole @motherof5

    You go Sharon!

    If it makes you feel better, its not the easiest dress to get on, but fits fine once you get it over the boobs.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    You gals made me take another look. I am still trying to sort out what cuts best suit my current shape. I think I’d like Aubepine better for me if it didn’t have the waist where it does, but rather was gathered at the base of the yoke and fell straight down from there, perhaps to be gathered at the natural waist with a narrow belt. I have a few shirts constructed a bit like that and I like them a lot. Very airy and comfortable in summer, too.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’ve just made a tshirt that really fits through the shoulders! I got my husband to help trace off the line of my shoulders using this tutorial, http://sewingnhumming.blogspot.com.au/2011/05/time-for-my-pattern-fitting-secrets.html , and discovered that they are very, very, very narrow! I was expecting to find that I had sloping shoulders but my shoulder slope is similar to Ottobre’s. But they are very narrow, like narrower than the smallest Ottobre measurement, which is 13cm (5.1″) and mine were like 12cm ( 4.75″). And I had been trying to use my high bust measurement which had corresponding shoulder width of 14cm (5.5″). So I cut a 34 through the shoulders and armsythe to the side where I extended the sleeves to size 50. I then traced the side on size 50 taking the hips to size 52. And it fits much better! ! !

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    I just looked at the Deer & Doe patterns after reading about them in Sharon’s post above. Some really cute patterns! The Sureau dress, I wonder how easy it would be to modify to have a real (instead of mock) front button placket, to allow for nursing access? I love dresses but since I’m nursing my current closetful won’t be generally usable for some time.


    Right now I’m having fun, sewing ‘Welcome home, Daddy!’ outfits ;-). Just have finishing details on a Garden Party dress for Elinor (since the measurements for 2T & 3T were almost the same, and she’s super tall, I went ahead and made the 3T for longer wear) out of that lovely Lisette aqua dot chambray I bought 7 yards of; and I just started cutting out a modified Lullaby Layette outfit for Olivia (will be my 4th outfit from that pattern!). Had a horribly rough day and may have to go to the dr tomorrow or Monday. So grateful to my mum for taking Ellie downstairs while Olivia was napping so I could get some sewing done, it’s so cathartic. And grateful to Liesl for creating patterns that are soothing to sew!

    One week! One more week!!! πŸ˜€

    Tamara @justsewit

    Patricia, I thought that was a real button placket and not fake. It would be a cinch for sure! One more week! I bet you all cannot wait!

    No sewing for me. I am away from the machines and all my sewing supplies until Thursday afternoon or Friday at the very earliest.

    I will have to sew on the buttons for my colourful late lunch tunic though (because I forgot!) so I guess that counts.

    Right now I am knitting that baby cardigan.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Vothgirlr, I have seen the dress have a real button placket the whole way down somewhere. It was in Liberty fabric as well. I do not think it would be hard to make these adjustments. The shorts pattern is wonderful too. I don’t own any of the skirts yet but now I am on a mission to buy the patterns I don’t own yet until I have own/sewn them all!

    I could not finish my dress yesterday due to some my brother and his wife came over and my kids wanted to go blackberry picking again. I am inching to work on this dress and finish it! I keep looking at the bodice, I juts love it the way it looks on! I even found some velvet dark yellow ribbon from my great-grandmother that my grandmother sent I will be using on the waist. I am also going to e using elastic as well after reading some other reviews for ease of dressing.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    I finished toiling my bodice! I need to fine tune slightly, but I’m happy to do that without using any more calico. Last night I started unpicking the original dresses so I have fabric to make it with (and a skirt to sew on it).

    Can’t wait for my wool to arrive so I can start knitting too!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I love Deer&Doe patterns!

    Nearly finished my mending. Woo hoo, on to proper sewing.

    mcholley1 @mcholley1

    So glad you are getting your Mr. back in town, vothgirl. My hubby travels far and often for work but rarely more than 2 or 3 weeks at a stretch. I can’t imagine!!

    I made myself a grown lady size pair of field trip pants to knock around in. They actually didn’t come out half bad! I’ve got one more pair in the works.

    I’m looking forward to your dress, Sharon. πŸ™‚

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’ve cut out another Colette Mabel Skirt, in teal this time to match one of my pairs of leggings in the same fabric. This skirt is situated comfy I would wear it every day. and it’s a relatively fast sew πŸ™‚

    EmilyG @EmilyG

    Heidi I do love that patten. The fit is so comfy it could almost be pjs. I bought fabric to make another but it more of a fall color/weight so I might hold off. Planning on starting the Bess top

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