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What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    I did your version jay and it worked but I did three spots at the front where needed. I did a mock in polar fleece and I might make it up yet to have a casual version. The proper one is of brown moleskin and Amy butler Gypsy caravan as the lining. I think I have done the time consuming part so now it is on to the fun bit – sewing!

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    It’s already the middle of June, and I’m gearing up some serious back to school sewing (it’s still cool and rainy, with standing water in my veggie garden). The husband starts vacation Wednesday afternoon, so I should be able to sew uninterrupted quite a bit between now and then (I hope!) First on the sewing list is blogged:


    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    I’m glad the alteration worked, Tamara! Woo hoo to getting the hard work done and starting the fun part. I hope the coughs aren’t too bad.

    I’ve started working on my bodice pattern, so far it’s just traced off though. I have lots of the boring stuff to do yet. Post baby body definitely requires a FBA – I’m doing the fit for real people version, as I have the book. I like the idea of a fast track though!

    And yes, you’re right about the disgusting sneezes. I won’t elaborate though. She slept through last night thank goodness. It wasn’t nearly as cold as the night before (-4 outside!).

    Jenni – I love your dress ideas! Particularly the wool suiting one. I can’t wait to see what they look like done.

    Not what I am sewing, but what I would love to have for sewing… Spotlight’s Buy of the Week: http://www.spotlightstores.com/sewing/sewing-equipment/sewing-machines/singer-steam-ironing-system/p/BP80280997# Droooool. We had the industrial version of these at uni, and they are incredible for tailoring. If only I had $450 spare!

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    I’ve been frustrated with my FBA – I need to pin the tissue to check my current post baby size, but I need someone here to help me check how it fits. Stuck until Chris gets home this evening and Audrey is in bed from the look of it!

    Robin @Robin

    Jay do you feel comfortable posting a pic? Fit for Real People is a great resource for FBAs, but it’s always nice to have a real live person to have help from. You can email me at buttercup @ shaw . ca if you’d like. I’m no expert, but I’ve got a few FBAs under my belt.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Awww, thank you Robin! I’ll see how I go this afternoon with the snotty toddler, and if I get a chance I’ll pin and take a photo. Otherwise Chris has said he will help me when he gets home.

    That’s very kind of you!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Super Robin!

    I have (ahem) FOUR delicious bags of fabric to pre wash but I am going too have to hit the ground running as it is Jed’s birthday on Friday, the big 50, and he would like a new shirt.

    I do have it cut out so that is a big help.

    A new shirt and a bottle of Bundy (rum) that is his request.

    Justine J @justmejay

    Ahhh, Nicole, you could sew a shirt with your eyes closed!

    I’ve been slowly finding my sew-jo (winter seems to be my ‘off’ season when it comes to sewing) – did some ‘comfort’ sewing over the weekend (yet another MIP A+ skirt), and today have made a total sack dress – not my usual style at all, but I think I like it!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Awww, thank you Justine. Off to peek at your photos.

    I sorted my fabric for washing last night. Does that count as prepping for sewing?

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Definitely counts, Nicole – you can’t sew without doing it!

    I got my FBA done last night. Today I need to dig out some calico and toile it.

    Audrey had another bad night last night (took Chris an hour to get her back to sleep), she’s coughing horribly today, and now I have it. Not sure how much energy I have for sewing!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Cape finished, two bump worthy versions of the ladies’ metro tee almost done (just need the coverstitch to hem) and am currently working on a very bright not very wintry looking Late lunch tunic.

    I think I could happily combine all winter fabrics into one shelf now but won’t – I want to restock!

    Tamara @justsewit

    All five items are now complete … But the mini break is cancelled due to a bug that has hit EVERYONE! Probably just as well because I have a heap more sewing to do!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Tamara, I am so happy you have completed your goal.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    Just finished my third women’s metro tee, an a-line version following Liesl’s tutorial. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out :-). Despite a losing battle with my twin needle (trying to give my t-shirts a professional finish even tho I don’t have a cover stitch machine) requiring me to step away from the second shirt’s hem for a day, I’m overall pleased with the results of my first attempt at sewing knits. Lessons learned and all that, especially selecting a slightly heavier weight jersey as the lightweight stuff I used was a bit fiddly for someone as inexperienced as me. But I’m ready to lay the knits aside for a bit and go back to wovens!

    Next project (it’s already cut out and ready to go): a garden party dress in the lovely Lisette aqua dot chambray I bought 7 yards of ;-). I have some pretty Kaffe Fassett wide woven ribbon I plan to use on the front bands. It will be so pretty for Ellie to wear when we go to the airport to pick up her daddy :-).

    Because, because, because he finally has a confirmed return date, and it’s less than two weeks away!!!!!!

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Yay Patricia, that’s so exciting!!!

    And well done Tamara- what a shame you miss out on the mini break though.

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