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What are you sewing now?

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    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I wish I had thought of that Shelly! Very clever idea!

    Well I got sewing side track and made a beautiful pink dress with some very special fabric from great friend. It is made after a vintage frilly dress Nicole made her youngest daughter a bit ago. I want to make a full sash on this but I need some yellow fabric so that part will have to wait, other than that it’s finished.

    I also finished the ruffled halter top free pattern form O+S too. It was so quick and easy to make! I couldn’t believe it. I have yet to try it on Sarah but I am thinking of making her another one. I also have one pair of my very first picnic shorts cut out and waiting on me as well. I am very excited to be sewing up some shorts for her!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I just finished my 5th version of an Elsa from Frozen bolero/shrug with cape! I love working with knits and a tee shirt pattern as the base πŸ™‚

    Tamara @justsewit

    I am currently altering the art museum pants at the rise (they just need a tad more room) and will lengthen between waist and hips just so we can avoid the plumber’s bum a bit better.

    I am up to hemming the striped school bus tee but I stuffed the neckline so bad it will just have to be farm worthy only.

    So I will be working on a second pair of Art museum trousers (fabric to be decided) and then I have to sew this sketchbook shirt N has his heart set on for his birthday outing on Friday.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I made the picnic shorts yesterday morning, they are such a lovely sew! It took me about two hours of sewing time, not bad for my first go. Sarah adores them and wants another pair and I want to make another pair. Wonderful pattern! But first Caspian wants something sewn for him, he was super jealous over her pink shorts yesterday morning and was crying because they were not for him. He kept pulling up his shirt pointing to his shorts says “want one too”. Maybe I’ll make him another Tea party play suit. I still need to finish up the sash for the pink lemonade dress too.

    thejennigirl @thejennigirl

    Is this the part where you just say “All the things” and wind another bobbin? Because. Yeah. It’s rained so much this summer that I’ve had ample sewing time. Sewing for the kids, me, friends, and business related stuff.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Well I was reading your post jennigirl with hubby sitting next to me calling out “frost then sunny” from out usual forecasting site. Want to swap weather? Would love some more rain because technically it isn’t winter without the rain!

    I especially love the rain because it actually puts me in the mood to sew! And it probably because of that that I totally bombed out and didn’t finish altering the art museum trousers and cut them out yesterday after all!

    Instead, I completed the back of a knitted cardigan I am attempting for the baby – I officially blame all those lovely photos of knitted garments on flickr posted by some of our talented sewing counterparts for the inspiration!

    Anyway, if my son is to have a new outfit for his birthday, I am really cutting it all very fine (no pun intended there) and will have to lock myself in the sewing room with a do not disturb sign!

    Sharon I love that Caspian is protesting over pink shorts not being his. It shows he doesn’t care about the colour and that he actually has an opinion! And I love the teaparty pattern on him. But would he go with choosing from two patterns! Or do you think he’d just be happy to have something, anything sewn for him?

    Anyway, I am off to do some much needed cutting out!

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    Today I cut out the pieces to sew my first women’s Metro Tee – and my first foray into sewing with knits. I’m looking forward to trying & learning something new!

    I also just ordered some AMH interlock knits and some AMH flannel – they were just posted on the Hawthorne Threads website today and already my first choice for the flannel was out of stock! But my second choice is also absolutely lovely. I have in mind to sew it up using the Grainline Studio Archer buttondown shirt pattern – the second view with the sort of gathered peplum in back. I won’t get to it very soon but I think it will be lovely for autumn & winter. The AMH interlock I have plans to sew into a couple Late Lunch Tunics – one for me, one for a Christmas gift for my mum. They look so beautiful, I can’t wait to see them in person!

    I really need to stop buying fabric now! πŸ˜›

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I had a lovely relaxed day at home and made a hopscotch dress and top! I made another Elsa dress and then I changed the crossover into a round neck as per Cindy’s top from a while ago. http://siestasandsewing.blogspot.com.au/2012/10/kcwc-today-day-4.html This version was even faster to make than the regular one πŸ™‚

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have managed to cut out and get up to the welt pockets of these denim Art museum trousers but I allowed myself to become seriously sidetracked at lunch time and have been sitting for the last three hours or so completely immersed in a craftsy knitting class (eek! Of all the things!). Anyway the reason was that I was slightly confused over some of tge abbreviations and needed clarification. So now that I am completely clarified (and not at all “well versed”) it’s back to the trousers – or as my late scotch nanna used to say, the troosers!

    The kids are happily deposited in front of the lego movie so I have a few hours yet (they will play it over and over for sure).

    Vothgirl, its pretty difficult to stop buying fabric when you have little morsels of AMH dangled in front of you via email newsletters (hehe!) I absolutely know the feeling even though I haven’t yet ordered any.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    I’ve been working on Audrey’s 50s fair overdress. And muttering under my breath (and out loud if anyone will listen) “Whose idea was it to use velvet??). The skirt has gone together easily, as sewing velvet to velvet sticks like Velcro. The problem is sewing velvet to bemsilk for the bodice lining. I’m sewing the bodice by hand now, so I can control it. Cursed thing!!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Denim art museum pants done and brown corduroy art museum pants done – getting faster the more that is sewn. I have brown on the machine so am going to make myself a cape – with alterations of course to accommodate the bump etc. and then hopefully I can get on with a sketchbook shirt in check flannel. The birthday sketchbook didn’t get made.

    I have three sewing days before heading off for a mini break with the kids.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Nice work Tamara! Getting in some selfish sewing sounds good after all that birthday sewing.

    I am very close to finishing the overdress. All I have left is machine sewing the bodice to the skirt (already hand basted), then hand sewing down the lining and sewing on some press studs. No way I’m doing buttonholes in velvet! I’ll probably sew buttons on the outside, but I haven’t found any yet.

    I can’t start on the dotted swiss underdress yet, because I ordered lace from the US, and it isn’t here yet. The skirt has pre-gathered lace topstitched on in rows, and I couldn’t find any here that didn’t have that awful nylon tape along the edge.

    So – my next step after the velvet is done will be a FBA on the pattern for my bodice, then toile it.

    Audrey had an awful night and is now sneezing, so it looks like she’s getting a cold. That will either mean full on mummy nurse mode, or she may flake out in front of ABC4 Kids πŸ™‚

    Tamara @justsewit

    Not really birthday sewing just catch up because he has grown – sewing! And then there is the girl eeek! This is what I call craziness in double time. I should be getting ahead and sewing summer clothes but instead I am attempting sew for next winter aswell as this one. And besides I have been “summoned” to visit the parents so better do my “dutiful daughter” bit and go down despite the fact that I have to turn around and go down again next week for appointments – school holidays and we don’t get to relax and chill and be a family it seems (at least this holidays).

    Because the bump is growing (I am almost 16 weeks) I have to try and accommodate it also, and even though I wasn’t intending to make too many winter preggy clothes it seems I have make some so I don’t have to freeze in Perth!

    Still I suppose I can cut the arms off the long sleeved tees and turn them into summer ones to make them last longer and do it that way.

    I have traced the woodland cape pattern and am currently figuring out how to best alter it to accommodate the bump. I am wondering how it would go with a gathered front? I am using moleskin, a fabric I am not really familiar with and I have to “make do” with a non slippery lining. But I am also wondering if there could be a possibility of making this reversible?

    Any thoughts?

    Sounds like you are having illness issues at your end – I had one of my two with a bug of the vomiting kind yesterday. I just hope it is all over this morning.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Ugh, I hope the vomiting has stopped! Audrey seems fine apart from the *disgusting* sneezes. She has been letting me get a little sewing done though – I have finished the velvet overdress apart from the press studs. Hurrah!

    To allow space for your bump in the woodland cape, I would slash and open a couple of lines from the front neckline down to the hem. Cut up the lines, but leave them joined at the neckline, then open up at the bottom, stick it down onto another sheet of paper, then draw in the missing curves on the hem. Let me know if that doesn’t make sense, and I’ll try to elaborate – or draw a picture! I think gathering it would be too bulky, and really change the shape of the garment.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I was thinking that but also slashing and spreading around at the waist area. I am altering unconventionally as per the fast track fitting class on Craftsy – she does fba’s differently aswell as addresses things like a bust curve!! I am still in the alteration stage and am up to the vertical adjustments so will tinker with the slash and spread at the neck just to see if this will kill the bust point to bust point measurement along with the tummy measurement. I can always go out further at the side if needed which is what I tend to do because I have to make these patterns fit me not the other way around (and it applies even more so these days).

    Thanks for the suggestion, I would not have thought of that particular element (my poor brain as Nicole says). Yes on second thoughts I think the showing off the bump thing via gathering would be overkill. Sometimes we want to cover up not just because of the cold!

    Poor Audrey and her big sneezes! I heard the word disgusting being used in the weather report last night but I think in relation to the sneeze I am imagining it would have quite a coloured quality? Bluuurgh! But better out than in. And the vomiting has subsided and been replaced with a cough! Oh well, I am happily restocked with hydralite for the next time it hits. And it will not stand in the way of this incessant need to get some sewing done!

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