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What are you sewing now?

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    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Oh no Shelley! Sounds like something I would do. My second, yes the second one not the first, I had to unpick stitches over four times due to me sewing it wrong then wrong again.

    I did just finish up a sailor outfit for Caspian with a Peek-a-boo pattern. I did change the way to construction was a bit to have a much neater finish to it. Now him and his sister can match for the 4th.

    mcholley1 @mcholley1

    They will look great, Sharon. I just finished a swimsuit sew-athon for my four year old boy. My kids are in suits every day in the summer, and I was really getting tired of him never having a clean or dry suit. So, I made 4. Am I the only person thats fingertips ache after working with lycra?? I was hoping to make a rash guard too, but my fingers are on strike.

    Next, I have two Vogue patterns for myself that I want to make for fall work tops for myself.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I get itchy fingertips, especially the middle one on my left hand – but that is when dealing with any fabric. I saw your jammers Mcholley and they look terrific. I think my boy is too big for that pattern now as I have never made them and should have.

    Can’t wait to see your two smallest in their sailor outfits together Sharon.

    Lightning, i call that a true pain in the bum! And I hate to say it but haven’t yet done that sort of thing with the hood pattern but I think I did it once a long time ago with something else I was attempting.

    I have finished those “designer” jeans and taken photos. When asked what she thought, I was given the answer of “they are really cute” and when asked would she wear them I was told “maybe”.

    I have a few little details to finish on Noah’s jeans and then I am onto his matching sketchbook shirt. It may or may not be worn before his actual birthday but the kid has had a growth spurt and needs new clothes. I haven’t tried the jeans on him so they better fit!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Really long legs on this pair of jeans but unfortunately they are too snug at the waist so I am not finishing them off despite only having cuffs and the button to go.

    Will look at a different pattern I think and go back to the drawing board!

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Oh no, Tamara, how frustrating!

    Lightning – I have done something similar when lining a jacket – I had the sleeve lining twisted, so it looked perfect from the outside, but there was no way you could get your arm through! Not nearly as much unpicking to do as yours.

    I started making a backpack for Audrey on the weekend, but haven’t done any since, and now the pattern for Audrey’s 50s dress has arrived, so I will be starting on it and the backpack can wait.

    Unfortunately I got a size 3 pattern before measuring her and her chest is 2″ under *doh*, so I’m going to grade it down using a modern multi size pattern to get the right grade rules.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh well that’s what happens when you cut out something a few months before sewing it – he’s had a huge growth spurt and I didn’t realise. The pattern is from Ottobre design and I hadn’t made it before.

    Thankfully he should still fit the field trip cargoes as he is successfully getting into the 10’s I made him last year -they are just too short and look more like three quarter cargoes. But they are getting small so time to size up.

    The art museum trousers I will make a toile for because we were not at all successful with them last year and he likes these. It just might mean I will have to alter the pattern to fit him instead of the other way around.

    That’s what happens when you have kids who measure longer and bigger than most their age.

    So no sketchbook sewing just yet. I have to get the trousers out of the way first.

    Gayle @Gayle

    I just made the bear carrier. I made it as directed, but the next time in lieu of hook and loop tape, i will add a parachute buckle. It will make the carrier more adjustable. The tape wears out too quickly!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I am working a few summer basics for Sarah, a ruffle halter top and the navy blue sail boat pants. She has requested by surprise a few pairs of shorts. I can’t get her to wear any shorts at all so this is why I am so surprised. Then next up a spotty picnic top and shorts in pink twill.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have some blue drill laid out on the cutting table and the Art museum pants in size Noah. The trouble is not enough fabric so will swap colours and hopefully we get a pair trousers fitting by the end of the day.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Holiday sewing finished! (Insert happy dance)

    Its Casual Day today and Tilly badly wanted a new dress so I put in a late night and finished her vintage dress. Its so cute, I just hope its light enough for photos before she goes to school!

    I hope to make a start on a shirt for Jed today, I am still hunting for THE shirt pattern to use my precious 2.5m of Liberty Capel, for him.

    mcholley1 @mcholley1

    Now..that will be a great shirt!

    I just finished a trial pair of Art Museum trousers too, Tamara. For my big girl in a size 7.

    The school board had decided last minute to propose a more relaxed dress code for next year. So, I’ve put the breaks on school sewing until the vote is final. They will still be requiring shirts with collars and basic modesty…but any color, print, fabric. There isn’t much opposition to it, so it should pass.

    Tamara @justsewit

    That actually sounds exciting mcholley. It means more variety in the school uniform – we are in the second trial year but the pressure is definitely on. One thing is good though the high school girls get to wear their dresses still and that means that if they are the same, we don’t have to buy anything new for next year. I’ll be saving what would otherwise be spent for the next school.

    I conked out with the trousers and didn’t get them completed. Was feeling rather tired after a bad night’s sleep so went and absorbed myself in a book instead. I found a pair of cargoes that still fit him so he can wear them today instead and I may have the energy to sew the trousers and complete the, so he can wear them to church tomorrow.

    He has chosen all this fabric for clothes for his birthday parcel. I have five days of frantic sewing to get them all done, shirts and all.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Trousers are finished so I am now onto a school bus t shirt in blue and green striped knit. It is rather flimsy stuff so am wondering how it will go. But it is one of the choices.

    Next is another pair of Art museum trousers in a rust coloured pinwale corduroy – again his choice not mine but I need to alter the rise slightly and this time will add a zipper.

    After that will be cargo pants for the boy and a baby pair aswell!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I impressed my niece today by whipping up a pair of play oven mits in about 5 mins on the overlocker! Just a long piece of wool fabric with the short ends folded in, but she loved them and spent a lot of the rest of the afternoon playing with them 🙂 I love having all my machines set up and ready to sew!

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Nice one Heidi. I’ve got oven mitts on my long list cause when you make a quilted vest for the school days coat, the vest is cut from prequilted fabric and where the armholes are the leftovers look just like little oven mitts. All they need is some bias binding and a bit for the back of the hand. I’m going to do when I finally get around to the bias trimmed aprons so the kids will have a matching set for baking. One day that is…

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