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What are you sewing now?

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    Nicole @motherof5

    Jay, my husband was adamant I come back and tell you how it built it!

    He knows how important my sewing was to me.

    He joined several pieces together to barricade of one end of the room. He then screwed barrel bolts top and bottom of the panel. One end met a timber door frame in which he drilled two small holes for the bolts to go into. The other side he attached piece of oiled timber, which again he drilled holes for the bolts. The whole thing got a coat of oil. This was mounted slightly off the floor so it was higher (I had forgotten this). It was easily removable for cleaning but very sturdy.

    I will have to get it out the shed and set it up again soon.

    The school bus has left and I have drafted of the larger size cape pattern from LTTS. I was absolutely delighted with Matilda’s version.

    mcholley1 @mcholley1

    I’ve decided to go ahead and get next fall’s school uniforms made and over with now, as the end of July and all of August are already spoken for. I’m two garments in and bored already, so I’ll be sprinkling in some selfish sewing too. I’ve got a simplicity pattern for a knit dress that I’m thinking of having a go at for myself, but I’m hoping the mood will strike to adjust the pattern.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Nicole – That is so sweet of your husband that you HAD to tell me how he made it! Being up off the floor a bit would help, as the height of a normal play pen just doesn’t cut it any more. It worked well as it was, until she grew 🙂

    Sadly we can’t drill into door frames, as we’re renting here in Canberra. Then next year (and the two after) we’ll be in renting in DC, and who knows what the sewing space will be like!

    I’m hoping to put on Peppa Pig on the TV this afternoon and do some sewing while Audrey is distracted. We spent the morning out at Mini Muzos, so she’s pretty tired.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Jay my kids still love Peppa Pig although they would completely deny it! I would ask the owners and explain that you would putty up the holes when you leave. Maybe they will let you because of baby safety? It never hurts to ask as they can only say no.

    I guess mini musos is much more than banging on pots and pans? I wish we had some fun type of activity like that for little ones in our back water town.

    I have just realised half the day has run away on me again! I am like a human ice block it is so cold in this house! Will try and warm up by finally sticking the puppet show pattern together before lunch I think. I have a whole fifteen minutes!

    Nicole @motherof5

    MC, I do understand about sewing school uniforms. It so lovely to have them wearing handmade but uniforms can just be so dull! I know you are a fellow ‘sneak in some Liberty’ girl.

    Good luck with adjusting your pattern. I wish I had a sewing gal pal near by to help me.

    I didn’t think of you renting Jay, of course that would probably not go down well. I promised Jed I would pass on the details. He likes to help people.

    Good old Peppa Pig. A perfect companion for a tired out girl.

    Speaking of tired out, I am shattered.

    I got the LTTS Red Riding Hood cape made and it is delivered. Two capes and two sets of pj’s in two days mean two very happy little girls with new things for the Pyjama Social.

    I sewed up Liddy’s in cashmere and it was a delight to work with. I was struggling for a lining fabric, I wanted something truly beautiful to complement the cashmere. I ended up using some very lovely Cloud 9 organic cotton.

    A quick nap, I think, and then I had best do the two days worth of ironing that has piled up.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Meleliza, I love the numbers and the working out! I have multiple exercise books that include both ideas and lots of maths for alterations and stuff 🙂 It probably helps that I see 3D maths in my head so eeking out patterns from limited fabric is often very enjoyable and satisfying!

    Nicole, you have worked so hard for those little girls and their social, I’m looking forward to seeing their capes 🙂

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Heidi – I must admit I get great satisfaction from placing my pattern pieces in as economical way as possible too. I think it stems from making dolls clothes from scrap fabric when I was a kid… although I don’t believe I paid very much attention to grain lines then! Making curtains doesn’t have quite the same attraction.

    If we were staying here for more than another 6 months, I may consider drilling and patching to put in a fence, but it’s not worth it now. I did get some sewing done yesterday, but apparently the lure of Peppa is not as interesting as mummy sewing. She crawled under the table at one point and leant on the foot. Fortunately I had just finished a seam, so no damage was done. There was a bit of yelling that wasn’t very “gentle parenting” though. Hopefully she won’t do it again :-/

    Shoulder seams and plackets are complete, collar is ready to bag out.

    Cashmere cape sounds lovely! Can’t wait to see photos of the finished PJ outfits.

    Mini Muzos is great, mostly singing with a bit of percussion thrown in, followed by morning tea. One of my friends runs it in her church hall. We only go every second week, as it is on at the same time as my stitching social group.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh yes that is fair enough. If you were staying longer then I would see the benefit. Maybe the set up for the sewing environment in the next nest will be more accommodating? Lets hope for your sake.

    I doubt I will get much done this morning as I have a doctor’s appointment. Hopefully hubby can cover the school run and footy/ band practise for me so that I can do some much needed things at home.

    I have heaps to do but I have to still trace off the puppet show pattern and work out what is not in the stash to make it and then maybe make myself another late lunch tunic as I seem to be living in the ikat.

    I might just trace patterns today and get ahead with that task. That way when it is called for I can just grab, pin, cut and sew.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    Finally back in the sewing game! Baby Olivia is 4 weeks tomorrow, I haven’t sewn since before she was born and I was starting to get desperate :P. Didn’t have a heap of time (after running out while my mum watched Ellie to pick up Olivia’s birth certificates – yay, she’s official now! 😉 ). But I just *had* to get my feet wet so to speak or I knew it would be days/weeks more before I sat down at my sewing machine. So I got to work on the popover sundress for my toddler I cut out before baby’s birth; made it as far as finishing the side seams before she woke up hungry :P. It’s proving a quick & easy sew and the Lisette poplin I’m making it out of is delightfully crisp and just lovely. Not adding any trim as this is my first one and the print is rather bright and busy. I’m planning a coordinating bucket hat and sunny day shorts to wear underneath – a perfect summer outfit!

    I’m so glad to be sewing again – can’t wait for tomorrow so I can sew some more!

    Masha Richart

    Yesterday found me at the sewing machine and serger again (no, I didn’t pack them away). My oldest was suffering from a severe lack of summer clothing. I bought her a few things but was so frustrated with the fit (everything droops at the armholes, slips off the shoulders and sags in the bottom if it is long enough for my string bean) that I decided I HAD to sew. I made three pairs of Playtime leggings and two knit tops.

    Most of the fabrics were from Girl Charlee; I’ve had mixed results with the material I have ordered from them and I think that one of the pairs of leggings won’t last long as the fabric was quite thin. I also made a pair out of Laguna knit, which I love for shirts but also feels a bit flimsy for leggings. Anyone have recommendations on good sturdy legging fabric (cotton/lycra blends only)?

    Today I AM packing up the machines. The girls and I depart on Saturday for a trip to eczema-healing hot springs, and my husband will deal with the baby (and the packers) while we are gone so I only have three more days to organize the house!

    Tamara @justsewit

    I have not long gotten home from my doctors appointment when hubby decides to let me know he is “too depressed” to go into town for footy training because they had more rain than we did! Its a very poor excuse if you ask me for skipping out on the weekly parental duties. I was really hoping to have some time at home but it seems I have only one stinking hour! So because of this spontaneous and somewhat insensitive decision, I have stuff all chance of sewing or tracing or anything today!

    I might do some smocking or something on that purple silk playtime dress for Imogen to pass the time.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    RTWG, I’ve made leggings for myself from the laguna knit and there were lovley to wear and the fabric has worn really well. They wore through between the thigh, but all my clothes do 🙂 I have then repourpsed the knit into a Mabel Skirt for me, which I wear every week, and I have also cut them up and reused the fabric for hopscotch dresses and tee shirt sleeves. If I could find it easily in Australia it would be my goto fabric for leggings for myself! So I expect it will wear very well.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Sounds you ladies have been super busy! It’s been raining here since Monday afternoon so the five kids and I have been stuck in the house. The kids are bouncing off the walls and are going nuts now. (they are all out for summer break) but I managed to get Caspian’s birthday outfit almost done. All I have left to sew is the belt loops and waist band on his cargo pants pockets. Hubby picked out the field trip cargos to go with his sketchbook shirt seeing it’s a camping birthday party and we are going to be outside in the woods most the afternoon. I think Caspian will like them more because they do look just like daddy’s shorts.

    Next is a table cloth for the dessert table and the birthday banner! Then I am onto three pairs of navy blue filed trip cargos for the older boys for the 4th of July. The three older boys are going to be painting their own American flag shirts to go with them. ( a knock off from a magazine we seen)

    mcholley1 @mcholley1

    Nicole…you know me too well. I’ve got a liberty remnant that I plan to use every last inch of and also cover a headband.

    Good luck sewing with littles. My kids have always been right underfoot. They make a huge mess with dragging in toys or getting into fabric and ribbons. I guess the price I pay for sewing time. A lot of times I’m sewing with my four year old sitting in the back of my chair with me perched on the front. But, then it doesn’t matter what I’m doing…he is always my shadow.

    I’ve got three school things sewn, and tomorrow I hope to get something cut out for myself. I’m really trying to beef up my wardrobe.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I love what you did with that blouse MC, love it!

    I finished the Lullaby Layette jacket today and I am half way through the blouse.

    I am cutting out the Field Trip cargoes for Zara at present and then she is wondering about a Field Trip tee or a Lola dress http://oliverands.com/victory-patterns/OLV-VP-Lolas-D.html

    She had better make up her mind!

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