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What are you sewing now?

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    Linda @Knitting1

    Love the sound of the hot pink linen puppet show shorts!

    I’m planning to sew tonight after work and I’ll be practising buttonholes, nothing exciting. I’ve been avoiding them so have a stack of garments that all need buttonholes! I have a basic Janome which does have a buttonhole stitch thing, but I did two last night and wasn’t happy with them. The foot that came with the machine I discovered doesn’t fit- bar is far too narrow, so used my normal foot. The thing I find hardest is when I sew back (in reverse) up the second side of the buttonhole, it doesn’t come out parallel to the other side, I waver off a bit but don’t know how to keep it straight when I can’t see where I’m going. Also, I never know what distance away to keep from other side of buttonhole so there is room to cut without slicing into the sides of the buttonhole, and also how to keep a consistent distance away. Any tips? Maybe buying the correct foot would help? Thanks in advance, ladies!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    The hot pink linen puppet show shorts sound fantastic šŸ™‚

    I’m going to make some more playtime leggings, I just made the most perfectly fitted leggings for my niece and want to make her some more!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Wow! Love hot pink and in puppet show shorts they would stop traffic for sure!

    I have just done a mad dash around trying to tidy up the sewing room and move furniture around so that I can actually get to my pattern stash! Then I discovered that I am missing a heap of little sized patterns so promptly hopped on and ordered more – and yes I missed the sale! Here I was saying and getting quite cross “I know I have that but I know I have that pattern!” I probably do but in digital form which when the hubby is on the computer does me no good! Plus it is nice to go to the pattern library and know that the pattern you are after is actually there without the need to panic.

    The next step is tidying up the unholy sight on the actual sewing table – I am a messy sewer!

    And the step after that is lining all the unfinished projects I am currently finishing up on the cutting table so that I know what is there to be done and I don’t (hopefully) get sidetracked.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I wrote a list a couple of weeks ago, I have most of it crossed off now šŸ™‚ except the two quilts and a skirt I don’t have fabric for but everything else got done šŸ™‚ And then I made the cargos.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    I printed out the sunny day shorts pattern and will cut out a pair as soon as I figure out the correct pattern size to use for my almost-2-year old (how is she almost 2?!), and I still have yet to actually start sewing the popover sundress and bucket hat I cut out before my younger daughter was born almost 4 weeks ago (again, how on earth is she almost 4 weeks? I feel almost dizzy, time is passing so quickly.), thinking I’ll get started actually sewing those tomorrow. Today is laundry day! Tho that’s almost every day with a newborn…

    And I will be sewing up an Everyday Skirt for my sister for her birthday out of some lovely pepper-colored Robert Kaufmann interweave chambray. It looks to be the perfect summer postpartum go-to (she has a baby 4 months older than my newborn).

    Not sewing them yet as it’s 100*F here today, but I’m so excited to have taken advantage of the 20% off all O+S patterns FB deal to snag the digital music box, sunday brunch, and sleepover pajamas patterns as they look perfect for autumn/winter. Particularly the music box jumper pattern, quite a few of you have spoken so highly of it!

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Everyone has been so busy! I had a big break as my husband was in the UK for work, but I’m back now šŸ™‚

    I also took advantage of the 20% off special, and bought the Music Box Jumper and Music Class set. Yesterday I cut out the music box blouse in a bright floral quilting cotton, as well as a mini one for Harriet.

    Sewing is becoming very complicated, as Audrey learnt to climb the fence we had that blocked off my sewing space šŸ™ We’ve put in a little fence to protect the ironing board, but there’s now going to be a little person sitting beside me at the dining table when I trace, cut out or sew… saying “me help!”. I haven’t tried sewing yet, but it’s going to be tricky…

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh such fun having a moving and climbing baby when sewing – my kids didn’t climb and I am not expecting this one to either (unless by some miracle it takes after aunty A) – but I can understand how you feel as my kids wanted to be right there underfoot and I too found it somewhat difficult. All I can suggest is to take advantage of nap time to get the bulk of your work done as this is how I found a way around it and we didn’t have playpens or anything. They would be in the jolly jumper for a little while (as they aren’t supposed to be in there longer than about ten minute) and when not moving in the bouncer thingy but once they started moving around I found it difficult even to have them in the carrier – you have to be able to see what you are doing!

    Naptimes. I can’t stress it enough.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I have always sewn with my children around, they soon get used to it if you build up gradually the length of time. I figure 10 minutes may stretch to 20…. or even a hour.

    I purchased several old playpens (the timber dowel type) and build a permanent fence, they could see me and I them. I had to stop and start a fair bit in the beginning but we worked it out. At least I could talk and sing to them.

    I finished a pair of Sleepover pj’s for Tilly last night in some Hope Valley print, so pretty. I had forgotten how quickly they sew up.

    I can also stop panicking, as I thought my 26 week check up was today but it is not until Thursday so I have an extra sewing day.

    Today I hope to sew Tilly’s LTTS cape, I have already prepped Supper and made lunches so I am good to go. Then I need to cut Liddy’s pj’s and draft off the larger size LTTS cape pattern as I stupidly drafted off the pattern twice in the medium!

    Don’t draft tired Ladies!

    Then I can get back to my sweet Lullaby Layette.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    I bought some incredible fabric from a French website (www.mamzellefourmi.com) to make myself a dress and it’s so incredibly soft and I’m so sure I’ll be able to cut it so there are some leftovers that I bought the Lullaby Layette pattern! I don’t have a baby to sew for, (yep, I saw your hand go up!)

    Meanwhile my selfish sewing binge continues. I still can’t collar a photographer during daylight hours but there’s a crappy sneak peak picture on my facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/lightning.mcstitch?fref=nf

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh you are a laugh a minute Shelley – such a fab sense of humour!

    I, after several hundred searches through the same pattern stash have come to the conclusion that I do not possess the puppet show pattern! And I was adamant I had it too! Anyway, I have it now in both sizes – even if I have a boy! I want to use it for the christening gown/ naming day entry in this year’s show. I just think it would make a darling special occasion dress. The plan is to make it in ivory silk and pin tuck and embroider the bodice with bullion roses. I am also considering adding in some lace but haven’t made any conclusive decision about it yet. I will make it in a size 0-3 months so that if by any chance this babe gets to wear it, we will have an outside chance of it fitting!

    I am adding it to the list of things I want to have completed by the end of July and honestly, it doesn’t matter if I don’t get to use it myself, there are lots of babies I can pass it on to.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I cut 2 more pairs of leggings last night, that’s 3 pairs from a 1×1.5m remanent! I did cut the knee lining for both pairs from a different fabric.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I tried to follow your link Shelley,I found you but no pictures, but I don’t have Facebook so that maybe why. I shall have to stalk your blog!

    I finished Tilly’s LTTS cape in a dusky pink tweed and sewed up a pair of Sleepover pj’s for Liddy. That gives me tomorrow, until 3 pm, to draft off the large cape pattern and sew one up for Liddy.

    But now I need to sleep….I wish I could have a glass of wine…..

    Tamara, I would definitely put a little baby boy in the Puppet Show top and bloomers.

    meleliza @meleliza

    I think puppet show is a perfect pattern for a Christening gown, especially for a boy as it’s nice and simple.

    I keep my littlest one busy with her own sewing machine. I bought from an etsy seller who carves wooden toys. It’s plain, unfinished pine and has a fat wood “needle” that goes up and down with a hand wheel. It comes with yarn wrapped around a spool and threaded around the machine. She “sews” dresses for her dollies with my scraps. I think I got it for Christmas when she was 2.

    Meanwhile, I am mired in home dec sewing for the big girl room. I use the word sewing loosely here as I haven’t actually sewn a stitch. Instead, I am measuring, calculating, drawing diagrams and ironing yards and yards and yards and still more yards of fabric. And then measuring and calculating some more. I really hate calculating. And measuring. And math and drawing diagrams. And when all of this awful, dull, boring, mind numbing math is finished, I will get to sew a couple of straight lines. Ugh. How could anyone enjoy this?

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Thanks for the sewing with toddler suggestions šŸ™‚

    We had a fence made from play pen bits, Nicole – unfortunately Audrey learnt to climb it while Chris was in the UK. The one we have now around the iron is the same pieces, but there’s nothing on the other side that she wants to get to, so she doesn’t try to get past it (unless I’m ironing!).

    Unfortunately she outgrew her nap a few months ago. Two hours of peace in the afternoon was not worth the torture of an hour trying to get her into bed in the evening. At least now she goes to bed quietly.

    Next will be Josephine crawling, and then it will all be over!! She’s only 4 1/2 months, but she’s rolling confidently already.

    The night before last I cut my interfacing and fused it to the Music Class blouse, last night I got the pin tucks done. Maybe I’ll get a little more done this afternoon now the fiddly bits are done.

    My Spoonflower fabric to line the hood for Audrey’s School Days Coat arrived yesterday, and I’m finally happy with it. I had an out of date colour guide, so it took a few swatches to sort out the ground colour.I also got fabric to make a matching backpack. Now I have LOTS of sewing to do… and not much time to do it.

    Meleliza, I love the idea of a pretend sewing machine! Another suggestion form a friend was getting some threading toys – wooden pictures with holes in that they thread a shoelace through I think.

    Good luck with the home decorating! All you need to add to that is patterns to match, and you can have an even more fun time šŸ˜€

    Tamara @justsewit

    Now that you mention it, the puppet show top reminds me alot of what Christopher Robin is drawn in, in our Winnie the Pooh book we are currently reading for bedtime. Do you think the sleeves aren’t too girly though? I don’t mind putting a boy in a gown as Noah wore one for his christening. I just know that not everyone is for the idea but because it seems to be ok on here I think I am now quite in favour of keeping the outfit no matter what. I might rethink how I want to do the bodice though. I have a different design in my head that might work better. Will do two bodices and pick the best i think.

    I think it would be a good summer special occasion outfit which is what would probably be required.

    I love the idea of the little wooden sewing machine Melanie. Imogen had a cheap plastic one and I think it broke – all the toys are in storage. And I hate calculating too. It gives one a headache especially when its wrong!

    Hope you got some sleep Nicole! Insomnia is rife around here and I wish it would go away!

    Heidi, you are very clever at being frugal with fabric! Well done you.

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