Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Anonymous @

    I’m hopping to get some shirts made for Ollie today. I found some short sleeve sketchbook shirts that I cut out last fall. I’m really hoping that they’ll still fit. I love the fabrics and hate for them to go to waste. He really needs some T-shirts, too, so maybe I’ll make a couple of those soon.

    Anonymous @

    Sharon, how are you going on the Wild Olive Spring Stitching Club? I’ve got 3-4 more embroideries to finish. All of my hexies are made, so now to sew them all together.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Not very far Sandi, I am thinking I will be able to get more hand sewing done after school lets out for summer break at the end of the week. As in I will be living outside so it give me way more time for the hand stitching. ; )

    Tamara @justsewit

    Are you using the plaid for the fairy tale dress Sharon? Can’t wait to see it.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Oh yes! For this one though I am looking for certain color of tulle to match the medium blue on it. I want to make the skirt fuller and add extra tulle to the slip as well. It’s going to have the “squared” collar In white and the same med blue to match the plaid for the sash. I am super excited over this dress!! Oh and I am looking around this next week for the prefect pair of Mary jane shoes to go with it. I think I will be able to make Caspian a matching tea party play suit as well. all I can say is EEPPP!! : D

    Nicole @motherof5

    Okay, in the day light Jed’s shirt is looking really candy stripe!

    I hope he wears it……

    Otherwise, anyone with big boobs want a new shirt? 😉

    Tamara @justsewit

    After all that effort, I hope so too Nicole!

    Sharon you sound so excited. It is making me sit on the edge of my seat. I did think the plaid would be perfect for a fairy tale dress so I am looking forward to seeing the finished result.

    The house has had my attention, I managed to get to design and technology today (where they did tech drawing and complained) so I think after dinner I might spend a little time drawing diagonal lines on the squares so I can get sewing up these swoon blocks.

    I have alot of big girl sewing to do! Imogen is apparently going on a camp to Perth for the schools band festival next term so she will need some decent outfits, not to mention a band uniform!! I am wondering if I can cheat my way through it.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    How exciting for her to go to band camp!

    I’ve quilted the two longitudinal lines on my quilt top. I can only do a few at a time because it aggravates my hand, but I am loving how it looks!

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Sounds like Imogen will have lots of fun! Jacob just told me he wants to join band this next year here. (finally old enough.)

    Maybe the shirt will look much better finished and when he is wearing it, not so candy-ish?

    I was thinking about the plaid Fairy tale dress last night, I am thinking of putting in three rows of the growth tucks on the skirt, what do you ladies think?

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Growth tucks? Definitely! I added growth cuffs to some field trip cargos last year and we’ve let them down halfway and looking at the fit of the waist we should get next year as well with the second half. And they would look very classic 🙂

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    That’s a great idea Heidi! I will have to do this to the next pairs of the field trip pants!

    I going for a classic look for Sarah dress for sure. I have just about worked all the kinks out for the wee size fairy tale dress for Ella the dolly too. I am hand sewing the last bits of her cloud 9 dress. It’s so cute that her and Sarah will have matching dress. I made the dolls sleeveless with the collar as well. I do like the finished dress but I have a a few small changes to make to the dress next time for a bit better fitting dress on the doll.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I am giggling as growth tucks are entirely unnecessary for my children. They grow so slowly!

    I adore the dress you made Sharon, the belt is perfect!

    I decided to cut myself a couple of pairs of maternity/post baby Portfolio trousers. I leave the zipper out and the waistband off and add a tube of ribbing. I used some very soft and stretchy cotton/spandex drill. A mustard pair and a lolly pink pair.

    I thoroughly confused Jed as to who they were for as I tend to wear a very monochromatic wardrobe based on black and grey.

    However, I found a huge piece of soft micro gingham in navy and white which I though would make a lovely Late Lunch tunic for middle pregnancy/early post baby.

    I think pink and mustard trousers would look quite snappy with that.

    Nicole @motherof5

    PS Jed’s shirt fits, looks great and he was happy!

    Thank you so much for all those that gave advice, you guys are awesome!

    Linda @Knitting1

    Nicole, I think Hugo’s shirt would definitely be masculine enough if you added black trim and black buttons, as others have suggested. My husband wears pink sometimes and he looks great! Go for it!

    Tamara @justsewit

    We are entitled to jump into colour every now and then and especially for late pregnancy/ post baby. I think the colours particularly poignant for then Nicole. How wide a tube of ribbing do you do? I plan to do the same on the jeans I made (that are too big at the moment) but will have to remove the zip, saving time on unpicking my wonky topstitching. But not yet of course.

    As for the late lunch tunic, it is the best most comfy top I have made myself thus far!

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