Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Nicole @motherof5

    As long as you are sure Masha, I could pack them up tonight and send tomorrow?

    I have a lovely big lot of mother-of-pearl buttons from tiny to large, very cheap to post, very happy to share, any time.

    Do you really mean 2 1/2 outfits in 2 days?

    Masha Richart

    No, they definitely would not arrive in time and I would hate for them to be lost in the mail. Thank you so much.

    As for the 2.5 outfits in two days … that is my goal, Nicole, though I know it is very likely that it will take me another couple days after that. Especially because I was banking on finishing these trousers during the boy’s nap, and he decided today was the day to sleep 40 minutes instead of 2 hours!

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Dear RTWG; I’m being lazy about scrolling back to check on your news: where are you going? Grey with white spots sounds gorgeous – I loved N’s sheep on grey for Tilly’s Playtime dress. Wherever, dear lady, I hope all goes well. And all my late posted sympathy on the loss of your mother. My mum’s death was very sudden, and only a few days before Christmas, and I hadn’t seen her for quite a while beforehand so my thoughts are with you; grieving is tiring and takes longer than you think but laughter does break through- often. F

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    After I finish up my dress I ma diving into a swim suit for Sarah, I have been wanting to try to sew one for her for two years now. I bought a PDF from Peek-a-boo pattern shop, it’s the tankini with a matching doll suit as well. She “read” the pattern with me last night so I am pretty sure she is very excited too. If these turn out I want to make Caspian a suit with rash guard as well.

    On sewing for little man I tried on his old shorts on him for sizing, he has two pairs of sketchbook shorts and three pairs of sail boat pants that still fit him from the first summer he was born. Yep three summers later and this little guy is still in 6-12m shorts. At least he doesn’t need any right away.

    Sparrow @Sparrow

    I’m making my four year old, Pumpkin, a Little Military Shirt (from Heidi&Finn) to go with his Sunny Day Shorts, and then I’ve got the O+S bucket hat cut and waiting for my daughter, Bunny.

    Masha Richart

    Fiona, we are moving back to the U.S.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Right! This week has turned into a sewing fizzog! I planned and the plans fell through the floor continuously! I have the boy home sick (again! Thanks to cold night air and running around playing nippers footy but was very proud he got the hang of tackling with his specs on) when I was supposed to be watching him do his assembly item – oh well it was a definite last minute rush with the teacher cutting a frog out of cardboard minutes before the assembly starting so it was probably for the best I went home!

    Today, I want to cut the next two blocks of swoon and then sit and unpick and redo the fly on Imogen’s jeans to hopefully complete them.

    We are heading back to that big coastal town tomorrow to have much needed haircuts (I cannot trust myself to do a decent job) and have a bit of shopping fun seeing as I didn’t get to everything on the list yesterday.

    That’s the plan and all windows are closed so it just can’t escape or runaway from me today!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Welcome back, Masha!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Tamara, check out the Spotlight and see if they have any Oliver and S’s you don’t have!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’m changing the neck line and arm holes of some of the first dresses I made when I began sewing again a few years ago. They were made from Enid Gilchrist basic A Line dress pattern and had quite high necklines. One of the dresses I made has been worm for the past 2 years but now the armholes and neckline are too tight so I’m enlarging the neckline and armholes so It can still be worn as a tunic! I also have the identical dress in the two larger sizes so I’m modifying the neckline and armholes on the largest one and adding a ruffle so she will have it as both a dress and tunic!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Heidi, I will but as yet I haven’t seen any there. I need more denim so that I can nail those jeans – I went and bought another jeans pattern because I wasn’t thrilled with the Jalie for me – the waistband gives me a plumber’s butt. So this newer one has a curved waistband which will hopefully alleviate the problem. It will be a chance in a million seeing as Saturdays are now taken up with sport. I think I should also buy the wadding to go in the swoon quilt – just to kill two birds. I have to shop for many purchases these days so the number of trips are kept to a minimum.

    We have a long weekend here in the west so I plan to take lots of time on Monday especially to get into the sewing. Hopefully it will allow me to carry on a do a bit of sewing everyday next week instead of suffering from the lack thereof.

    Now I am off to decide on fabrics for the next show project.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I am jumping ahead of myself (which I don’t normally like to do) but I picked up a tiny remnant that will be perfect for my Lullaby Layette, at Spotters, yesterday.

    Its grey with tiny white spots.

    I just need to finish Jed’s rugby. Oh, and draft, cut out and sew his new shirt…. click of my fingers (snigger)

    Tamara @justsewit

    Wiggle the nose Nicole, or blink and it will be magically completed. I have heaps of remnants sitting there waiting ( as I guess we all do) but I have decided to wait until I have my 2nd trimester scan before I get sewing. I need lighter weights though, like lots of voile and you’d be hard pressed to find it at this time of year.

    I have two male birthdays coming up so really need to get cracking on the current projects.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I had so much fun sewing for Caspian before he was born. I do wish the Lullaby pattern had been out then.

    After sewing two swim suits, one for Sarah and one for miss Ella the dolly, I think I will get side track again and sew Sarah a sun dress using the Fairy tale pattern. She really wants a dress that matches my cloud 9 dress and I would love to make her request. It’s a quite rainy afternoon hear so I should be able to get it cut out and start sewing it tonight after the laundry is put away.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I know with my other two children, I didn’t really sew a lot prior to their births because I thought I would be able to do it after. But if this baby is anything like the other two,mI know I will not have any energy to sew let alone keep up with dishes and laundry. So really, because I have the older ones at school I am actually looking forward to the chance to get a head. Besides if this one is another boy I am in serious trouble – you cannot wear fleecy grow suits in 47 degree heat! Noah was a winter baby so everything I have kept will clash. Imogen’s baby gear however, might still be used. So it is yet again another excuse. But I will find out soon enough.

    I have an uncooperative child so I am guessing my trip today isn’t going to go as smoothly as planned! I might have to split the trip up and go back again next Saturday also. Spotlight is most definitely on the agenda for today though. I need some bottoms and not the elasticated “fat pants” either!

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