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What are you sewing now?

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    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    We have four archery nuts in our house, not including my dad. That’s how my dad mostly hunts is with his bow. He and my brother is pretty darn good.

    Sewing has happened, I have Garrett’s Field trip pants done (minus the cargo pocket on the side) and his sketchbook shirt is almost done too. I think this is my favorite outfit I have sewn for any of the kids so far now, very dapper looking. I am really enjoying all the top stitching and both shirt and pants are a no brainer at this point so they are so relaxing to sew as well.

    I even was able to sew my muslin for the Deer and Doe sew along yesterday morning. My hubby bought me the new pattern for Mother’s day. I will have to do a FBA on this one.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Looking forward to seeing Garrett’s outfit!

    I only have the buttonholes and buttons to go on the dress but I needed to stop before I start making mistakes 🙂

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I can’t wait to see it Heidi!

    Linda @Knitting1

    Nearly finished another bubble dress without the bubble.

    The fabric is a dark olive green with brown cross hatch pattern in it, though very subtle. Rose is a red head so should suit her. Fabric is named Crossroads by Jan Patek. I got it from Patchwork House in Llantrisant, in case there are any other Welsh sewers in this forum- great new shop. I wanted this dress to be fairly plain and sophticated, as the others have been playful. But, as usual I could not resist adding a little something. I bought a cute red fox motif from our Lake Distric holiday last summer, and it is going on right hand side of skirt close to hem. I also did two rows of topstitch around armholes. Was nearly a disaster as I sliced into the back skirt whilst I was cutting out the interfacing. Luckily I had spare fabric. Will post on Flicr when finished.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I thoroughly approve Heidi, I won’t rush to finish a garment. I know I will stuff it up if I do!

    I will watch your D&D dress with interest Sharon. I have only made one for me but lots for the Twins.

    Hopefully, I will get a fair whack at Hugo’s second shirt today. I am drafting off a tab front Kwik Sew shirt for Jed. I have not made this pattern before.

    Oh no Knitting1 (Linda)? I have cut pieces by mistake in the past, so upsetting.

    Love the Bubble.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    The dress is done, including the buttonholes, but I can’t find my hand sewing needles to sew on the buttons! Normally I sew them on by machine, a la Nicole, but they are shank buttons so they need to be done by hand. I printed out the sunny days shorts pattern last night, so next on the list is a matching pair to wear under the dress 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    I am sighing with relief. Just had a phone call to find out if the quilt I am constructing fits the criteria of the class I want to enter it into this year’s show. Well, I have been told that the fact it is pieced differently to how it would be traditionally, this aspect of the quilt construction wouldn’t be judged so just so long as it is a traditional (named) block (which it is), it is still ok to enter it in that class. Phew! On with the show then.

    I spent the day in bed yesterday, perusing Sew Beautiful magazines. It was helpful to the cold but it still lingers (unfortunately) and because I only got two swoon blocks done in the whole weekend. i think I need to at least “try” to get going on another. I need to get back to garment sewing.

    lattemama @lattemama

    Yesterday was Mother’s Day in Sweden and I had the opportunity to go to the fabric store with just my little one in tow and she behaved beautifully. I think we browsed for almost two hours and she only lost interest in the last 30 minutes. But then she went to lounge in the bean bags in the play area until I was done.

    I bought a huge stack of cuts for beach wraps and tops for me in viscose and two dip dyed eyelets for the girls graduation dresses (Roller Skate). I also got a length of viscose/linen for a pair of pants (semi-self-drafted) for me, a few pieces of knits for a Schoolbus tee for Sofia and a Metro tee for me.

    I can’t wait to get started. I just have to get work out of the way first.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Has anyone used any made by Rae ladies patterns for maternity? I’m not quite into the gear yet but getting there. Everything is feeling a bit on the snug side (especially the jeans I worked so hard to get into). Probably the reason why I want to hurry ip on the quilt top because pretty soon I am going to need something roomier. I was just looking at the washi dress because it has an expansion pack with an idea for nursing. I have a few patterns in the stash that aren’t maternity but could be used for such. But just wondered if anyone has made and used the Ruby pattern and also the washi pattern for maternity. Either way I need to add and alter but both look adaptable.

    Probably no sewing until after lunch. We have a doctors appointment and I am going in to discuss a two page list of concerns from Noah’s teacher! Half ridiculous and some credible. So by then I will be looking forward to hiding and concentrating on something that makes my heart sing. Still going on the swoon quilt. I will aim to work on blocks 5 and 6 today.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I wouldn’t panic too much Tamara, I am only just starting to wear maternity and I am 24 weeks. Buy a Belly Belt for your jeans. https://www.google.com.au/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=belly+belt+combo+kit&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&gfe_rd=cr&ei=FM2DU5fPIu7C8ge2rID4Dw#q=belly+belt+combo+kit&rls=en&tbm=shop

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    I saw that washi nursing top tutorial too! Planning to treat myself to both the washi & expansion pack patterns :-). Already ordered some pretty fabric to make a couple tops out of!

    bren5kids @bren5kids

    I made the Washi dress and never wore it because it just was too high-waisted and roomy in the belly area; it made me look pregnant. I think it would make an excellent maternity dress or top, though.

    Tamara @justsewit

    After spending two and a half hours at the doctors, I have only just returned home. No not panicking about meternity gear at all, it has been a while for me so I want to reacquaint myself with what is available and after the horrific reading on the doctor’s scale… I am going to need them sooner rather than later. I started showing early last time and expecting it could be the same, so its better to be prepared than not.

    I bought the washi pattern and expansion pack and also the survival pack from Megan Neilson so they are ready to go once required. And hopefully the belly band will do in the meantime.

    Masha Richart

    I’ve always found myself in maternity clothes on the early side (though in my case it has far more to do with how relaxed I get about “eating for two” from the get go). I think the Washi would work for early maternity, but not for the very end. By then I’m always exclusively in knits anyway.

    Today I finished (except for back closures) the first flower girl dress. The second one only needs a sash. Then I have one more dress and two Art Museum sets to make. I am quite happy with how the first dress turned out. I am not sure what to do about the back closures though. Quality buttons are impossible to find here. I think I might have enough vintage MOP in my stash to do all three dresses though. Or should I do hook-and-eye? Or snaps on the inside with buttons on the outside – no buttonholes? If I go that route I could wait until we get back to the States and choose buttons there. What to do, what to do.

    Tamara @justsewit

    That’s good to know Masha. I was wondering how far along it would be before the washi would have to packed away. Either which way I have to alter patterns so it wouldn’t be a straight out of the packet sew up job. Its interesting to see what is out there – especially finding out I don’t have to wear hideous elasticated denim pants and pass them off as jeans!

    I didn’t get any sewing done yesterday thanks to my two and a half hour doctor’s visit. So will try again today.

    Can’t wait to see the flower girls dress and little boy suits.

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