Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    vothgirl @vothgirl

    @Knitting1, that Alice dress is adorable! Love it!

    Finally feel like I’m starting to emerge from the fog/cave I’ve been in the last 5-6 days. Spinal headache seems to be mostly gone thank goodness. Now if I can just shake this sinus headache/congestion I may be able to think straight and feel human again! Baby Olivia is doing well. Starting to gain weight again (lost almost 10%) and is letting me get some sleep! Seems easier the second time around – either she’s an easier baby or I just know more what I’m doing! πŸ˜‰

    This is what’s been keeping me busy this past week: http://flic.kr/p/nCVm2u but I’m looking forward to returning to sewing (albeit slowly) over the next couple weeks. I’ve got a popover sundress and bucket hat cut out of some lovely Lisette poplin for my toddler, and just picked up the crib quilt I made for baby – it was at the quilt shop being quilted on their long arm machine but is now done and ready for binding. It looks so great! I can’t wait to show my mum when she visits in a couple weeks – it was my grandma – her mum, who passed away in February this year – who taught me how to quilt, so I’m terribly proud to carry on that legacy for my children.

    Love and hugs and prayers go out to all of you on this and the current affairs board who have/are experiencing challenges and loss. I’ve experienced a fair bit myself this year, and my heart goes out to all of you. How wonderful that we can come together from all across the world to support and encourage one another. <3

    Linda @Knitting1

    Thanks vothgirl! Your baby is gorgeous! Makes me wish I had another one…but had four and now on to grandchildren. Make sure that when baby sleeps you don’t jump up and do housework, but try to grab a nap if you can. And restrict visitors. The day I got home after having a disabled child and emergency caesarean, I had 13 visitors. I was crying by then and baby restless. Be kind to yourself.

    vothgirl @vothgirl

    Thanks! Due to the headache the only visitors I’ve had so far have brought meals – so very welcome. And my mother in law is here and has been amazing helping with housework, meals, and most especially, caring for and entertaining my extremely active 22m old daughter! I really can’t fathom how I’d manage without her here – so blessed to get on well with her and have her help while my husband is deployed. Of course she’s loving having the extra time with her grandkids since she lives on the other side of the country – so her visit is working out well for both of us. πŸ˜‰

    Tamara @justsewit

    She’s a pretty baby that’s for sure! When does hubby get back? I bet he can’t wait to meet her and how’s your “big” girl coping? So glad she is letting you rest. It can be awful being in a fog and with no rest. I love to have a week of lockdown where its just the immediate family. We did that for N but with Imogen we had my mum and it was torture – she was trying to tell me what to do (four hourly feeds on a breastfed baby (I was going for demand) and gave her a dummy (pacifier) without my permission). This time around it will be school holidays so lockdown will be implemented and THEN the family can visit at home while staying at the cottage!

    I have a hankering to make baby things but I am working hard at holding off. I want to know the gender of this little one before launching into projects. One thing I would like to do is construct a few fitted/ pocket nappies – you know the “modern cloth nappies”. I have all the things for them sitting there. Then I might start working my way through the little things to sew book and make hats (baby will be once again the Imelda Markos of hats) and those little balls amongst other things. The bibs will be very handy as I had to ditch most of the stash.

    Right now, today though, I have two blocks of the Swoon quilt that need to be constructed. They have been sitting there for more than a week and I have decided I need to push on and make the top before I do anything else. It is after all for the show and I am determined to keep the idea of entering firmly in my sights. I may have to take a break from it for a while.

    So first, lunch them seeing to the kid with croup (again!) and then I sew in that room up the end there that seems to be abandoned!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I get my machine back this afternoon! They said it was so easy to get the thread out they won’t even charge me for it πŸ™‚

    katybellabug @katybellabug

    vothgirl, she is so beautiful! I would be distracted too.

    On the sewing theme, I have just finished another skirt for myself. I want to get a batch done all at once seeing as the weather is warming up. Will post a photo soon but it is raining today. I keep putting off my Music Class blouse for some reason. I will be happy to make it once I get started but I am not very experienced in shirts/blouses so keep stalling.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Katy its so easy you could stitch it up,standing on your head – you’ll see, just get started!

    Still haven’t sewn, currently waiting for the school bus. But I did manage to do some block assembly while N was catching up on overdue homework. That was not before I was interrupted a d told to put the kettle on and had to watch the hubby down a hot cuppa in just a minute ( no time to sit and chat when there are parts to put back in). No trip out the paddock this evening to deliver meals only one to deliver him back to the tractor. So its a bit of a blessing in disguise footy training is not on for us then.

    I hope to at least sew what I have assembled together tonight before Midwives starts. Knowing my luck I will be asleep before that.

    Will spend more time sewing tomorrow (Hopefully)

    Nicole @motherof5

    Finished Hugo’s shirt and took piccies yesterday but didn’t get to upload them (footy/netball practice).

    I drafted off a rugby jumper for Jed, a Kwik Sew pattern, in a heavy Canterbury weight knit. It s bright yellow but Jed likes colour. He chose it to wear over his aqua/white/yellow shirt https://www.flickr.com/photos/motherof5/9162991025/in/set-72157632890187677

    I also cut Hugo another Aime Comme shirt, this time he chose a dusty blue cotton with white cuffs and collar.

    * Piccies up now https://www.flickr.com/photos/motherof5/14061955148/ *

    bren5kids @bren5kids

    What a sweet, sweet baby, vothgirl!

    Tamara, I made pocket diapers for my last baby. LOVE them, and also loved making them. My two favorite patterns happen to be free ones: the Sprout Snap, and Celtic Cloths. the Sprout Snap can be found on Craftsy.com, and just google the other. I think the website is celticclothswholesale.com. Avoid Babyville brand PUL, I didn’t listen to other’s advise, and sure enough, the few I made with it delaminated.

    I finished a new bag today for my oldest daughter, the Emmaline Teardrop bag. She needed something to use for her own when traveling, and since this is quite a large bag it fit the bill perfectly. I prefer that each of my children pack their own clothes separately and in their own bag, that way they each keep their mess to themselves, and no arguing over who’s socks or underwear is who’s. And since we have to pay nowadays to check luggage when flying……………..everybody might as well have a carry-on.

    The bag turned out extremely cute, I’d love to make one for myself as a purse, if I could figure out how to size it down a little.

    I’m cutting out Amy Butler’s Cosmo bag now for my youngest daughter. But first I need to set up my embroidery module and embroider “Matthews” on a quiver strap that my crafty 11 year old son is making for his big brother. (Matthews is a bow brand name) Each of my three older boys just recently got bows, so that is all we are eating and breathing around here lately.

    Tamara @justsewit

    The bags sound great but I admit I had to google what Matthews bows were – the mystery has been revealed!

    I think it was Homespun magazine that did a series of projects of the month. One of them had luggage tags and another month had an Amy Butler travel bag along with other projects such as garment bags and the like. I haven’t made any of them but they are certainly really good projects.

    I have been inspired by the nursing top thread and have been googling to see what’s out there these days. Lots of variety, one being a top with an exposed zipper down the from. But it is made in knit and looks nothing like the Diplomat dress.

    I think t shirts would the best kind of pattern to adapt for nursing. You can do all sorts of different styles that way.

    I have plain pul and plan to use it underneath the very outer layer. That way I don’t have to use a cover and there will be no plastic type feel on the bottom. I will have a look at those free patterns. I think a bit of variety would be crucial in figuring out whether they actually work or not. The bought ones are pricey and I used disposables a lot for my previous two kids. The big thing will be water usage so I want to make enough so I don’t have to wash every day. Disposables will still be used but only for going out and travelling.

    So sewing! I am in the process of putting those two swoon blocks together but I have a sore throat and feel a bit run down so I might just take it easy today and do some vegging instead. My hope is to get them complete and start on the next two before the weekend is out.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Nicole, blue with white sounds very spiffy for Hugo. Yay, for crafting kids, Bren! I hope you get some relaxing time before the bus comes, Tamara.

    Now I have my machine back and I’ve had a class for my coverstitch, I’m going to keep working on the Tea Party dress!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I do admire bag makers, it seems a bit scary to me but I have some fabric set aside to make Lid’s and Tildy backpacks from LTTS.

    We have a archery nut in out family too, luckily we have the space and haystacks to set up targets safely away from the house.

    Try sipping ice water Tamara, I have four bottles that I rotate through the freezer. It will help with your throat and help you feel a bit brighter.

    I am pleased your machines are back Heidi.

    I made a good start on Hugo’s shirt but swopping the threads for the topstitching is a pain (but worth it).

    Tamara @justsewit

    Thanks for the tip – will rustle up some water bottles and stick them in the freezer on rota. I had a honey and lemon drink and it took the sting away but I now have a nose that feels like it has to explode so I am thinking it is a cold and not the cat getting up my nose after all. I am guessing I will have to send a text to the footy coach saying we won’t go all the way to Coorow for a twenty minute game after all – N says his earwax is going down his neck?? Ears feels blocked and still coughing himself.

    I basically made myself into a couch potato yesterday and hung out with Noah in the lounge room. I didn’t sleep but felt very tired even just doing that and as a result I fell asleep at 7.30 watching Better homes. I missed hubby coming home three times thanks to a major breakdown – he couldn’t wake me up until the last time he came home I was that knackered.

    Soooo, with a major breakdown and hubby of galloping around the countryside to get a part that will get us going again, I will take my foggy head into the sewing room and attempt to unfog with iced water, honey and lemon and kleenex.

    Swoon blocks will hopefully be four completed with the next two cut out ready to sew tomorrow. That will leave three more after that and top assembly. I am on track – the aim was to get the top done by the end of May.

    Would love to have it finished by the end of the weekend but I won’t push it.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Hope you get better soon, Tamara!

    I’ve just hemmed a 2m piece of black coral fleece to make a cuddly blanket for an engagement present, for a party in a couple of hours time! Once the jobs are done I’ll keep going on the Tea Party dress, I haven’t made one for a while and I have been reminded how much I enjoy sewing this pattern πŸ™‚

    Tamara @justsewit

    Thanks Heidi! Going to have a cup of herbal tea while lunch is in the oven and keep plodding on with swoon block three – all whilst wondering why life puts us in a crazy position where we are given the responsibility of telling some news to someone who should have been told already! (Just found out our nephew doesn’t what is going on with fil and I find it extremely disturbing that he wasn’t told).

    The aim is to do four blocks today and I think I will accomplish it – hopefully that and find out how much caffeine is in the dolce gusto pods – because I need coffee and being pregnant we are limited.

    I am quite pleased with block three. Oh I also emailed the lady who deals with questions for the royal show to find out if the traditional block quilt also needs to be traditionally pieced. It doesn’t say. If so then swoon is still getting made but won’t be entered I will have to forfeit my entry for that class. Hope she says it doesn’t matter how its pieced just so long as the block is traditional (named).

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