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What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    Would you believe I went all the way into town to drop kids at school and FAILED to get glitter! Honestly today (this whole week actually) is not going well. I asked fil to get green glitter and pva from Spotlight when he was in G. and he came home with green GLITTER GLUE! Grr!

    Thanks for the tip Nicole – will add red to the list.

    To the hoods in to try on even though they aren’t finished and the lion costume – it’s a bit big but will do with a bit of elastic around hands and ankles. The children are very excited! But I don’t anymore – we given a bag of brown pants which I really hope fit the monkeys because there is literally no time for alterations with the play being Tuesday and I still have N’s costume to do.

    Looks like sleep is out of the question this weekend!

    Off to call the newsagent to ask if they have said glitter.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Oh Tamara! I do that too sometimes. So annoying.

    I’m fitting a pretty dandelion dress this weekend. Meanwhile, I’m sewing up a pair of pjs for the boys who are traveling with their Grandma next Wednesday to spend about 10 days without us! I’ve never been away from them before for more than a night or two. And they’ll be so far away! At first I was excited to have some girly time, now I find myself a little nervous. So I’m making them special matching pjs.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Didn’t sew today but I did “order” N to eat the last of the yoghurt (not that he took that as a chore) and spent the afternoon glittering three small yoghurt containers and a pair of aviator sunnies. This kid is going to look like a cross between the mad hatter, wizard of oz and willy wonka when I am done. The “fez” hats are red and I will search for some gold thread to make tassles but only if there is time up the sleeve.

    Besides the whole costume for N ,I still have wings to sort out and a mane to construct plus fastenings and I haven’t even looked at the brown pants I was presented with yesterday! I think I will bring safety pins Tuesday morning to hitch up whatever needs it!

    Now after dinner preps I have to summon the strength and motivation to cut out this wizard costume so that I can sew like a mad woman! Have to have it all finished by Monday night!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Meleliza, just know that they will be fine and having heaps of fun and it will give a chance to really each other – I look at it like that to keep check of my absolute gratitude in being their mum when my children are away, which is rare. It keeps me in check more than anything but it also allows them the chance to know that they can be away from you and also be alright.

    I am sure you will give them the “grandma is in charge” talk to make sure they know to follow the rules of the caregiver. And I am sure that despite their probable excitement they might feel a little nervous too about being away from mum and dad – it is their first adventure without you so of course it is understandable to have mixed feelings.

    I am sure they will be safe with her or else you would not be letting them go. Just remember not to fret too much when they are away – do have girly time as it will help you to know that you can do things in their absence.

    I don’t know if this is sound advice or I’m talking total nonsense but I do know what it is like to fret for your children when they are actually having fun and being safe away from you and then regretting the fretting when you find this all out.

    So go have some fun while they are away and remember to tell them they were missed when they return.


    Nicole @motherof5

    Tamara, if you have a look here http://fiveandcounting-motherof5.blogspot.com.au/2011/07/hey-there-hoopla.html you can just see the manes I made. I sewed orange feather boa’s to black elastic.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Sorry Tamara, were still having internet issues and the lion hood pic is on a computer not connected to the net!

    We’re to the quilt show tomorrow! looking toward to all the inspiration and looking at sewing machines.

    Masha Richart

    I spent nap time working on a very irritating dress (irritating because the tutorial isn’t clear and I kept making dumb mistakes). At 2 p.m. I decided that I had to make the girls red-white-and-blue dresses for a holiday bbq … that is at 6 p.m. I finished the second Popover at 5 on the dot. The first is exactly what I had envisioned. The second, unfortunately, not the best because I rushed it and also didn’t have enough of the fabric I wanted to use.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Thanks for the link Nicole. That is the look I am going for but I am using fleece fabric to accomplish it as the teacher had that to work with. I was tempted to send fil to get some boa but seeing as he came back with glitter glue….. Never send a doddery old farmer to do a creative woman’s job!

    The red glittered tubs look like mini top hats! And the glasses are gloriously green! So now all I have to do is find the right gear to get out to the nook and finish these things. The monkeys are going to look adorable – three little adorable indigenous boys (who honestly are monkey in nature) as is the lion who happens to be a very timid young man. At least the look we are going for will be fantastic – I just hope the rest of it comes off but that is not my department. I will be happy one it is all done as it is a lot of work when you happen to e flat out already.

    Off to sew (really and truly this time).

    I just love how patriotic those colours are – sends a tingle up the spine doesn’t it? I mean we Aussies probably feel the same way about clads of green and gold and boxing kangaroos (warning kangaroos really do box and generally always win!)

    I can smell the sunniness of fine weather (which happens to unfortunately be displayed outside the window) and am craving for cold very wet and rather windy. Too dry here!

    Masha Richart

    Does anyone ever develop a sewing disease? Right now I am suffering from a persistent case of crooked-hem-itis. All three of my last projects (the Washi and the two Popovers) have uneven hems. I am almost finished with the blasted pintucked yoke dress from the unclear tutorial, and my hem should be completely even. I cut the skirt by cutting a length of Lisette paperboats, selvage to selvage, making sure it the cut was perpendicular, and also I cut it along the bottom of one of the waves. Then I cut that length in half vertically, again taking great care that the cut was parallel to the selvage. So it should be even, right?


    As I was ironing a hem that just seemed to spiral upwards, baby boy woke up hungry. So I’m taking a break with a cup of coffee and my boy on my lap. Maybe that will help.

    Anyone have a cure for this ailment?

    Nicole @motherof5

    Was the hem curved? I find a looser stitched hem turning guide really helpful. Then I remove it when I have finished.

    I made a Golden Oldie last night, a Sailboat top.

    A sweet friend gave me a yard of Cloud 9 organic cotton and the Sailboat was the best use of it.

    I had forgotten how lovely a little top it it.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh I think if there is such a condition as that then I am terminal!

    Two weeks to do five costumes isn’t really the greatest amount of time! I finished the lion’s mane at 1am this morning and let me say it looks nothing like a lion! A judges wig yes but not a lion! I had Murray whinging about why I had to be lumped with it. It was my own fault with telling the teacher I sew. She took it from there and so now the pressure is on. Partly an intense fear of criticism on my part! Can’t help it! Just want those in town to see that I am worthy not worthless. I guess we all feel this way somewhere along the line. Of course the other mothers don’t care because they don’t have to run around and get a costume together. But wouldn’t they all jump up and down if it didn’t come together! The lid would certainly come off the pressure cooker then!

    So I now am stepping back, taking a deep breath and repeating Murray’s phrase of “it is only an assembly item” and letting go of the fact that the monkeys will look like wingless apes and getting on with making the wizard look wonderful!

    I will be so very glad when this is over! I need the school holiday break!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Tamara, you will do fine. Do the best you can do and that is all anyone can ask.

    I do costumes each year but I am quite firm now that I need a months notice for a class. I still get the odd last minute one but I don’t mind that.

    I am sure everyone thinks you are marvellous and just blow a kiss and wave two imaginary fingers at anyone who intimates otherwise.

    JohannaO @JohannaO

    Tamara, an old stage rule- “If you can’t see if from 2 meters away, it doesn’t matter.”

    I have to say, I regularly apply that to my sewing, and try not to fuss over the minor imperfections.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Fortunately this is the last assembly item play my children will be involved in as it is and exclusive thing the year 1/2 teacher does!

    I am rather proud though and an see the light at the end of the tunnel – even though my second wind is fast becoming extreme fatigue but no matter. I spent three hours drafting cutting and sewing with the hideous stretch velvet to make a secret agent trench come mad scientist emerald green coat for N to wear as the wizard. I’m stuffed like I said but if I still have the energy this afternoon I might whip up a simple pair of trousers in the extra fabric so it looks like a suit and so he doesn’t feel forced to wear his school uniform trousers which I said he might given the time crunch. He has a wig, glittery glasses and I will go and get some spray on glitter to spray a dress up hat so he can wear that too. And then we are done.

    I just have buttons to do on the coat and then can be satisfied it is ready.

    So there you have it!

    Masha Richart

    Can’t wait to see the finished costume Tamara. Stretch velvet and glitter AND an O+S pattern? This is going to be awesome!

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