Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Masha Richart

    For those looking for a new machine, I’ll put in a plug for “vintage” metal workhorses. Both of mine are 30+-year-old Kenmores. No plastic and no computers and that is just how this old-fashioned gal likes it. My first machine was my mom’s. Only does straight and zigzag stitches, but does them well. When she gave it to me, the zig wouldn’t zag (since it had been in the box with no TLC for 15+ years), but a sewing tech was able to fix it up perfectly. After I became a more confident sewist, I bought a new-to-me Kenmore off eBay for $180. Works just as well, and now I find that I almost never use the additional stitches. I don’t think I will ever buy a computerized one. I do have the Brother 1034D serger and like that too.

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Sympathy for all those plugging on with tricky machines and/or projects. Cybele, is this the triple rail fence quilt you showed pictures of a few weeks ago, or something else? Hang in there, kid! Justsewit, goodness lady you really do like a challenge don’t you? All those costumes, and the quilt (which will be glorious). I can see why sort’ve it was recommended to sandwich the quilt before apliqueing simply because of the amount of applique on one piece of fabric but I don’t envy you. But yes, keep pressing it. I have to put some, well actually a lot of ric rac on an already quilted no. because my quilter won’t do quilting if ric rac on beforehand, and I keep postponing the job. However, have seen some quilters using perle cotton for hand quilting, and that seems like a good idea for hand stitching ric rac to blocks (after glue basting it on first). Can’t really see how to shove the quilted quilt under the walking foot in order to attach by machine.

    As I’ve said elsewhere, I can recommend my computerised Janome – just the basic one – and it’s very reliable. I’m always learning new little tricks to manage it better too – Oliver and S is good for expanding the repertoire. Haven’t been brave enuf to try shirring elastic in it, tho. Any advice about best way to lengthen Music Class skirt out there, please?

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    PS; J, I seem to remember that the monkeys had fez type hats with tassels, and little vests like circus animals, didn’t they? Lol about the teacher suggesting you “just run the lion costume in” – don’t you love the blithe assumptions of non-sewists? This sounds like it’s going to be an amazing production. Yay to Noah for getting a starring role.

    meleliza @meleliza

    I’m mostly happy with this one, but the elastic thread issue makes me nuts. Ive been using an old machinwhile whirring, but it’s just about completely dead. Maybe I’ll just buy a new super cheap machine that can handle the elastic thread. One that Kitty could use when she’s ready to learn. Im a little unhappy with the buttonholes too. The buttonhole foot doesn’t like any bulk whatsoever!

    I wish they would worry less about bells and whistles. I have a $500 machine, so I guess that’s still low end or upper low? But it has lots of embroidery and fancy stitches. The thing is, it doesn’t do them very well. Only about 3 look at all nice. I don’t care, but it seems like a waste of features when they could be giving me a sturdier buttonhole foot or making sure the stupid thing could handle elastic thread.

    meleliza @meleliza

    Oh, the trouble with the dealer is that it’s out in the suburbs about an hour away. And it’s in a particularly horrid suburb called King of Prussia where there are two enourmous malls and lots of other shopping centers. The traffic on a Saturday is rather like DC or LA at rush hour. I can’t tell you how much I hate traffic.

    So I can’t go on a Saturday, but I also can’t go in the summer with three kids in tow because I would not be able to concentrate. I also can’t go during the school year because there isn’t enough time to get out there, shop and get back before naps and school pickup. You can see why I ordered my last machine online. Maybe I’ll call them and see if they can get me started on the phone so when I do go out, it will be faster?

    As for space, I have a large sewing room. But unfortunately, my bed takes up a lot of the space. 🙂 which is my way of saying my bedroom is still the best sewing space in the house.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Isn’t it funny how having a separate space for sewing is not as useful as sounds unless you can still keep an eye on other things, such as crumb crushers?

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    I have had to move my sewing space into the dinning room so I still sew with the baby. He gets into everything now so I have to be right with him or I can’t sew.

    On the plus side I am working on his sketchbook shirt now, I hope to have it almost done tonight and the hat done by tomorrow. I have thought of a cute tea party sun suit for him though that I must try and make before Sunday now.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh yes, we are set to steal the show with our two lines again! I am rather disappointed at the lack of lines he has – the kid who got Peter pan last year gets Tin man this year and his little brother the scarecrow – i think it was a tad favouritism myself but then, I am one of the mums! Dont mind as next year he will be with a different teacher and hopefully will get to shine in a different more positive way.

    Anyway digressing!

    The monkeys did have little hats with tassles and I am envisiging the same but seriously I have all but lost motivation. Am currently putting the monkeys together now and have ripped the lion costume to bits so I an quick cut that out to a more sustainable size. I will do the bonnet when N gets home from school just so I can gauge how much mane can go where. Same for the monkey ears – they are not going to e sewn into the seam as they wont look monkeyish that way. I want them further down the side and will have to either machine stitch carefully or tack them on. I was hoping to have them done to hand in thks arvo but it wont be happening. I will just be working late tonight to t the lot finished I think and that way I can devote tomorrow and Sunday (saturday morning is out at least) to making the wizard outfit. I want to make a pair of black trousers for N as we have a funeral to attend Saturday and they can be part of his costume.

    Oh so much to do….

    Tamara @justsewit

    Please excuse said spelling and grammatical errors, my ipad isn’t cooperating!

    Robin @Robin

    Just finished the last teacher present! That’s 7 items, which seems crazy to me. Now what should I make? Something palate cleansing from Oliver and S perhaps.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    l just made myself a pair of pants to wear to work tomorrow as all my old ones have holes! I Made them on the sewing machine as the overlocker is having tension issues 🙁 Last day of work tomorrow!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Have a great last day Heidi!

    I am pottering at low speed with these costumes. I used the sleepover pattern to cut out the lion outfit and measured it against N as he is a tad taller than the lad who is playing the lion. It came together so much faster than I thought AND I managed to squeeze the outer shell of the hood out of the scraps which is what I was hoping to do.

    Now all I have to do is find velcro for the back and do the mane.

    The monkeys hoods arent finished but they have ears. I want to do cone like fez hats with tassles (might even cover small yoghurt containers and stick ’em on) and then figure out the wings.

    I may not get the chance to do this today though – apparently visitors are coming which was sprung on me at the last minute!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I am having a lovely time planning cutting and sewing play outfits for Lid’s and Tilly. They have grown so quickly, so my usual ‘what you wore for best last season can be play this season’ will not apply.

    It feels deliciously naughty to be sewing up pretty fabric that will be covered in mud whilst still new.

    Nicole @motherof5

    PS Tamara, paint the yogurt pots with PVA and roll them in red glitter, or mix red poster paint with PVA 50:50 paint them with that.

    Robin @Robin

    Hi There! Rob went as a flying monkey to the dress up version of the Wizard of Oz play. He made his fez out of a margarine tub, construction paper and coloured duct tape. The glitter would be far more dramatic though. He did punch two holes in the tub and strung elastic through to keep it on his head.

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