Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    All of your costumes always turn out so amazing! I can’t wait to see it! I think Wyatt will love this one too.

    I have the knickers done for Caspian’s birthday outfit but I am now working on Sarah’s AM Emily doll dress in a Sarah size. I am having some problems turning the scallops on the bodice though so I hope to get it almost done today, I hope the main dress anyway. I need to hurry to finish hers to finish baby boys for the 30th!

    Masha Richart

    Working on my Washi dress. So far, so good except for one major catastrophe wherein my serger sliced a hole in my bodice. (Yes, my serger did that all by himself, little brat!). But my dobby stripe fabric is textured enough that I was able to fix the hole with some fusible web and a few tiny zigzags, and now it is barely noticeable.

    And as I was sewing it I thought happily how far I have come as a sew”ist” since I discovered O+S. I *knew* to understitch the seam allowance to the lining at the neckline before I even read about it in the pattern. That was a good feeling. Hope to finish the dress this weekend.

    Robin @Robin

    I am in total agreement about under stitching. Now that I know what it really is I never skip doing it! Thank you Liesl. Oliver and S patterns have stopped me from thinking, “I could never sew that.” Great instructions make all the difference.

    One and a half teacher presents left to sew this weekend. After that I have 5 PIGS lined up. (project in grocery-bag)

    Tamara @justsewit

    Gosh it is creeping up on us fast isn’t it? My dad’s birthday is the 29th and then we have Murray’s and then Noah’s, so two weeks and three birthdays. Cant wait to see this gorgeous boy in his first birthday outfit.

    The lion will be easy because I will have a before photo of the huge version to refer to.

    Robin I love that! I have never heard that expression before.

    I was sitting and attempting to unpick the horrible stitching that mucked up my Meg’s garden quilt http://dontlooknow.bigcartel.com/product/megs-garden so that I can get started with re applique-ing the pieces on after the costumes are made. But alas I gave up in frustration due to children thinking they could sit on my one (wo)man couch with me! I just wanted to get ahead because the feeling of frustration is rising over not doing alot this week sewing wise.

    I have some fun emerald green satin with white and black sheep on it and I might use that as the vest front. The character is supposed to be whacky so I will make him that way. I have the green Einstein wig I thought would be classic under the top hat and have to find those spinny dress up glasses with the disco balls dangling on the side. It might all be a bit much but like I said he was depicted as a larger than life character.

    Did nothing again yesterday so today is the day to go kick the hubby out of my space and reclaim the sewing table!

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Finally completed music class blouse, and music box pinny combo for Miss very nearly 6. All looks good, and will post on Flickr soon. Thought I might make MC skirt to coordinate with blouse but the kid is quite tall, and I can’t work out where the best places are to lengthen the pattern. Can’t do it in the middle as usual because all that will do is deepen the pocket on the side panel. Should I just add length to bottom of the pieces? I know many of you have made this pattern so I’d appreciate the wisdom of your experiences.

    Thought I might give the Playdate a try with corduroy/cotton for yoke. Doesn’t look as hard as it did a year ago; clearly doing more sewing for kids, and working with O and S patterns has broadened my skills, and perhaps confidence too.

    Speaking of same, I’d need far more confidence to tackle the garden quilt, J. Wow!!!! I think the satin with sheep sounds wonderful for the Wizard’s vest. Did groan for you about panne velvet. Increasingly, it’s hard to find anyone staffing sewing shops that actually knows anything about fabric or sewing. Caveat Emptor, eh??

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Sharon, have a very happy day on 30/6!! I hope the whole family celebrates in style with lots of fun. F.

    cybele727 @cybele727

    I am bogged down in this quilt top. I am 2/3 through, and I HATE it. But I refuse to let all that $ and time go to the kind of UFO that stays that way forever. So as punishment, I must finish before moving onto things I like. (Or rather, sewing clothes is the reward for completing this exercise.).ju

    Masha Richart

    Finished my Washi dress. Made some dumb mistakes but I learned a lot and it isn’t half bad. Next up is a red bow belt to go with it. Then I have to decide what patterns to use for the girls’ next dresses – they picked out the fabrics themselves from my stash. Older girl (not quite 4) chose the Lisette paper boat print, and little sister (not quite 3) chose a brown chambray. I’m thinking Bubble for the chambray but not sure what to do with the boats. I think I want something with a gathered skirt and straight top.

    A friend loaned me her Japanese pattern books and I’ve been reading the recent blogosphere series on deciphering them, so maybe I’ll paper-boatize one of those.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I cut out three monkey hoods yesterday – using the black track pant fabric wrong side out due to fluffiness and lining with grey corduroy. I wont sew the ears in to the seams though. I want them looking rounder and I was going to do a yellow cone hat with a red tassle on top as part of the monkey “livery”. We shall see.

    I have just realised that I have dismembered the huge lion costume WITHOUT taking a before photo (smack the forehead) duh!

    The main goal for today is to fully dismember the lion costume and cut the pattern out using it. Also actually sewing the monkey hoods and locating some wire so I can make the wings stand up. I want to have monkeys and lion costume completed to hand in tomorrow so I can get on with the wizard costume.

    Yes I know Needlewoman, isn’t it gorgeous! But it is all appliquéd and I was silly to sandwich it first and try to appliqué with a sandwich as per the homespun instructions. I went to hang the front up so I didn’t have to fold it but I found it on the floor the next morning so folded anyway. I have all the flowers repressed on so I shouldn’t lose anything and I will press again before sewing anyway. That is for the holidays now as the next week and a bit is full of wizard prep and then birthday party prep. Sunday next week I will be in an exhausted heap and thinking of what I an sew for pleasure.

    Cybele, I feel your pain! Keep going to just get it done and it might be gorgeous once it is completed. I admit doing the quilting on Imogen’s quilt was painful but I absolutely love the effect now. Have to take a full sized photo. Noah’s quilt is still half bound – that will be for the fairies to do this week I think.

    Has anyone ever sewn in theirsleep?

    meleliza @meleliza

    I thought I had the elastic thread thing finally figured out with my Brother machine, but tonight it behaved very badly indeed! It was eating up my nearly finished dress. Eating. Much shouting, much cursing and tears. But I managed to finally getting the shirring I needed out of it. On to wine!

    I’m ready for a grown up machine. How much money do I have to spend to get something sturdy, reliable and not too stupidly fancy? I’m ready to start saving.

    Tamara, I can’t wait to see your costumes!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh you poor thing Meleliza! As far as grown up machines are concerned there are lots to choose from. Mine was on special because it was just released and it has SOME bells and whistles but isn’t stupidly fancy. Mine retails for about $3000 Australian. It may not be what you are after in terms of needs and I think if you’re planning to trade in/ upgrade, I’d be inclined to make a list of what characteristics your “grown up” machine would possess. Remember there is no reason why you cant decide on features that you could grow into but don’t make it all about them. Mine is computerised but you may not want a computerised machine. I would road test some machines to get a feel for what you would like your next machine to have and if at all possible shop and test different brands – hint, Janome is really great but you do have decide for yourself (no pressure). Hope that helps.

    Busy ripping the rest of the lion costume apart in order to realign my positive mindset (really hard to do this today))

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Meleliza, l’ve been looking at sewing machines as mine is not happy. I have worked out that features wise want a Bernina either a 430, 550 or 580. So it will take a while to save up. lf it wasn’t for a few features l would also be looking at the Pfaff ambition series for about 1,000, at least here in Aus.

    Make that list of What you need/want your machine to have/do. There are some great blog posts on the subject.

    l have made my first field trip tee, Liesl this pattern is amazing !

    Nicole @motherof5

    How big is your sewing room Melanie?

    I have an older ‘work horse’, a Bernina Industrie, which is classified as semi-industrial. I adore it but it may not be for everyone. I do sew silk and voile on it with no trouble at all.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    If the Bernina 1008 had a speed control I would so have one!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Justsewit, is that correct? Three THOUSAND dollars? USD 2784.30, according to google? Crikey, mate. For that much I’d want bells, whistles, a xylophone, and a church organ. I have the Husq Viking Viva. Bottom of the line machine, paid about $550 … about 8 years ago? Does everything I want and then some, came with everything I needed but a walking foot.

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