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What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    The one thing I must learn the next time around is the seams at the pinwheels really need to be pressed open. I have brokem a few needles going over them on the pink quilt and they dont allow for consistent stitching so this is one thing that does need attention I think.

    Sharon, I have the latest book by Camille Roskelley (of Bonnie and Camille – you know Ruby, vintage modern Marmalade and now Happy go lucky). It is available as a kindle book and has this really great and what I think would be rather easy to piece quilt called Vintage in it. It would be perfect for bed quilts I think and with the quilting you seriously dont have to go overboard (like me). You can see in the pictures of this quilt she used half circle shapes mirroring (echoed) and on a rather large scale. I have decided I dont like stitching in the ditch and the free motion does add that extra oomph to the project (I think anyway). I would recommend having a look at this book and possibly picking up a copy because it has some fabulous designs in there that are straight forward and you can either use two different prints or small cuts on this particular one.

    I’m having issues with needle and thread again – they dont want to work together! Today I will do much more than yesterday and try and have half the quilt blocks complete – like I said this design is alot faster than the last one.

    Thanks for the compliments ladies, much appreciated.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Now I have stopped blabbing on about the quilt,

    Sharon I cant wait to see your vintage baby birthday outfit! The year has skipped by so quickly and talking babes are so exciting to listen to. My kids keep asking what their first words were, do you have a notebook to write what he is saying down? He may ask later on so be ready.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    It’s piping hot here so I might have to rethink Caspian’s birthday outfit. It has been fairly cool but summer took it’s bite today. Now I am not sure…

    I am going to be getting side track again and will be making next a 3T “Emily” American doll dress for Sarah for the Once Upon Thread. She has been asking for this dress for a year now and I finally found the right fabric for it, I figure it’s perfect timing. I will be using the Fairy tale dress pattern. Poor Sarah’s princess Fairy tale will have to wait a bit longer to be finished.

    meleliza @meleliza

    vintage baby outfit? Yes, please share!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Ok, really have to move this quilt along as N came home yesterday singing “I am the Wonderful wizard of Oz” and so now I have two weeks to make a Wizard of Oz costume.

    Any ideas on how to crack the old fashioned jacket look? I have a waistcoat pattern and the sketchbook shirt and make the shorts into trousers for the basis but need ideas for doing the jacket? Do you think we could rehash the trench coat pattern somehow?

    I don’t like the idea of green so went searching and found the “perfect” example of the look I want. Worse case scenario, he can look like Elton John in his dress up days wearing funny glasses and a green corduroy suit! Blurgh! Let’s please not go in that direction!

    Nicole @motherof5

    I think the trench with some fun buttons would be fine Tamara.

    I finished the Continental -dress-as-a-slip and it worked beautifully!

    I used a bemsilk lining and it is quite swishy under my linen Portfolio and stops it clinging to my Bridget Jones knickers.

    Now I am sewing Jed’s shirt and drafting a Deer&Doe Belladone dress for Zara.

    meleliza @meleliza

    I look forward to seeing Zara’s dress. I startied ogling the deer and doe website after you mentioned it. They have lovely things! But really, do I need more French patterns? 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    Doing a little happy dance right now! Finished the quilting on N’s quilt last night so now that is needed is the binding. And here I was thinking I would be quilting for the rest of my life on that one too! Breathing a sigh of relief.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’ve been unpacking my fabric into its new room. my main fabric on the shelves but there is a fair bit of random stuff to get sorted and put away. I have just made 3 dolls quilt for work, It was nice to see something that was not Cargos and was a quick finish. l final fund something the Machrie I borrowed from work dose better than my regular machine, it quilts and uses a waking foot beautifully. 🙂 Now if only it wasn’t so frustrating in other ways !

    Masha Richart

    Great job, justsewit! I bet that feels great.

    I finished the swimsuit bottom for my skinny girl and they fit pretty well; certainly better that store-bought. My binding is awful, though. I was feeling very clever because I unpicked the original binding and elastic, but it looks pretty dreadful sewn back on. But it looks better on her than lying on my ironing table, and at least it doesn’t gap in the crotch like her rtw ones. I have some learning to do, I guess. Now onto the top.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Yippy Tamara!!!

    I am almost done with the cricket sun suit, it only needs buttons for the leg closers this morning then onto his birthday suit. It shouldn’t take too long to sew this seeing as many of the sketchbook shorts/shirts I have made, I hope. ; )

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    I’m building up my pile of cut out stuff again.

    I’ve sewn a School Days Coat with quilted vest for P, but haven’t taken any pics yet as I’m going to make a similar one for a friend of his. While I waited for that kid to try on P’s coat (and darn if he isn’t a bit bigger and I had to draft the pattern in the next size up) I cut out:

    1 Diplomat dress for me

    1 Music Class skirt for A (out of the leftovers of above)

    and 2 pairs of sleepover pyjamas

    I’ll get the sewing machine out again from tomorrow I think.

    On Tuesday my kids daycare centre is having a pyjama day. This has never happened on a day my kids have attended daycare and now that they have a pair of Sleepover pyjamas each I’m ridiculously excited about it. At the same time I’m a bit precious about their jammies and I hope they change into regular clothes before playing outside or doing painting…. 1st world mummy problem. Sigh.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh yes! It does feel good to know not all those designs take forever and that I dont have to sit there shifting fabric under the darning foot and hoping its gonna turn out – for a while at least. The next quilt I have is the appliqued one, a design by Kellie Wulfsohn under her business name “Dont look now”. I have almost finished unpicking my mistakes and have lovely colours of thread waiting to be used on it to reapply the flowers. I have to press some of them back on it has been that long!

    But before that I have decided to make some long sleeved school worth tees for the kids to wear underneath their new uniform as the actual jumpers (pullovers, sweaters) apparently aren’t being ordered until next year and the new jackets are not warm at all.

    I will cut three each out for them this week and get sewing over the weekend as because hubby is away from lunch today until Wednesday I want to take the chance to do some thorough cleaning in a few areas of the house – it is normally something I do when he is on the tractor but considering I had sick children for much of that time, not much in the cleaning arena was accomplished.

    So this week! Cutting out six long sleeved tees, possibly Ottobre 301’s three for each kid and handstitching the binding onto N’s quilt. Hopefully by the end of the week I can sew in my nook again (microscope needs a new home as I am not happy with farm beanies on my cutting table!) and have the chance to get creating that costume!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Jed’s shirt is finished but I still am not sure its the right style for my precious Capel. I shall keep searching.

    I have not finished drafting Zara’s Belladone dress so I made a pair of sheep print Sleep Over pj’s that I had cut out last year.

    Today I hope to sew some Bedtime Story pj’s for Tilly.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Today I aim to just draft and ready the necessary patterns for making this Wizard of Oz costume. I was browsing around to find some options and Noah has chosen one with a top hat and not all green but we can do more green for ours – teacher wants it! So, I thought in order to be able to re use some of the pieces I have decided to use fabrics from stash and have the panne velvet emerald green as the “costume” part of the outfit. This will be used for the top hat and the jacket – I want the jacket to have tails that curl up, giving a mad scientist cross with Willy Wonka look to the jacket.

    But it is 1pm all ready and the day is already on its side! Thank goodness it is on Saturday!

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