Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    I certainly hope so. I was just informed by my ds that school trousers “won’t cut it” as part of his costume! What a shame!

    I dropped the other costumes off and informed the monkeys they just have to flap their arms – the teacher looked aghast but she isn’t the one having sleepless nights sewing! They were thrilled with their hats and the lion looked pretty good – even though I was called ambitious by the teacher. She wanted to know if I sewed the fleece on in rows and well of course I answered yes – part by hand and part by machine.

    I just have to finish off the jacket for Noah and then whip up a pair of green trousers. I ailed to get the spray on glitter so may abandon the idea of a hat altogether. Either way he will look green.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    If you’ve got stretch panne velvet a pair of nature walk pants would be very quick only 4 seams!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh good! I was thinking of using just that pattern! I’m doing just single buttons down the jacket and realised I didn’t do the sleeve hems when he tried it on. So six all up which I will be happy with and that means no repeat of the 1am bedtime – yay!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Tamara, you are such a devoted mum! You deserve a big stiff drink at the end of all this! I know your little ones appreciate it very much.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh! You are a darling Meleliza! I do it for my kids, in order to show them that mum can dedicate herself to tasks with deadlines and to encourage them to be a little more positive about school (in a round a bout way).

    I have whipped up a pair of nature walk pants in a size 10 but I cant get over how short they look! It has been a while since I used this pattern but I remember the size was fine before (I made an 8 for N last time). This pair took 45 minutes!

    Now I have to just do the buttons and buttonholes and then it is slumber time! So stuffed!

    The long stiff drink can happen on Sunday after I have created a cleaning frenzy for N’s birthday party and our guests have gone home! That way I can celebrate a very long week of tasks and school holidays!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    So sad, I haven’t stitched a thing in ages. I did have a nice chat with my sister about what she has in mind for a flower girl dress for her wedding, and I think a sleeveless Fairy Tale in two shades of pink will work. Any tips on creating fabric flowers from dupioni?

    Masha Richart

    Sarvi, I did dupioni flowers on DD1’s Christmas Playdate (http://www.flickr.com/photos/23557464@N03/8260534186/). My biggest recommendation is to make the flowers removable so that they don’t go through the wash. I did not do that and they now look a hot mess. To make the flowers I cut strips (not on the bias but that would work too), ironed in half and gathered, then spiraled them around on themselves and tacked them down. I covered buttons with the same fabric and used those for the centers.

    Tamara @justsewit

    It will take this flower girl dress to get your sewing mojo back Sarvi! So special to have your daughter involved in your sister’s wedding!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Oooooo, pink flower girl dress! My favorite kind.

    After two very long sewing days – I must have put in 6 hours on Sunday and at least 4 or 5 yesterday, I have two sets of sleepover pjs for the boys to take on their trip to Grandma’s house. We went with plain snaps for middle son and brown buttons (thankfully from the stash) for oldest. I took extra care finishing since pjs get such hard wear and used a combination of French and flat felled seams. Time consuming, yes, but the flat seams will be comfortable. Middle one slept in them last night and pronounced them great!

    i hope to get some pictures, but the weather is very highly overcast and fake light isn’t cutting it. They both look exceedingly handsome and grown up. My oldest looks like a small man. It’s kind of hilarious.

    Now I’ve got to finish up a “wish” musicbox dress so I can deliver it next weekend and get some photos before I leave for my parent’s house too. I did a tiny bit of hand embroidery on the shoulder for a little extra touch. There will be a petticoat style lining underneath for a touch of fullness and a big sash. So darling!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Thanks so much, ladies! And thanks for the tip on the flowers!

    Love little touches like a spot of embroidery, meleliza.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Not Tamara the sewing lady today, just Sadie the cleaning lady instead!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I’ve just finished help babysit my friends 3 kids for the last three days so the parents , our friends, could have a couple of nights away. To help distract the youngest today I allowed her to pick fabric for her new cargoes and then she wanted to help cut them out. So we pinned, discussed grain and why we don’t leave pins in the cutting line and cut out a couple of pieces. Then she sat with me and removed the pins as we came to them as we hemmed the sleeves of a pink and purple field trip tee.

    meleliza @meleliza

    How fun!

    Masha Richart

    ARGH! You can picture me banging my head on my sewing table right now. Last night I pieced together my digital Puppet Show shorts pattern (since they girls have grown since the last pair I made), and cut out two pairs of shorts. Today I began sewing them and got as far as sewing the pockets to the main panels on one pair … only to discover that somehow I did not finish taping the pattern together and cut out incomplete pieces. I *think* I have enough fabric remaining from each piece to cut two more panels but I hate wasting fabric like this. And time too. I don’t know how it is that I did not notice this before I cut – or even while I was cutting the first pair.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh no! Have you been sleep deprived lately? It can happen if you’ve been up, or stressed or being a mum in general. I hope you have enough fabric too. I have done similar things too so I can understand how you feel.

    Oh Heidi! That sounded like so much fun. And she sat with you for all that time fully engaged with attention? How old is this little one?

    I’m looking forward to Monday when it will be school holidays and I can sew. I had a dream last night my N was sewing something with a great fat grin on his face. I keep saying I will do it but it just seems that other things take priority. So here’s to another chance or at least making the dream reality.

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