Oliver + S

What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    I sat and did the whole lot of smocking on a dress one time and ended up having eyes so fuzzy I literally couldn’t see! I have to use a Daylight lamp to do any hand stitching in this house as the light is just so dim in here. Don’t stress about getting the smocking done all in one day Sharon, this is where mistakes can happen but I am happy you are cruising along nicely with the outfits and look set to finish.

    I finished the celestial Pinwheel tunic and it was met with a very enthusiastic reaction and a suggestion to make the accompanying dress! She hasn’t tried it on yet though as she is a bit messy after experimenting with how to make lemonade without the lemons. I will get her to put it on tomorrow just to see if we got the sizing right – pretty confident it is fine but I want confirmation of the fact.

    I washed the new cotton from the most recent parcel and held the green up to N suggesting to make a sketchbook shirt for him to wear. He said he liked it but it looked like what dentists wear! He has dentists on the brain right now! So I will give him the choice between that and some blue cotton and then go from there.

    Tomorrow I will cut out the dress part of Pinwheel pattern to match the tunic already made and also cut out the respective parts of the Easter outfits for both kids, sketchbook shirt and pants, and possibly another Pinwheel tunic and dress. That will give me a fair bit of hand sewing to do over the course of the week (I like to hand stitch the necklines and sleeves).

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    LOL about the dentists, and not wanting to wear what they do. So sweet. Glad Miss 10 has given her imprimatur to her outfits.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I found my tea party sundress and was able to finish the hem and use snaps I already had. Then I decided to make two more lego men appliques for the birthday girls and put them on hoodies I already had! They were quick to do and looked so cute. All the lego men were very well recieved, as was the tea party dress (straight on and then worn for the party the next day) and the penguin backpack also went staright on and was worn until dinner time, over her lego hoodie, so cute! Next a big clean up and onto the cut out field trip cargos. Oh and maybe some more lego men 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    You are so very clever Heidi!

    Miss 10 wore her tunic yesterday but I didn’t take photos. She announced she loves it and it is comfortable so I must have given her just that right bit of extra room. I love how this looks great on a tall girl and she has requested the dress to match.

    I did attempt to do a bit of cutting out yesterday but it dint happen the way I had hoped. It is always the way it seems on the weekends. So today I will cut out what I didn’t yesterday and get sewing!

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Thanks!Looking foward to seeing pics of the pinwheel justsewit, espically on an older taller girl. I’m hoping E or Z might be wanting one as I’d like to see it on them too Nicole!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Zara was very keen on a french blue sandwashed silk version Heidi.

    And then she found the Victory patterns……

    No sewing for two whole days!

    I am making supper now and then will sew until the Biggies get home.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Liddy looks lovely in her pinwheel, her choice of that beautiful blue floral linen was beautiful.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thank you,I still need to get a nice photo of her wearing it.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Cut out and started sewing two more Pinwheel dresses and tunics yesterday. I can’t believe it took 3 hours just to but them all out!

    I was hoping to cut two sketchbook shirts out also but it didn’t happen. So I will continue and hopefully finish the dresses and tunics today and get onto the sketchbooks tomorrow.

    Nicole didn’t you say Hugo took umpteen million photos of the party? Wasn’t there a good one of her in the pile? Bit of a shame but a good excuse for a photo shoot hey?!

    theknittinganxiety @theknittinganxiety

    Hi All,

    After a long pause (because we bought an apartment and moved in January so I did not sew since November last year) I started sewing this March for the 1st time this year and I did not stopped yet, I am so glad… My 1st it was a puppet show dress, then a roller skate dress and then an ice cream dress. Now I’m working in another puppet show dress, I loved the 1st one so much that I need to sew one more at least.

    I cannot belive that I started sewing a year ago, when I started sewing I would never think that I could love it so much as I do, and to dress my 2 years baby with this much love is the best.


    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Glad to have you back Rita, She sounds like a very well dressed baby!

    Tamara @justsewit

    One Pinwheel finished and the other is half completed. Will finish off today and do the hand sewing whilst at piano lessons.

    meleliza @meleliza

    This evening, I delivered that communion dress. I have mixed feelings! It’s done and out of my hands, which is a good feeling after such a long, involved project, but I’m also a little sad to see it go. I’ve got lots of ideas, though, and I kinda want to dive into another one. Maybe one of her friends will want one too.

    This afternoon, I cut a muslin for the new Lisette Attache dress. I’m going to wing it with fitting, since it has all those nice princess seams. I left myself plenty of extra fabric in the side front seam allowances and I plan to simply fit it right on the body. I’ve been chomping at the bit to try this one since it came out, so I’m very eager.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I would love to see the attache dress meleliza!

    sidewalkgoddess @sidewalkgoddess

    I am finishing up a pair of Tea Party dresses… but aking a small break to trace a shift dress for me!

    I just placed an order for fabric for a pair of bedtime stories and a pair of bubble dresses (saw all the fabric in person, but all they had were fat quarters left…)

    After that, I am making dresses for my sisters wedding (a pair of silk dupioni bubble dresses. Standard view b for my younger, and a modified one for my older, who is the flower girl.

    I am so nervous about the silk, but excited.

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