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What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    Robin, the Family Reunion Dress, the collars of the Sketchbook and Music Class shirts. you could even do along the seam line of the Music class shirt and do along the seam line of the skirt to match. The choices are endless! Oh and I have to remember what Imspirations issue that towel was in!

    But everyone is right, they are bog easy, don’t hold the thread too tight, remember to go anti clockwise, do count your wraps and have a heck of a lot of fun learning something new!

    They are ten thousand times less fiddly than cast on flowers – and if you are a lefty like me you will understand what I mean.

    You can use how ever many thread strands you want but the more there are the thicker the bullions will be. I like to do mine with three – they turn out nice and plump. You work as of you have a clock and position the bullions around each other at “different points of the clock” I go anti clockwise so you need to figure out which way os more comfortable for you and gives the better result.

    Meleliza, I think Farmhouse fabrics has it in stock – I saw on their site anyhow. And yes pulling threads is one of THE most tediously time comsuming thngs one can do in a day – all worth it for a special dress though.

    Right, have dropped off kids, picked up mail, had the coffee and a read of the Fox collection mag, now its off to finish these pink pants.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Robin, with your eye, I’m sure you’ll spot the perfect place for them.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I just need to add elastic to my field trip shorts and then they’re all done.

    Robin @Robin

    Tamara, do you remember the bullion roses done on top of buttons? I really need to do that. When I get a minute I’m going to flip through some magazines.

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    Thank you Tamara and Nicole! I will be sure to practice them way before I try it on a dress. Sweet pea even grabbed the magazize to show her daddy her “new” dress. hehehe I think she really wants me to make it now. ; )

    meleliza @meleliza

    Thanks, Tamara, I’m glad it’s not just me being really really dumb! If I do more of these, I’m clearly going to have to choose different techniques. At this point, it’s going just a tad faster, so I’m guessing I’m t minus 3 more hours of thread pulling. After that its easy stuff like setting sleeves and hand picking a zip.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh that is hilarious! My daughter never did that or get that excited over her mum making dresses for her – as long as they were made by mum it was alright by her anyway.

    Robin the bullion self covered buttons as so lovely. I used to get frustrated in the beginning though that the button wouldnt have the bullion sit perfectly in the middle. I did get the hang of it eventually though. I dont know if you remember the dress “Sunday Best” it had the dress in pink and white gingham corduroy and the coat to go over it. I made the dress for my daughter as the coat wasnt needed. I’m thinking of all those dresses I made with bullions on it.

    The trick to doing bullions on pleats Sharon is to not take too much of a ‘bite’ of the pleats but basically take as much as you do making the stitches. They basically sit on top of the pleats.

    I made this matinee jacket years ago when expecting my daughter that required pulled threads and hemstitching. I do remember because I hadnt dont the technique before it did take ages. Later I had a class with Gail Doane (Cute as a button book) and she showed how to do the drawn thread that inspired me to do it again. We had to do it to find the straight of grain and it didnt end up being too bad. Hopefully the three hours will not be needed and you get it done faster.

    I have finished the pink cargos and am a bit comfused over the expanded finished measurement of the waist. i measured before putting elastic in and it wasnt the measurement stated on the packet. They do fit her but only just. The next pair will require lengthening in the rise as I can see some serious ‘plumber’s crack’ situations going to happen if I don’t.

    Today I will tidy up the sewing nook and cut out a pair for N. I measured and he is certainly a 10.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Tamara,is she starting to get a grown up figure?

    I have found with E&Z their ‘measurements’ put them in a 8 or 10 but the curves of their bodies definitely require the 12 with fitting.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Yes, she is at a funny stage right now – gaining a little waist but no where near the measurements on the chart, Her hip measurement is 32″ and her bust measurement has grown too. She still has her pot belly – almost looks as though an invisible piece of string is pulling her back in and her tummy out! She willingly tried the pants on this morning only after I assured her there were defintely no pins. It looks ok but they sit just a little bit too low – sort of mid hip. She sat down in them and they didnt sink but she still has to continually pull them up. I do have to tighten the elastic slightly at the back just so they can stay up a little longer. The length is fine and the fit around the legs is great. I will get a photo up when I can so you can see.

    I do like them alot! It is a great pattern and I think they could possibly do the year out but I may have to slightly adjust the pattern. She says they are comfortable even if they look as though they’re falling down!

    I want to do a grey pair for N in drill again so that he can have a pair of “work pants” too. Then if they are really happy with them I will make more for casual wear. I have some purple drill which would look great!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Finished Jed’s shirt and my Continental blouse(Lisette)it is gorgeous to sew and I may love it even more then my Portfolio tunics!

    I am cutting out a Continental dress now in a spotty voile which I may self line yet……

    Next up is a soft blazer/jacket for Elsa in dotty cord with a McCalls pattern. I would much prefer an O+S version hint hint hint.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Bumbling along with my “project” while my hubby does helpful research (ie watches the movie for glimpses of the outfit) on the net.

    Today’s lesson: If you’re going to use a thick topstitching thread, best to get a needle with a larger hole. Tricky.

    But that step is done. Now to trying to make a lining that will fit inside…

    meleliza @meleliza

    Still pulling thread.

    Anonymous @

    Here is a useful tutorial with great pictures for those of you wishing to try bullion roses. http://www.needlework-tips-and-techniques.com/bullion-stitch.html

    Tamara @justsewit

    Wanting to use my Ladies stitching club jelly roll to make some much needed long mats for the top of the piano.

    I don’t have enough grey drill for N’s pants so will cut a pair for him from a black sort of coloured denim.

    Might do sitting down sewing though today as am feeling rather unwell. Might do another couple of blocks on miss 10’s quilt to move it along a bit.

    Well just an idea anyhow – watched the first class of the craftsy block of the month (from last year) and it has me all inspired so better finish the quilting of the current quilt whilst I am piecing another just so there are no ufo’s clogging up the cupboard – the quilt takes a shelf to itself!

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    As the owner of shoe boxes of cut out quilts, and a clothes horse that keeps collapsing because of the layers of fabric draped over it – put there so I don’t forget that I intend to you use for the cut pieces in the shoe boxes – I applaud your resolution to finish a project jsewit – especially one that’s taking up too much room. What a pip there is not enuf grey drill; still better to find out now than later, and more sorry to hear you are not feeling too hot. Hope taking time to do something virtuous, and more relaxing really helps.

    I have finally finished the skirt and peasant blouse -hooray – and have cut out a bunch of new stuff. Working on a View B music box – ie trying to adjust bodice (I think I will make a toile, and send it over to child’s grandmother for fitting), and have just unpacked Family Reunion, and ironed up the pieces for a Size 8. This child is a perfect size 8 -for this pattern. Frabjous day!! Belonging in the News thread, I am really looking forward to a chair being returned by the upholster tomorrow. It’s a 19th century “grandfather” chair – one of a pair that I inherited from my parents – unfortunately, one of my sisters in law has the “grandmother”- which desperately needed repairing and recovering. It’s taken me a very long time to find the money and the fabric to do the job, but now it’s done. I will also have to tidy up my lounge to receive it, so I’d better keep cracking.

    Thanks for all the tips about bullion roses, seam adders (sounds like a snake, doesn’t it); and hang in there, Mel with all that thread pulling. I’m assuming this is for faggoting the communion frock. You have all my sympathy after the pleated skirt c/o Make It Perfect taking way too much time.

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