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    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    She was born at the Birth Centre (not part of a hospital, I’ve heard too many scary stories about US Obstetricians!). I was able to walk there!

    All good, we were home within 5 hours. Settling in to life with three kids is going quite well!
    Dorothy only wakes up once or twice to feed overnight. We are very lucky 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    @jay_1965vw congratulations sweetheart! What a wonderful piece of news to share and she looks a very special treat. I am so glad she is content at the moment (my Chloë was like that too) and that you are all doing well. Three isn’t as bad as what people say… I think it is just used as a deterrent myself! Dorothy has a beautiful meaning to the name too! Just lovely.

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    Aw, huge congratulations! Very pleased to hear your news, and that Dorothy is a sleepy baby!

    Nicole @motherof5

    School Hol’s start tomorrow and we are off to our beach cottage. It will be freezing but the Fab Five will swim in wet suits.

    Tamara @justsewit

    We have just returned from a quick trip to the city for yet another review of Murray’s injuries. Good news!! We are now down to three monthly visits and the humerous is healing up which means we can step up the physio and he can work with it a little more.

    Not so good news was that his movement hasn’t really improved a huge deal and he has been told that it needs to make huge improvements within six months or the muscles will atrophy and he will have to have corrective surgery.

    He also needs to have an ultrasound on his shoulder as there is suspect tendon damage there that may require surgery also.

    There will be risks and it will be painful and it will mean another three months off work. So it will be an after harvest goal.

    The kids were happy though, we took all three of them to Scitech (an interactive science museum). They had a free exhibit in the centre of the city when I walked down from the hospital with the children so we had a look inside and then after lunch we went to the proper Scitech. A nice afternoon and we made Noah’s day by catching the train twice.

    We also had 30mm of rain this past week which would be classified our break to the season. So we are all anticipating a season with much more rain than 110mm in the 6 month growing season.

    We have just over a week left of our school holidays, which will be jam packed full of sewing, hence a lovely bargain hunting shopping trip to Spotlight yesterday. I have enlisted at least one person to help with the pyjama pants.

    Nicole @motherof5

    I hope Murray continues to mend, poor chap, he must be so frustrated just over seeing the workmen.

    So sad to hear Prince has died. I have several of his songs in my running playlist, I got quite a lump in my throat working out today. 🙁

    Tamara @justsewit

    Thankyou for your kind words @motherof5, you know what these farmers are like, tough to rein in when they need to stay put. It would have been the perfect opportunity to spring clean the office! Oh well, at least he is allowed to work but heavy lifting is still off limits so we have a young guy working with us until the end of seeding. He has been driven nuts over the supervision thing. Very time consuming/ wasting because alot of the tasks have to be redone. Hopefully we can start moving along next week sometime, we just have to get this truck fixed first!!

    Yes, a bit of a sad loss to the music community I would say, probably up there with moments of losing John Lennon. He was a very talented man and brought us so many hits. A complete musical genius that really we may not ever see again. No disrespect to MJ but I liked Prince better. May he rest in peace!

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Tamara.
    Nicole @motherof5

    So very excited. We sign on a city flat for our Biggies today.
    We had always planned to send out chaps away for years 11+12 but our local school is just so excellent, there was no need. The money we have saved for fees has made a good deposit on the flat.

    It is very central and close to good public transport (and University)and a gym plus the complex has a pool. The flat is completely refitted and very modern.

    The Twins will have to share a room but they don’t mind a jot. It will be lovely to house swop in school hols so that the little girls get a taste of city life.

    I will post some piccies if anyone is interested. 🙂

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    How exciting Nicole! Exciting but sad to have them all go off to uni.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh that is a great piece of news. My late parents in law did the same thing when their elder two went to the city to study. Unfortunately it was sold a few years ago so we don’t get to be independent from family anymore. At least this will give them a good base as they transition to fully independent young adults – they will learn so much living away from home and it will do them the world of good.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I am most interested! I love seeing how people fix up new homes, and I’m sure your stylish crew will give the new place a fantastic look. How lovely to have a city home in addition, for when you want a change of pace!

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    That’s so exciting, Nicole! I’d love to see photos too 🙂

    Tamara @justsewit

    I got this photo through the other day. All the girls made one for their mums so I thought I would share it here and wish everyone a Happy Mother’s day.

    jay_1965vw @jay_1965vw

    Our big news is that we will be returning to Canberra in January next year. It will be cutting our US posting short by one year, but we’re ok with that. Being here is affecting DHs career detrimentally, as he is out of his category (not doing the specific job he is trained for).
    We’ve started checking out the housing market in the ACT. It is likely that we will be there for quite a few years, so we’re planning to buy.

    Exciting to know I’ll be getting back to where I have lots of friends and a big support network!!

    Tamara @justsewit

    @jay_1965vw that is good news! It will be nice to be home. It is a shame your overseas stay is hurting your hubby’s career though it is an experience your whole family will grow from – and Dot especially being born overseas, that is pretty special too. It isn’t an everyday thing so you are pretty fortunate to have the opportunity. Still, there is no place like home.

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