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    Sarvi @Sarvi

    File under ‘famous last words’ — bought my daughter one of those mini-me dolls today. It’s a Pottery Barn one, all kitted out for Chinese New Year with a little panda. I’m semi-uncomfortable with it for a lot of reasons, but pretty sure they’re not coming out with middle eastern/asian biracial dolls any time in the next few weeks, and at least it’s … oh good, she’s trying to wrench the legs off. I can sew it a little a one-legged pair of pants, I guess.

    Maggie @Maggie

    Sarvi, you’re cracking me up. You could sew a snake for the new year. I’m glad my girls are into animal toys. Much less complicated.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    me too. When will it be the year of the pirate? You could give the doll a peg leg…

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    She has a knitted snake already, but it’s getting pretty ratty — great idea! Haha, she can be a pirate for Halloween, though I love the idea of a lunar calendar with a year of the pirate!













    and back to pirate!

    Robin @Robin

    It’s good that you posted the list now Sarvi! It’s going to take a lot of planning for some of these.

    We are going to the “dress up” showing of Arthur Boy King in April and I really need to get on those costumes. Will upsize so we can reuse them in 2016.

    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    Sarvi, very funny!

    meleliza @meleliza

    Corolle makes the hands down best baby dolls and they have a really sweet Asian one. I was thinking it would be nice if not all her dollies looked exactly the same and she really liked this one so I made Grandma get it for Christmas. Oh, this is the one we named Fiona, btw. I’m not sure why, but it really suits her. 🙂


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    I’ll have to look into those, thanks for the tip. My MIL who is baffled that I wouldn’t want a blond, blue eyed doll for my olive skinned girl nearly had kittens when she saw that a Disney princess Barbie had been allowed to enter the house (the one from the princess and the frog). Hm!

    Oh hey, if we draft doll clothes patterns, they’d all more or less fit this size of doll, right? They’re all roughly the same build? We could swap PDFs. Like a family recipe book, but with a more extended family.

    Jane @jesims

    If you are looking for an inexpensive asian inspired doll, Ikea actually has a soft one (http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/70196305/). It’s probably geared more toward the younger kiddos. Piper has one and she goes everywhere w/ us. We just bought the bed for her baby. She tucks her in at night and wipes her nose. It’s really very sweet.

    Oh, and the room redecorating is STILL going on. I did not know it was going to take this long to paint a single room. We are doing one wall a different color so that has added a bit extra time due to extra taping, etc. I imagine having a 3 year old helper has slowed the process down a bit too. Guess it’s a good thing my son doesn’t mind sleeping on the couch. I will never be asked to be on one of those television shows that builds an entire house in 2 days!


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Cool, thank you! Painting does always seem to take longer than you expect. I have one of those helpers too, I know how it goes 🙂

    Amy @luckki

    Ah! Just found this topic. Good tip on the Chinese New Year doll! I’m Chinese and my kids are mixed so I’m always on the lookout for Asian looking dolls as well. My only challenge / difficulty has been that the dolls all seem more ‘straight up Asian’ with dark black hair, but my daughter’s hair is dark brown. I’m considering this doll: http://store.americangirl.com/agshop/html/set/id/1704/uid/120 but my husband might freak out when he sees the price :).

    P.S. I’m in Northern VA!

    Jane @jesims

    I am trying w/ all my might to avoid American Girl dolls. I got a catalog in the mail right after Piper was born. It was like the hospital gave out my info because we had a girl or something weird like that. I throw them away as soon as they arrive.

    Northern VA isn’t too far! My husband and son will be running in the Historic Half Marathon, but that’s not until May and it’s in Fredericksburg.


    with love Heidi @with love Heidi

    I like the idea of sharing drafted dolls clothes, maybe just scanning the pieces and adding them to our fliker feeds?

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Yup, that should be easy enough, I think?

    Mama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles

    My 3 year will be getting a AG doll this next year for Christmas. My sister and I always wanted one as kids so I would love to her one when she is old enough. I will be tryong my hand at her princess dolls clothes now though. The doll is the same size as the AG ones.

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