Oliver + S

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    Robin @Robin

    Sarvi, I always wanted to make “Reunite Pangea” t-shirts while at school. That and a “Luddites Unite” t-shirt for my technology disliking father. Too bad I didn’t know about freezer paper back then.

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Haha, Jennifer, I think it’s different once kids are at the age where they can phone in pizza deliveries and take up the whole couch! My cousin’s about the same age and I am always a little shocked at how this once tiny toddler is now a strapping basketball player.

    Robin, it’s not too late to make those shirts!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    OMG… Lee/Jackson day right before MLK day? Hmmm… THAT wasn’t done on purpose. Wow.

    Nicole @motherof5

    The fires in Victoria now have a 180 km front,terrible.

    On a lighter subject,I saw a story on Canadian bank notes. Evidently,the maple leaf depicted is an introduced species.


    Tamara @justsewit

    N was devastated when I told him he has 15 days of holiday left before returning to school. He wants 104 days like Phineas and Ferb!

    The little visitor hasn’t had owners ringing us yet and has settled in! We’ve had him for a week and he’s totally in love with Murray! Howls every time he leaves on the motorbike. He has gone through that many names we haven’t settled on one yet. We are suspecting he might have come from next door but they aren’t home. We’ve been having issues with dogs killing our sheep and they are from next door to we suspect.

    Those fires in Victoria are so scary! My fil was driving over to visit my sil and we’ve been keeping an eye on them all. They are not in the line this time but they were last time.

    N is excited about the royal baby being born in July. He wants to share a birthday with someone. I’m just glad she isn’t having twins – how would you break the news that one twin only gets the throne?

    41/2 day holiday sounds like bliss! We only ever get that if Christmas falls on a weekend. I love long weekends though and we have one coming up. Good old Australia Day where we have “thong” (flip flops) throwing contests and wife carrying competitions and sandcastle competitions and a big BBQ to end it all (and fire works in the west because of our frugal government) Cricket on the beach or in the back yard. And we all celebrate (in our own way ) what it means to Aussie oi oi oi!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Oh man, don’t like the sound of fires! Here’s hoping they’re brought under control quickly.

    Jennifer1568 @Jennifer1568

    It is really cold here with short days and long nights. I think sand castle competitions and Cricket on the beach sound wonderful. Last night at the Lock-In, mothers were wearing flip flops with socks.

    I think Virginia legislators and their constituents who condone an official Lee/Jackson Day are the ones who oppose restricting machine gun sales. Sometimes our only hope for change is when the federal government forces it.

    beachmom @beachmom

    Jennifer, What part of VA are you in? Forgive me if I’ve asked this before…I know I’ve been meaning to but couldn’t remember if I already asked! I’m in VB.;)


    Jane @jesims

    Jennifer & BeachMom,

    I’m anxious to know where y’all are too. I’m in SoMd…close enough to VA for a O+S Meet ‘n Greet. 😉



    Nicole @motherof5

    I met up with an O+S chum last year,and tonight she and her family are coming to stay with me!


    DianaH158 @DianaH158

    O+S meetups – so fun! Nothing too new here to report – just a quiet family weekend. A little organizing today and some baking at hubby and Lillian’s request as I hadn’t baked anything in a while. Mostly for the sake of my own waist line. Thankfully, Lillian requested Blondies, which I like but not as much as other treats so hopefully will be able to have some measure of self control!

    All this talk of sleep away summer camp brings back wonderful memories. Some of the best times of my life with friends I still speak to today. I am sure it is a time when parents miss their children but the fun had is so worth it!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    After the holidays, I think all our waistlines can use a break, I know mine can. Wish I had a teleporter that could whisk us all to a big stitching party.

    rastis @rastis

    oh sarvi that young earthers story made me almost wet my pants 🙂 i am off to google now to find out more!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Hehe, enjoy! I don’t mean to be dismissive of anybody’s beliefs, I just found the casual code-switching between screamo and calm study so odd and weirdly charming, and the professor’s response was so classically nerdly and conflict-avoidant, until some final straw was piled on. It takes all kinds 🙂

    Jennifer1568 @Jennifer1568

    I live in a small town in S.W. Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains right on the boarder of NC. We are 1 hour from Greensboro and 1 hour from Roanoke. I have lived here for over 20 years but I was raised near Chicago.

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