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12 years ago LINK
Nicole @motherof5
How about a post for general chat so we can keep the other threads on track?
I am picking up my son Hugo today after a 2 week Geology Camp. I have missed him so much.
12 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Hope he had a grand time! Lends a new meaning to “picking rocks”. Was this school related or through another institution?
12 years ago LINKRobin @Robin
We used to call physical geographers rock jocks at university. They always got to go on the best field trips.
12 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
I loved geology, agree — the best field trips. We had one person who was a fervent young-earther and spent a whole trip screaming at the professor every time he mentioned the age of something “I REFUTE YOU SATAN!! GET BEHIND ME!!” The professor’s reaction was so funny, he just kind of turned his head to keep her out of his field of vision and waited till she quieted down and finished the rest of his sentence. At the end of the day he finally lost it and said “You can believe whatever you want but that’s not science!!” I had to wonder why somebody who thinks geology is essentially a huge scam would take a course in it? She was perfectly calm when we did rock identifications and root wedging and all that. So long as you didn’t bring up carbon dating, she was perfectly happy to accept the material as taught. Good times! I do miss school.
12 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Not that anybody requested a chapter from The Memoirs of Sarvi, sorry for blathering on!
12 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
What exactly is a young earther?
And maybe we should start a new what are you sewing 2013 thread.
12 years ago LINKJane @jesims
I loved the story. Feel free to share more. Made me giggle.
I bet Hugo had a blast at camp. I dread sending my son every summer and miss him terribly the entire week he’s gone. The kids can’t call home unless it’s an emergency. We can send e-mails or faxes that are printed and given to the kids during meals (I always envision the kids getting owl mail like in Harry Potter).
My son has a 4 1/2 day weekend so as soon as Piper is up from her nap we are heading to the hardware store for paint and tomorrow we are going to Ikea for a new bed, etc. So, we are doing an “Extreme Room Makeover” this weekend. I have never painted a single wall in my life, this should be interesting!
Have a great weekend everyone,
12 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Good luck on your foray into the world of home makeovers!! Painting is oddly fun, I find.
Meleliza, I have a slightly tenuous grasp of the specifics but I think young earthers believe the world was created something like a few thousand years ago? 3k? 5k? I’m not exactly sure.
12 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh home makeovers are wonderful! We have just had our own Ikea adventure a couple of weeks ago. Our house had no amount of bedroom storage that you could call “ample” so after twelve years of living this way I put my foot down and told hubby we were getting wardrobes for the children’s rooms. Two flat packed ikea wardrobes now sit neatly in each of their rooms and they can now put things away. So nice to be able to improve the house just a bit to make life a just a little easier. We were intending to get mirrored doors but unfortunately as we went to collect them, we found out that the last pack of mirrored doors had smashed! It wasn’t meant to be and quite frankly if they were going to do that in the shop it would mean they were basically not safe enough for children to have in their room, no matter the age.
So I’m wondering if Hugo learned to look at the rocks to find water? We just use rods! Easier to find the water source and Murray has a bit of a talent for divining passed down from his K grandfather apparently. He had a bit of a debate with the geologists who were looking for water when they were putting the rail camp up. They found water and used it but it was absolutely disgusting and indrinkable. Murray found some that was sent to the house yard at the neighbours whose land the camp was on.
He sounds like a bit of a smart cookie this young son of yours Nicole! Does he want to go on and do something like this post high school? We never had geology to study, but we did do a bit of digging to find artefacts at settlement sites no longer used and that was interesting.
12 years ago LINKMaggie @Maggie
Sarvi, that is hilarious. I can’t imagine taking a science class if you don’t believe in science.
The kids have a three day weekend, but we have no grand plans. Maybe a trip to the NY Botanticsl Gardens tomorrow. It is nice to explore the greenhouses when it is cold outside. Like a cheap trip to the tropics.
12 years ago LINKdaisygirl78 @daisygirl78
I can’t comprehend how someone “doesn’t believe in” science…
12 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
To be fair, she really seemed to have no problem with some parts of the class. I guess that was the bit that baffled me — one minute it was something she found useful and interesting and the next, she was at the top of her lungs, shouting down the devil. I guess the devil came and went out of our mild, slightly stammering professor several times throughout the course of any given lecture!
Maggie, I love the idea of the cheap trip to the tropics!
12 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Hugo had a blast,visited a working mine,held a gold bar and even had to take refuge in an escape pod during a emergency.
He has come back tired but extremely happy.
Thank you for asking.
Sarvi,that is so funny. I would have found it hard not to wind her up with leading questions.
12 years ago LINKSarvi @Sarvi
Ooh, a working mine! How cool! Did he say the gold bar was very heavy? I hope you didn’t hear about the emergency until he was home safe, I’m sure it would have had you guys sweating bullets.
12 years ago LINKJennifer1568 @Jennifer1568
We have a 41/2 day week-end here. I live in Virginia and a snow storm was forecast so the kids were released from school early on Thursday, school was canceled yesterday (there was some snow in parts of the county but none here), and Monday is Martin Luther King’s birthday. Friday was actually a state holiday, Lee/Jackson Day (Civil War Generals). Can you believe that? I am planning on attending a Girl Scout Lock-In with my daughter tonight.
Nicole, I remember when I missed my older kids when they were away at camp. Now I am counting the days for my son to go back to college. He is a college senior, 21 years old, and has been here since Dec. 11 on winter break. School starts Virginia Tech starts the spring semester Tuesday, and I can’t wait.
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