News and Current Affairs
9 years ago LINK
Sarvi @Sarvi
Willy Wonka’s the best role in the whole show! Congratulations!
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh my! What an honour to have a leading role in the school play! We were just watching the 1970’s version of the movie, the one with Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka the other day.
I would say that costume in particular, for me, epitomises the very character!
But…. You could make a destinguished looking cahracter based on your own interpretation.
Definitely a waistcoat! Trousers of course and maybe adapt the secret agent trench to make the jacket? And like I said above, Gene wore the top hat – it’s a must!
Oh what fun this will be crafting a fantastic costume
9 years ago LINKkatybellabug @katybellabug
@sarvi Thanks! We were quite surprised and she is so excited!
@justsewit Thank you Tamara! I am ordering the DVD’s so I can get a good idea of what to choose. The trouble is, I have always hated the Gene Wilder version. I love the story, but he gives me the creeps (in any film) so this will be some tough research for me. Johnny Depp on the other hand…..9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
@katybellabug if only we coukd make Gene wear a Johnny depp mask!
I do understand what you mean, I have never really been a fan myself but it was fun to watch with the kids….
Johnny’s costume was pretty spectacular, I loved his bug eyed glasses.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Hello everyone
I had an email from Needlewoman2 the other day. She asked if I would be so kind as to post something on the forum for her. She is not able to login at all! I am wondering how we can best help her with this?
@todd would you be able to help at all?She writes….
“As you can see from the pic, my 5 nieces were the glamour girls at Nikki’s and James’ wedding at Oberon in the Blue Mountains of NSW, on January 9. We were very lucky with the weather, and the bride’s parents had expended much time and effort into making their property “Stonehenge” a truly glorious setting for 140 guests, and family for the weekend.
The bridesmaids are Nicki’s sisters – Claire (currently OS), and Kate (last in line) who starts her nursing internship at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, next week. The other two women are Julia (first in line), and Anna, next to Kate. They are my youngest brother’s girls, and very like him to look at. All the girls were very welcoming of their long-travelled auntie, and despite the effort, I am very glad I went to the wedding. It was a truly glorious occasion, and very beautiful in many varied and touching ways.
Unfortunately, I returned to Adelaide with a burgeoning lung infection, and I’ve been quite ill for the last month. Thankfully, I’m a lot better now although I need to keep taking antibiotics, and going for check-ups at the Chest Clinic – affiliated with Adelaide’s principal hospital. I’m hopeful of a complete recovery; I had a similar illness about 10 years ago so this time I was able to ‘diagnose’ myself, and urged my GP to confirm it.
My sewing continues – a great means of ‘forgetting’ oneself, I find; however, I haven’t had the energy to post pics to Flickr. The uploading procedure has ‘outstripped/outgrown’ the computer that Adrian gave me 5 years ago, and the Windows system at the library takes ages! But, I will load pics of the work I’ve completed since October ’15, asap.”
so there you have it, our poor long suffering and rather not well forum friend’s update.
We wish you a very speedy recovery @needlewoman and hope to have you back online soon.
P.s. Here’s the pic
9 years ago LINK@justsewit and others,
Last Friday we moved the website to a new server (maybe some of you saw the maintenance notification) which has a new IP address.
Anytime you do this there’s an issue with both the internet as a whole and with people’s local networks caching IP address information. We do what we can on the server side to minimize disruptions, but there’s always an unfortunate period of time while networks work through their caches before people get directed to the new server. That’s the issue some people are seeing right now with not being able to access the site.
If you hear from anyone who is having a problem, you can tell them that they can get around it by going to:
This will bypass IP address lookups and take them straight to the site on the server.
The good news is that caches should clear around the globe and everything should be pointing to the new server within the next couple days.
9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Thanks @todd for this helpful information. From what I can gather, needlewoman2 has been off for a good while and I think it would have been something different, possibly related to her computer perhaps. I am not sure but I will pass on the information you have provided above, in the hope that it does improve the issue for her.
I didn’t get the notification, only a sudden shut down and was attempting to use the puffin app to get in in the meantime as safari was completely non compliant. I wouldn’t recommend puffin – very temperamental and reloads on you in the middle of writing a message. I tried very unsuccessfully to reply to your post three times last night and gave up because of losing the message. Thankfully everything is up and running again now.
Gosh I was beginning to panic there for a bit
Thankgoodness it was all a reworkings of the things that go on behind the scenes.
I cannot believe it is the middle of term already. I have to collect my daughter at the end of the week for a fun filled four day weekend. We plan a zoo visit and possibly a picnic at Cottesloe Beach where they are showing the Sculptures by the sea art exhibition. Nothing likeinstilling a bit of cutlutre in our country kids. We are considering visiting the Titanic exhibition which is running until the 20th March – my son is dead keen to see it as he studied this at school.
Everything is going smoothly with our girl, despite the homesick hiccups of course but you have to expect a few bumps. They had a lesson in dragon boat racing over the weekend, where eight other schools joined in (all the kids are boarders at their resoective schools). I was told that it was “heaps fun” which I fully expect that it was! It makes me want to go back to school myself. It seems much more fun now than when I was that age! The exceptions though are that I didn’t board away from home and maybe this is where the fun bit comes into the scale. Still it will be so good to soend some time with her and then in just over a week she goes off on an outdoor education camp “down south” for five days. We will get to see her at Easter again and this time she will come home for those few days.
It is so nice to know that she is enjoying school. For the first time ever she is volunterily telling me what they are doing in class. She is happier and they are taking very good care of her. What more could a parent ask for?
9 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
So glad to hear she’s enjoying school, Tamara!
I also didn’t see the maintenance notification, this is the first time e I’ve been able to find the site in over a week. Although I was able to see this forum once during the week on my phone so I knew what was going on,even there I couldn’t get the new site the next day.
It’s good to be back9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
@withloveHeidi, we suspect she is also a little stressed oyt with everything that is on her plate. We are seeking help for the things she needs help with though and the staff are so good in the fact that we don’t need to think negativeky. They are genuinely interested in her wellbeing, not like at the last school.
Update on my darling hubby, we had another xray the other day. The collarbone has healed but the arm has not. There is evidence of gaps in the break where bone is missing and we just have to let it heal and it could take up to six months. There is significant progress in his movement but he has a long way to go and was told that without being abke to move his arm behind his head and a little further down than it currently can be moved, his arm would be considered a disability. It isn’t something we want or wish for as it could have a huge impact on how we can farm and this will effect everything. So he has been told to up the amount of time spent on his exercises to every hour now and to still not drive – apparently we need occupational therapy go ahead for this and there is a waiting list of over 12 months to get in
So my name is still James! And I told dh that the season has to be a good one as when we are all done and dusted with therapy etc, I will need a decent holiday
Just a week off from general life will do me.
9 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I hope Murray continues to heal @justsewit
@thejennigirl (moving the conversation over here) my husband was really excited to see a seed&super unit (farm equipment) for sale online, for a really good price, think $10,000 under what it should be. He spent the day ringing the listed number to finally contact the exasperated vendor. The listing was 5 years old!
A random glitch had seen the website re-list a group of old adds.
My over excited husband was not the first caller by a long chalk.Last weekend we went to Victoria for a mini holiday. We stayed in a lovely hotel that does adjoining family rooms. We had a lovely time, wandering the streets, updating all our devices with their free (and fast) wifi (I can finally access this site without packing a lunch and going for a bush walk)
There is a heated indoor pool, next door and we spent a lot of time there. Trixie (my baby 19 months) is a fish and amused all the Nana’s doing their water therapy by diving of the edge into her Daddies arms. She certainly slept well after that.
I *may* have hit Spotters and found some Lisette Cameo print on sale and that has been packaged up and sent off to some lovely overseas O+S fans.
I also grabbed some great remnants of linen for shorts and trousers for the little girls.There was also a vintage car expo running, we all had a blast checking out the cars.
The last morning, Trixie and Tilly (7) woke early so we went for a walk and saw many of the old cars being driving about, most likely heading home.
Tilly waved madly and was thrilled to have caps doffed and horns honked in return.
It was just lovely. With my eldest off to university next year I guess these breaks will be fewer and more precious.9 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Slowly does it I’m afraid @Nicole he is on “light duties” and we plan to start seeding the crop dry around Anzac and “plod” our way through.
The gator is the best thing since sliced bread – very economical and uses less fuel oer km than the motorbike – so my digging in of the no bike heels has paid off to great advantage – never liked bikes anyway!
Did H get into his first choice @Nicole? So glad he is having a gap. It will give him the chance to really know for sure if it is what he wants to study. My nephew did that, got in to UWA to do Psychology, did a gap year and changed over to Curtin and started Physiotherapy. He is now in Canada studying and thoroughly enjoying himself and I fear we will lose him overseas forever! He wants to move he loves it that much!
My eldest has just returned from her first outdoor ed camp. Five days away with no phone and she survived! But as yet I have not heard anything about it. I have been told she did enjoy herself and was really tired on return which is normal. She burst into tears when my sister came to collect her for confirmation classes (because she forgot they were starting).
I get to see her on Wednesday and she comes home for Easter which will be nice.
9 years ago LINKthejennigirl @thejennigirl
I grew up with a John Deere mechanic dad and both sets of my grandparents were farmers. I can totally see Jed’s excitement over a price reduction like that!
8 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
To all our Belgian friends, sending our thoughts and orayers to you all. Hope you are all ok!
8 years ago LINKjay_1965vw @jay_1965vw
I’m back… well at least stopping by to say hiWhen I went back to Australia for 5 weeks last year I got behind on reading, and I just never managed to catch up…
My big news – baby Dorothy Narelle arrived on March 14th! I haven’t managed to do any sewing yet, just a little knitting so far.
Apologies, I can’t read the news for the last 12 months, so I’ll just have to catch up with everyone as I go!Attachments:
8 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
Completely adorable, I hope you are well and made it to the actual maternity ward this time!
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