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    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh my great big post didn’t post!

    I know it is early days Masha, but I am thrilled there has been such progress made! It may be a long road or a short one but whatever the length I hope it is a successful one in that he regains much (preferrably all) movement, enough to be able to feel healed. It can’t be easy, but aren’t these glimmers such gifts of hope?!

    I was told that if you get care straight away, the chances of recovery from stroke these days is enormously promising – so many recover fully! I pray this happens for your beloved!

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    We are going through potty training at the mo. Lady E decided she just wants to wear frozen pants not nappies, which is fine. She has combined it with getting chicken pox, which means there is a naked spotty bum whizzimg around our front room. She’s pretty fine about the pox at the moment, I think it will hit her tomorrow. Then M will get it, and m being how she is will get it really badly and be hellishly uncomfortable. I’m sure it’s best to get these things out of the way, but 9 months seems so young, she’s only a little baby.

    Nicole @motherof5

    @dubhels2003 I am sorry for her. I can remember Chicken Pox and bathing with a calico sachet of oats in the water.

    I am heading to the city so shall have good internet for the day but not for a fun reason. Lidia (11) is having vision problems and I ranG her ophthalmologist and he wanted to see her ASAP.
    Fingers crossed it is just a lens adjustment.

    Masha Richart

    @dubhels2003 Helena, my three older kids all had the chicken pox about 16 months ago; my son was only a year old at the time. He had a very mild case – and in general I have heard that the younger ones do better. He was just a little cranky, ran a fever for a day or two, and didn’t seem to be bothered by the actual pox very much. My then-4-year-old was super-itchy and had the hardest time. Hope it passes quickly for you guys.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Hope it was that simple Nicole! My kids were under opthamologist care until last year. The girls at the optometrist I go to are hoping Chloe won’t need a referral too! So far so good but you never know. She would have to have drops when she visits doesn’t she? I had to hold Noah down for them along with two other adults he hated them that much.

    chicken pox can be horrible. We have had a recent epidemic at school and the deputy principal was kind enough to give me a heads up, knowing I had a tiny baby at home. Unfortunately the immunisation for chicken pox isn’t until they are two and (as far as I am aware) it still is one you need to pay to have. Not that this matters of course. I had a whole three spots when I had them but I had every other symptom and it wasn’t fun.
    I hope she feels alot better soon.

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thank you @justsewit , a new lens prescription and the advice to keep an eye on her. No drops today but I can understand your little mans reluctance, the Twins said they do sting a bit.

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    Phew, new lenses sounds like a good outcome?

    Thanks for the support, Lady E really doesn’t seem too bad with it. Day 3 and she’s just a bit itchy in her hair. I half wonder if M won’t get it because she’s only 9 months and might still have some immunity acquired from me. Better now while I’m off work on maternity leave and am able to just cuddle her.

    We’re on out third Disney film and I’m going absolutely nuts. I can’t take much more! I’m in two minds whether to go meet a friend for a much needed glass of wine tonight, or whether to head up to the sewing room and either do one of the things I have cut out, or quickly run up a butterfly skirt so E can pull it up and down herself! It’s in a spotty fabric, which seems apt…

    Tamara @justsewit

    Oh both options seem pleasing! I was thinking of drafting the butterfly skirt myself tonight but ended up hand basting the sleeves to the parachute polo instead.

    Good to hear it was as simple as a new lens script Nicole.

    Tamara @justsewit

    So my nephew has started his overseas trip which will ultimately turn into a semester of University studies in Canada. He arrived in Paris yesterday I think but unfortunately, he lost his luggage at the airport AND his phone was stolen! Not a good start I think! We are just hoping he was wise and didn’t leave anything on the phone that would cost him dearly!

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    Aargh, inevitably it looks like the baby has chicken pox now. We are predicted a heat wave this week and we’ll be house bound…again! We are supposed to be visiting my brother in law and wife and kids in London this weekend, not sure what to do. We are driving down, I guess we could still go and be house bound there where we would have more help and entertainment? Jack and Lady E could go put and enjoy themselves!

    cybele727 @cybele727

    Strokes and chicken pox, Oh my! There is a lot going on. I hope everyone has speedy and easy recoveries from the sick to the care takers and everyone in between. I know how hard it is when someone is ill. My prayers for everyone.

    KAREN @Butterfliesandfaeries

    You all are in my prayers, too! Poor baby with chicken pox!

    Justsewit, your nephew is in my prayers, too. So sorry about his luggage and phone. Has the luggage turned up yet?

    Tamara @justsewit

    @KAREN thankyou. His insurance is covering it and apparently he gets to go shopping in Paris! Thank goodness for insurance!

    urgh! You poor thing and poor baby! Lots of calamine and pinetarsel, cuddles and rest. What a yucky unfortunate case to deal with!

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Tamara.
    Tamara @justsewit

    Grr! Feeling grumpy at the moment over the fact that I found out that my daughter’s class is going on a camp next term and I have NOT received any informtation from school! I queried Imogen and she swears she didn’t get anything. So I had to ring the school and have it be sent through. We have to pay prior to them going. I am just so disappointed at the lack of communication – again!

    Noah tried out for the part of Oliver at school today. He told me he was the only one to audition for that role. So,ething tells me he wasn’t really. I’m not sure when he will find out if he got the part or not. End of term is Friday so I am assuming by then.

    KAREN @Butterfliesandfaeries

    So glad that things are working out for your nephew, Justsewit!

    What does ‘going on a camp’ mean? Does that mean a field trip or a camping trip with several overnights. I am sorry about the communication issue. That can be a sore point!

    Good luck to Noah! You may be making costumes soon!

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