New Fall Patterns 2013!
11 years ago LINK
with love Heidi @with love Heidi
I love the new patterns! I will be getting the vest pattern as soon as it’s released as I had plans to sew one and was not looking forward to deciphering the Ottrobe instructions for a welt pocket, and here is Liesl with the perfect pattern! I have so many other ideas for the vest too.
AND leggings! Included as part of the third pattern! I have been wanting Oliver and S leggings for ages, even though I will probably have to wait a while I expect them to become a go to well loved pattern like the Field Trip Raglan and Hopscotch Dress.
Thanks for the amazing new patterns Liesl and Todd!
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Oh oh oh! Leggings? Where is the post to tell all?
Love the two pattern I have seen and I think I will be fast at your heels Heidi!
11 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
So, I am dying. I adore the library dress. I have a similar dress pattern, but it is a horrible pattern. It does NOT come together well. This is a slightly different version of that, but one that comes together well. My problem will be which size to buy. Ms. Sassy is around a 4T. She is transitioning between pattern sizes in some things but not others.
Those museum pants? Perfect for a my son. I don’t know if he will ever wear a vest, but the pants are perfect. And for those kids who wear uniforms, those pants are perfect.
The leggings are lovely. My only problem is finding good fabrics for such knits as hopscotch and leggings and such.
Very excited!!!
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Found the leggings! I don’t get on facebook often so missed it!
Jenny have a look at Girl Charlee – they have fab knits perfect for leggings and t shirts.
11 years ago LINKcybele727 @cybele727
JustSewIt. I saw the picture on FB, not on the blog! 🙂
11 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
I also saw the picture of the leggings on Facebook after being alerted by the twitter post on the main page 🙂
11 years ago LINKReeni @Reeni
commented on FB (view B in the oversized blue floral is just perfect!), but also just stopped in to flail here. I think I might have to get all three.
11 years ago LINKThe third pattern is like she read my mind – I was just going through my stash last night looking at my cotton/spandex knits for leggings. The dress is perfect too – I will make a wardrobe of those for both girls for the fall and winter. Definitely downloading them on Friday as soon as they are available! I’m also really excited about the vest pattern though, looking at the photos I feel like I will definitely have to lengthen it for my long-torsoed boy.
11 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
I want to see the line drawings!
11 years ago LINKbren5kids @bren5kids
Sigh…… that Library dress is pure perfection. I cannot wait ’til Friday to download it.
Btw, does anybody else feel a little sad to see the paperdoll images go?
11 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love Heidi
Have they really gone or are they not being shown in the previews?
11 years ago LINKrastis @rastis
new patterns are so exciting… always happy to see more boy patterns… have the paper dolls really gone? 🙁 i thought the dolls were genius and my kids love them as well… that would make me a little sad
11 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Yes I think the paper dolls were genius also! No one thought of that idea and it has become a sort of i.d card for the oliver and s patterns.
I love all three patterns and even though I have only seen the FB pictures of the third pattern (and only tiny children wearing the samples) I think this would be a great pattern to adapt for an older girl also.
I wish Friday was here already – I need the library dress for my show projects!
11 years ago LINKneedlewoman @needlewoman
Yes, new patterns are lovely; like you Heidi, I really like seeing the line drawings, too. It’s easier to see the details – like the notches on the cuffs on the Library frock. That’s the one that I think will be wonderful for bigger girls – especially a tall one, like yours, J. The vest is great too. And I love that the AG pattern will be good for boys or girls. I’ve done a little bit with knit sewing with mixed success but that’s the wonderful thing about O + S; you can be confident that even if the sewing is out of your comfort zone, you are not going to be led astray by Liesl, and you might learn a few new skills (or a lot).
Yeah, looks like the paper dolls are gone – could be wrong. Mind you, I do appreciate seeing a picture of where the dress/vest etc is designed to “land” on the kid. The library dress reminds me of a lovely dressing gown/house coat my mother wore when I was little in the 60’s. I’d love to see the original pattern from which Liesl drew her inspiration.
11 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I adore the Library dress.
Must Make Immediately!
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