Oliver + S

Masha Richart

  • Haha, I wish the tractor incident had happened, it would make a great story! I’m afraid it’s a hyperbolic tractor 🙂

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    One Butterfly top and two butterfly skirts complete!

    I printed off a couple of Liesl and co patterns tonight, with a view of making them for my eldest. They may be a birthday gift depending on how fast I get them made.

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    One Butterfly top and two butterfly skirts complete!

    I printed off a couple of Liesl and co patterns tonight, with a view of making them for my eldest. They may be a birthday gift depending on how fast I get them made.

  • We’re huge fans, too. S has worn them since she could walk. We buy a pair every spring and they last and last.

  • Nicole is spot on. You could run them over with a tractor and they’d still look good. They were my favorite shoes to wear as a child, and now my kid always has a pair. She doesn’t give them the same hard wear I did since she’s usually wearing school shoes, but I’ve never known a pair to give out before being outgrown.

  • Are they a standard width though? I found that Clarks were the only shoe my kids could wear because the size and width were fitting. With a standard width we would have to go up several sizes and then they’d look like clown shoes. Both my older ones are now in adult sizes!

    I have been referred to this place for more grown up type shoes for my…[Read more]

  • I love them as well – my daughter is on her 3rd pair…that have now sadly been chewed through by our puppy. I am going to stitch them together however….but they totally last; I hand them down to our friends when outgrown and they really look brand new. Super comfortable (per my kid) – sad though that she can’t wear sandals to school.

  • I have just a had a wee look at what you are talking about with regards to these sandals and price etc. They look to be available in Australia for the same as what you say they are in the US. What is the exchange rate like between the Aussie and NZ currencies? I thought they were pretty much on par but admit I haven’t checked that out lately.

    You…[Read more]

  • As someone who spends a lot of money on children’s shoes I feel qualified to answer 😉

    They are awesome!
    My American galpals put me on to them. I can buy them new for about $70 AUS, which is half the cost of the Gavarlin shoes I was sending them to school in and they last so well.

    They don’t scuff, we clean them at night with a wet one ( inside…[Read more]

  • Tamara replied to the topic Hey, what's wrong here? in the forum about the forums 9 years ago


  • Sarvi replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 9 years ago

    Ooh, yum, I’ll have to take a look at that!

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    After having the most frustrating pattern altering session, I have turned my attention back to the baby and her much needed summer wardrobe. I have cut out and am sewing a butterfly top and skirt and hope to have both complete tonight when I embark on an all night sewing stint seeing as neither the infant or myself are sleeping well right now!

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    After having the most frustrating pattern altering session, I have turned my attention back to the baby and her much needed summer wardrobe. I have cut out and am sewing a butterfly top and skirt and hope to have both complete tonight when I embark on an all night sewing stint seeing as neither the infant or myself are sleeping well right now!

  • Nicole replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 9 years ago

    Some great ideas here!

    A ‘fun’ dessert I make for parties is ‘frogs in mud puddles’

    Small cups half filled with chocolate custard with plump greens grape ‘frogs’ hiding in it.

    Serve with a wee spoon.

  • Yay! I’m glad you went for it, doesn’t it feel great to try something big?

  • Sarvi replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 9 years ago

    Tons of great ideas above. I think the parents will appreciate having some healthy options and the kids will probably not especially notice anything but the cake. How much work do you want to put into it?

    I make this semi often and it is a big hit, but it’s a fair amount of work. You can make it go much quicker by using premade puff pastry and…[Read more]

  • justsewit replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 9 years ago

    Fried rice springs to mind, although it is strictly a sit down at the table thing to eat, I know my kids loved it when they were very small.

    Does vegetarian mean no eggs and milk products too?

    If eggs are allowed, I would do little curried egg centres and of course include it with the fried rice.

    Zucchini slice! It is seriously delicious. I was…[Read more]

  • justsewit replied to the topic Toddler Party Food in the forum Group logo of Cooking and BakingCooking and Baking 9 years ago

    Fried rice springs to mind, although it is strictly a sit down at the table thing to eat, I know my kids loved it when they were very small.

    Does vegetarian mean no eggs and milk products too?

    If eggs are allowed, I would do little curried egg centres and of course include it with the fried rice.

    Before I read the description of what you were…[Read more]

  • Tamara replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    @cybele727 she is the best thing since sliced bread and more! She’s on my hip pretty much all the time so we get to do lots of things one handed together. Except helping with drafting sheep for shearing – she’s in the carrier then and really I need to employ it alot more than I do. But with her crawling and big kids having no concept of putting…[Read more]

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