Oliver + S


  • Lotta, what a thoughtful thing to do, thank you. I have downloaded and will print them all onto card stock, then cut out inside the lines to place over fabric to help granddaughter imagine what each outfit will look like finished.

    Also going to give her mum a copy so they can work out next seasons wardrobe. Great way to build a wardrobe and…[Read more]

  • Tamara, I am in Sydney and have ordered many times from Shaukat, their delivery is quite fast between 1-2 weeks. Ordered material from Rocywoods in USA, still waiting that was 12 weeks ago.

    I was thinking of Book Report dress with plain pink on the bottom as Miss Fussy’s birthday is the end of February.

    Congratulations on your beautiful new…[Read more]

  • I have just found the Alice in wonderland fabric at shaukat.co.uk They have it in pink, light blue and yellow for 14.25 (english pounds) (my keyboard doesn’t have a pounds symbol). It’s under seasonal spring 2015 it anyone is interested.

    Granddaughters birthday next month, so maybe a dress in that fabric and a matching book.

    Which O & S dress…[Read more]

  • Sherry replied to the topic lisette fabrics in oz in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Thanks Justine. Good thing hubby has golf today followed by bbq lunch. He won’t see how much I bring home. Hi ho hi ho its off to the shops I go.

  • Sherry replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Nicole, I hope the fires are not in your area. You will definitely need that pool with all the high temperatures you are getting. Stay safe and cool (if thats possible) . I hope all the girls in Victoria are also safe and have a cool spot.

  • Sherry replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Nicole, I hope the fires are not in your area. You will definitely need that pool with all the high temperatures you are getting. Stay safe and cool (if thats possible) . I hope all the girls in Victoria are also safe and have a cool spot.

  • Sherry replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Sarvi the zipper insertion looks interesting, only wish I could read german. Is it stitch onto the main fabric, then the lining placed over the top and stitch again? Might have to try this.

  • Sherry replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Sarvi the zipper insertion looks interesting, only wish I could read german. Is it stitch onto the main fabric, then the lining placed over the top and stitch again? Might have to try this.

  • Sherry replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    My husband works in Martin Place and I have been nagging him to go to the Lindt store for christmas supplies, so glad he didn’t have time.

    I have just had a phone call from my son to tell me the women that was killed is his wife’s best friend. Its just so devastating, feel so sorry for all involved. I can’t stop shaking and I havent seen her…[Read more]

  • Sherry replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    My husband works in Martin Place and I have been nagging him to go to the Lindt store for christmas supplies, so glad he didn’t have time.

    I have just had a phone call from my son to tell me the women that was killed is his wife’s best friend. Its just so devastating, feel so sorry for all involved. I can’t stop shaking and I havent seen her…[Read more]

  • Sherry replied to the topic Divided by a common language in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Well done kahawa101. We also have another little gem “the long drop” which refers to toilets usually out in the bush. Its a very deep hole with a little shed built over the top and a toilet set. Not very hygienic, extremely smelly and the flies in the summer are unbelievable.

    We lived in Samoa for a few years and long drops are very common in…[Read more]

  • Sherry replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Justsewit, so sorry to hear about fil’s passing, such a sad time for you all. Its a shame he didn’t get to meet his newest grandchild.

  • Sherry replied to the topic News and Current Affairs in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Justsewit, so sorry to hear about fil’s passing, such a sad time for you all. Its a shame he didn’t get to meet his newest grandchild.

  • Sherry replied to the topic Divided by a common language in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Can anyone guess what these Aussie words mean, sanga, snag and loo.

  • Nicole, really miss both of them, both born in Singapore and we only see them once or twice a year, but they Skype every weekend, which is really great. We read books, sing silly songs and blow out birthday cakes this way. Their parents were adamant they shouldn’t miss out on grandparent time and I really love that.
    My daughter moves to Singapore…[Read more]


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