Tutu Help
12 years ago LINKSherry @mim22
I am having a senior moment, the tutu has 5 layers and each one is folded in half does that mean I should have 10 layers or have I gone off the garden path. Tulle was quite hard to find in Oz and half of what I have purchased is quite stiff and the half is very soft, so I thought if I sandwich the stiff layers in the middle it might work, or should it all be very soft. A friend suggested after it is washed it might soften a bit.
Any ideas, help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I have 8 to make in the next week.
Thanks Sherry
12 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5Hi Sherry,I have not made this yet but I texted my girlfriend who made a awesome version so hopefully she will jump in.
I would agree that it should be 10 layers and I would also agree with layering stiff with soft.
I washed the tulle I used for my daughters Fairy Tale dress and it did not make a blind bit of difference,it was still stiff.
Stagger making them as I think you may end up with sore fingers.
Good luck!
12 years ago LINKSherry @mim22Thanks Nicole, just cut 40 metres into required length and am ready to put it into the UFO pile, if it wasn’t for my granddaughter who lives in another country and cant wait for them, they would go. All the soft tulle was 108″ wide but the stiff (Yukky) stuff was only 54″ wide, (Had to cut it the other way) after repeatedly asking if it was the same width and assured it was, now I don’t know if I will get 8 skirts out of it. Back to the shops, might try a different one.
Do you think the stiff stuff should just be a single layer and not doubled.
Thanks for your help. Your fairytale dresses were gorgeous, my daughter wanted the black one and she is 30
12 years ago LINKJustine J @justmejayOh dear – I think Nicole meant me….but mine was a disaster….Lucy has never worn it, & no photographic evidence of its sad existence exists!
I would say try and use all soft tulle – I too had a combo of both – nearly ripped my hands to shreds trying to gather it (not to mention my gathering threads broke). I’m not certain as to whether Aus tulle is the same as US tulle…
I do know that many other people have made this successfully though – Mel? Susanne?
12 years ago LINKLightning McStitch @LightningMcStitchI haven’t made it yet, but I have noticed the American/Australian tulle discrepancy. I’ve seen the extra wide softer stuff in only a few shops, variably labelled as wide tulle, or American tulle.
Reading with interest as it’s on my to-do-one-day list.
For what it’s worth at this late stage, GJs Fabrics in Melbourne seem to stock quite a few colours of the American tulle
12 years ago LINKFor what it’s worth, you can absolutely make the tutu with the narrow tulle as well. The narrower tulle will just mean less gathering, but it’s a VERY full skirt, so that won’t be a problem! And feel free to use fewer layers, too. It will still turn out fine!
12 years ago LINKmeleliza @melelizaTulle that wide is hard to find here too. I ordered swatches of every conceivable color in my spectrum from fabric.com – I think Camille told me where to find it – and played with them for days to decide which ones. It all looks different when you layer it. Gathering and assembly was a bit of a pain, even though its not strictly speaking a difficult project. I used heavy duty thread in the bobbin for gathering, which really helped.
12 years ago LINKSherry @mim22Thanks everyone. One layer of the skirt has glitter tulle and I remember reading someones blog about it being a big mistake, now I know why. My house looks like the fairies have had the biggest party, there seems to be glitter everywhere, husband has even gone to work a little bit sparkly. I know my gd will love this, lets hope her mum doesn’t notice the fallout.
Next question, has anyone ever dyed tulle, the white now seems to be very stark next the the other colours, all pinks and mauves and a tiny bit of pale blue.
Now I am off to the join the fairies, must remember not to curse while gathering.
12 years ago LINKwith love Heidi @with love HeidiMim, maybe put the white in as the canter layers so it enhances the other colours without taking over. Think like undercoating a wall in white and them putting on the colour.
12 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5I am with Heidi,I am not sure how it would dye…..I would stagger it with the other colours.
What a nice Nana you are!
12 years ago LINKSherry @mim22Nicole, really miss both of them, both born in Singapore and we only see them once or twice a year, but they Skype every weekend, which is really great. We read books, sing silly songs and blow out birthday cakes this way. Their parents were adamant they shouldn’t miss out on grandparent time and I really love that.
My daughter moves to Singapore next week also, so then no children or grandkids left here, the tears will flow, but more of an excuse to go visit. Sorry for rambling, starting to get emotional.
10 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5Aww Mim, I missed this….. 🙁
Bumped for usefulness.
8 years ago LINKCarol @CarolWI am currently sewing the tutu and am a bit confused as to whether the short length ribbon should be sewn on the outside or the inside of the gathered layers. Can anyone please advise? Thank you.
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