lisette fabrics in oz
13 years ago LINK
rastis @rastis
i should possibly post this over in the lisette forums, although i’m not sure all the aussie girls are over there or not… so i thought i’d post it here, but i was in my local spotlight today and they had a sign up saying the lisette fabrics would be coming to spotlight in mid february! i thought that was really interesting that we’ll be getting them and thought there’d be some girls in this forum who would probably be interested in that info as well 🙂
13 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
I wonder how it will work – aren’t your seasons the opposite of ours? How much longer is your summer? When does your autumn start? Some of the new Lisette are really summery to me and some definitely say spring, but if you are coming into autumn, what do you do with them? Actually, I’m sort of curious how the whole thing works. Do you wear earth tones in May and pastels in October?
13 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Yes our summer is on now so you are right in the fact that our seasons are opposite to yours. The seasons officially start at the same point that the northern hemisphere starts there’s for example, winter officially starts for you on the first of December until the last day of Feb – they are the same dates for our official summer season. However, the weather itself continues to be hot and dry in some places and ( where I live) in a lot of cases during our winter period, the weather itself is only ” wintery” for a short amount of time. You would never have guessed that one of Australia’s snow fields actually had snow in December here would you? A freak of nature!
Here in the west, we can still wear summery type clothing in April and our hottest month can be March which is officially in the autumn period. Whereas in Melbourne, they hit 21 degrees celsius and they all go down the beach! They actually have winter and in a lot of cases it is opposite to us with their cold weather lasting a lot longer than the warms season – they have on.y just declared a fire season after two summers with none at all!
So wherever you go, it varies in the weather but our season times Kate officially the same.
With the new Lisette fabrics being summery and coming into autumn that wouldn’t be so bad as depending on where you are in the country you could comfortably consider me as part of your wardrobe. There is always layering.
I’m not sure what fashion dictates every year in terms of “color etiquette” but I just wear the colors that suit me. The aqua blues and bright colours more than earthy tones and so I am really looking forward to seeing this range in the flesh.
13 years ago LINKrastis @rastis
yes meleliza, our seasons are officially the opposite of yours… our autumn starts on the calendar in March… but it really depends on where you live in Australia… we have such a huge country that the very north of Australia sits in the tropics and doesn’t get 4 seasons- really only 2 seasons (wet and dry season- it is hot all year round) and the very south of Australia (down in Tassie) is pretty cold all year round (I found it freezing in my time living down there)… so in some parts of Australia you aren’t guided by the official seasons as much as the actual weather…
some fabrics you won’t get in certain parts of Australia for that reason…
i would say we do tend to have darker fabrics for the colder months and lighter coloured fabrics for the warmer though… but i think (my personal opinion from my travels and time spent living overseas) because of our generally warmer climate in australia we wear more colours all year round than some countries do…
the other aussie girls might be able to shed more light about what happens where they live!
13 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Grrrr! I just read my post and it turned out all wrong! iPad craziness and autocorrects that I just can’t work out!
Basically I was just trying to say what Rastis just did so please laugh away at my nonsense post because even I couldn’t make sense of it lol!
Have to get a keyboard for this thing to type properly.
13 years ago LINKmeleliza @meleliza
Well of course sme parts of the US don’t get four real seasons either, but everything nevertheless revolves around the idea of seasons and I think people dress for fall or spring or holidays or summer even if they don’t have all four seasons. I always thought Christmas must be weird in California too, fwiw. And I must be getting used to the iPad because I could understand everything you wrote. 🙂 mine has the same autocorrect attitude.
13 years ago LINKrastis @rastis
I guess that’s kinda what I was trying to say, we don’t do as much “holiday” or “seasonal” dressing as perhaps you do in the US? We have a MUCH bigger focus on dressing for warmer seasons as the warmth can last most of the year… our cold season is short for most of the country (those living in the south probably do slightly more?)… so we can buy summer style fabrics all year round! so for us getting summery lisette fabrics in mid february makes perfect sense…. we will still be having weather into the 30’s and 40’s (up to and over 100F well into March and perhaps some real heat still in April) where i live i will wear summer clothes even in “winter” as the days will still be in the high 20’s many days (which is 80+F your temp)… almost half of our country sits in the tropics (looking at a map, it might be the equivalent to living in south america and mexico?)… and even when the nights get cold we still have many hot days in winter…
perhaps it’s a little like canadians dressing mainly for cold and i imagine they can buy cold weather fabrics year round?
oh i still don’t know if i am making sense 😀
13 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I live is SA and we just layer up!
People tend to wear what they fancy rather the follow traditional seasons. Our closest Spotlight has summer cotton and winter fleece all year around.
I never pack my jackets away. New Years eve could be 40 degrees or it may be a cold snap and be 10 degrees.
If people like the prints they will sell regardless of what season they are released in.
13 years ago LINKrastis @rastis
yes it’s funny what our spotlights will stock depending on where you live… i have a much harder time finding a large range of “cooler weather” fabrics now i’ve moved north (then when i lived in the south)… and now i think we have one of the largest ranges of the japanese tana lawns i’ve seen (and goodness we have some lovely ones of those at the moment!)… i imagine it’s more extreme the further north and further south you go… i guess they stock what sells?
13 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I agree on those lawns. I have purchased some and they are very lovely,not Spotlighty at all
13 years ago LINKMama_Knowles @Mama_Knowles
I live in states and I still can’t find great fabric local. I went to the quilting store to see a Cape Ann fat quater and got so excited to only find out that is the only print of it they had in. They never got in any Sarah Jane fabric either. Such a bummer.
If I had my way I would open up my own fabric store!
12 years ago LINKNicole @motherof5
I have been chatting to the girls in my local Spotlight about oliver+s for nearly 2 years. I am so pleased that they will know who I mean now.
12 years ago LINKrastis @rastis
so the lisette fabrics have arrived in spotlight… i think they are 25% off this week as well for those girls keen to pick some up…
12 years ago LINKdare moi @dare moi
yep, yep,
i just saw them in my lunch break (spotlight lismore nsw) – $11.99/m till the 10th march i think.
have fun with that, don’t break the bank!
xoxx s
12 years ago LINKTamara @justsewit
Well it is such a great excuse to sew for yourself. I’m going to have a good look at them tomorrow (just don’t tell my hubby!)
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