Oliver + S


  • Linda replied to the topic Marking the markings–argh!! in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Jillls- that’s interesting, I want to try that. How do you get the punch to reach markings that are not on the edge of the pattern paper???

  • Linda replied to the topic Help me enjoy knitting again in the forum Group logo of Fiber Club!Fiber Club! 9 years ago

    Sarvi is right- I should have mentioned that. You should always block a tension square and THEN count stitches and rows. Row count is often harder to achieve to match the required gauge, so if you can’t get the row tension then go with whichever gauge gives you the correct stitch count. From your post it sounds like you know how to block, but if…[Read more]

  • Linda replied to the topic Help me enjoy knitting again in the forum Group logo of Fiber Club!Fiber Club! 9 years ago

    For best results, make your swatch about 6″ square. This allows you to measure out a 4″ square to count your rows and stitches more effectively. The reason for not just making a 4″ square swatch is that the edges will be uneven, making it difficult to count precisely. Even being a few stitches out can affect the finished size of your garment. For…[Read more]

  • Does anyone else have the Village Frock pattern they would be willing to sell? Thanks,Linda

  • Linda replied to the topic Tools in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    I thought they were only for using when you designed your own patterns and you cut notches in the tissue! Are you saying they work to cut out notches in fabric?? If so, I am definitely getting some!

  • Linda replied to the topic Help me enjoy knitting again in the forum Group logo of Fiber Club!Fiber Club! 9 years ago

    Ooh, Sarvi, I love Cat Bordhi too- got her sock books, the woman is a genius! I learnt to knit socks on circulars from one of her books. Socks are one of my favourite things to knit.

  • Linda replied to the topic Help me enjoy knitting again in the forum Group logo of Fiber Club!Fiber Club! 9 years ago

    Ooh, Sarvi, I love Cat Bordhi too- got her sock books, the woman is a genius! I learnt to knit socks on circulars from one of her book.socks ate one of my favourite things to knit.

  • Linda replied to the topic Help me enjoy knitting again in the forum Group logo of Fiber Club!Fiber Club! 9 years ago

    How about going back to knitting some basic, easy stuff that you can complete in the blink of an eye, using gorgeous colour yarn, from a good manufacturer? Nothing too big, say child’s size to start so you get quick, satisfying results- get your enjoyment from using beautiful yarn instead of complex stitch or garment patterns. Pick something not…[Read more]

  • Linda replied to the topic Sewing Books in the forum off topic 9 years ago

    Hiya Rhythm!
    I don’t know how experienced a sewist you are, so difficult to answer straight off. Also, what do you need to learn about- fitting skills? Things like different seam finishes,setting in zips and making buttonholes or more complex stuff like tailoring? Are you experienced using all the different machine feet you can get? Do you want…[Read more]

  • Thank you very much, It’s lovely.

  • Thanks Tamara, my daughter mentioned the absorbtion issue as well. She’s here now and booked into see midwife next week, so she’ll check re iron tablets. Thank you.

  • Linda replied to the topic Fabrics in the forum off topic 10 years ago

    Thanks Rhythm,you make those fabrics sound fabulous! I wish I was going with him but it’s a work trip. I’ll just have to give him detailed instructions!

  • Marygo- I don’t know what cream of wheat is, there presumably is a UK substitute? Or maybe we just call it something else? Oh- porridge?

  • Top of the Lake- I saw that somewhere- is it Netflix? I’ll have a look at that. Thanks, Sarvi.

  • Thank you ladies, that’s some delicious ideas there. I love beans and greens and so does Laura, so those meal suggestions are perfect! Sarvi- I just discovered smitten kitchen about a week ago and sent the link to my daughter too- I love her blog. If any of you haven’t seen it yet and love cooking (I presume you must do to be in this group!) I…[Read more]

  • Thank you ladies, that’s some delicious ideas there. I love beans and greens and so does Laura, do those meal suggestions are perfect! Sarvi- I just discovered smitten kitchen about a week ago and sent the link to my daughter too- I love her blog. If any of you haven’t seen it yet and love booking I suggest having a look. Thanks again, everyone.

  • Hello! My daughter is arriving back in UK this week and is 29 weeks pregnant. She has requested liver and onions for dinner as she said she needs more iron in her diet. Anyone got any ideas for meals that are high in iron? She will eat anything!!!

  • Linda replied to the topic Fiber Club! in the forum Fiber Club! 10 years ago

    I’m making a Kim Hargreaves garment ‘Dusk’ from ‘Heartfelt’ in a dark brown Rowan Felted Tweed. It’s a wrap around cardi sort of thing. Simple knitting so I don’t have to concentrate as my daughter and three grandchildren will be here.

  • Just finished my first Apple Picking dress in time for my granddaughters arrival from Nova Scotia. I am pleased with it, I used flannel that I got locally , quite dark, and will look lovely with some dark tights, I think. Still getting used to my overlocker and learnt a lot making this. The cuff circumference looks tiny, so I hope it fits her…[Read more]

  • Oh a real mixture! Series like Homeland, Broadchurch, Great British Bake Off, old films that no one else in my house wants to watch(!). Also if watching with my husband, things like Mad Men, which we love. Those clothes!!! I love Peggy and Joan is so curvaceous I can’t take my eyes off her! If I’m knitting something complex, I watch lighthearted…[Read more]

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