Sarvi replied to the topic Fiber Club! in the forum Fiber Club! 10 years ago
@knitting1, you have the technique right, but your original photo is a bigger file than the fora can handle. Can you shrink it a bit? I use Picasa (which is a free download) to resize photos. Alternatively, you could upload the photo to flickr or another service and just post a link to the photo there. Looking forward to seeing it!
We do have a…[Read more]
Sarvi replied to the topic Fiber Club! in the forum Fiber Club! 10 years ago
@kmac0107 Kim, thank you, good to know about those Addi needles.
@knitting1 Linda, ooh, Rowan makes such wonderful yarns. I would loooooove a peek at your yarn and book stashes, care to share a photo? Funny, I never thought to photograph my yarn stash.
What do you think, folks, shall we make a Ladies’ Auxiliary Craft Group on…[Read more]
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