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    Rhythm @rhythmtyagi

    A few people had asked me to add more information on Indian fabrics and such. If you are interested I am putting up a small series on my blog –


    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Ooh, looking forward to checking it out, thank you!

    Nicole @motherof5

    Thank you, off for a peep.

    dubhels2003 @dubhels2003

    That’s really interesting, thank you. I go to Bradford in the UK which has lots of Indian fabric (and food!) Shops. I am in love with the beautiful bright fabrics, especially the reds and pinks.

    Linda @Knitting1

    My husband will be working in Calcutta shortly and I had been thinking about getting him to buy me some fabric whilst he was there. I h ave been wondering though how practical it would be if he bought me saris- would they be too fine to sew garments? How do you identify good quality material from poor (remember my husband is a man- not being sexist, he doesn’t have a creative bone in his body). Any tips?????

    Rhythm @rhythmtyagi

    @Linda – Calcutta is famous for Bengali cotton and tant cotton. It is fabulous! Saris are generally 5.5 to 6 meters, so plenty of fabric. The cotton is fine and translucent almost muslin type, you would have to line any garments made from it I reckon. All saris would be starched, but the weave should be fine. Also if you buy from a big store then chances are stuff would be good quality. Tussar silk(heavy weaved silk kinda thick) is also very famous there, so is jute.
    Just Google images for Calcutta cotton, tant cotton, tussar silk, you will get plenty of ideas!

    Some pointers-



    Rhythm @rhythmtyagi

    @dubhels2003 that’s awesome! I do wish I could get liberty fabric on India!

    Sarvi @Sarvi

    Have you checked to see whether Shaukat will deliver to India? They don’t charge VAT when shipping elsewhere.

    Rhythm @rhythmtyagi

    Thanks Sarvi! I ll check it out.

    Linda @Knitting1

    Thanks Rhythm,you make those fabrics sound fabulous! I wish I was going with him but it’s a work trip. I’ll just have to give him detailed instructions!

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