etc3 replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
We’re currently living in Columbus Ohio having moved here earlier in the year from Australia. While it’s really cold outside the house is very warm and my daughter finds flannelette much too warm, she just doesn’t seem to get cold. We’re going to be in NYC for Xmas too and I’m planning to just pack knit pjs.
etc3 replied to the topic What are you sewing now? in the forum off topic 9 years ago
We’re currently living in Columbus Ohio having moved here earlier in the year from Australia. While it’s really cold outside the house is very warm and my daughter finds flannelette much too warm, she just doesn’t seem to get cold. We’re going to be in NYC for Xmas too and I’m planning to just pack knit pjs.
etc3 replied to the topic Most and Least Worn O+S Outfit? in the forum sewing with liesl + co and oliver + s 10 years ago
Great topic Nicole! I think my most worn items would be all the Class Picnic blouses I’ve made. Not only does my little fusspot love the style, they seem to fit for years and then get passed on to my niece who wears them for years. Great for summer but equally good layered for cooler months. My least worn item would have been the Pinwheel dress…[Read more]
etc3 replied to the topic Oliver + S Colouring Book in the forum sewing with liesl + co and oliver + s 10 years ago
This is soooo great Lotta! I’m downloading as we speak. Thank you so much xx
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etc3 are now friends 10 years ago
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Inder are now friends 10 years ago
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Liesl Gibson are now friends 10 years ago
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onehappymamma are now friends 10 years ago
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etc3 replied to the topic Hopscotch dress as a Baby Day gown-thoughts? in the forum oliver + s: hopscotch 10 years ago
No help but I can’t wait to see it.
etc3 replied to the topic Best pants for tall 4 year old in the forum sewing with liesl + co and oliver + s 10 years ago
I love the fit of the After School pants. They are a nice slim fit although I do have to lengthen them a bit for my long skinny boys. The Sandbox are also a great fit and I’ve never had to lengthen them.
Good luck! -
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katybellabug are now friends 10 years ago
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Frances Suzanne are now friends 10 years ago
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etc3 are now friends 10 years ago
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