Darcy Struble
Darcy Struble joined the group
Sew Alongs 9 years ago
Darcy Struble replied to the topic Little Layette in the forum
Heirloom Sewing and Embroidery 9 years ago
I can’t seem to get the picture up there :/ I put it on my flickr so once I get to computer, I’ll put up a link
Darcy Struble replied to the topic Little Layette in the forum
Heirloom Sewing and Embroidery 9 years ago
Ok quick update! I did mash up the puppet show and tea party play suit and I’m posting a picture of the results! I’m pretty pleased, except that the fabric I chose is pretty awful. But that’s what I get for trying to shop my stash. I guess I’ll just have to make some more. Also, I think I’m going to hand embroider some sail boats on the front. Is…[Read more]
Darcy Struble replied to the topic Little Layette in the forum
Heirloom Sewing and Embroidery 9 years ago
Ok quick update! I did mash up the puppet show and tea party play suit and I’m posting a picture of the results! I’m pretty pleased, except that the fabric I chose is pretty awful. But that’s what I get for trying to shop my stash. I guess I’ll just have to make some more. Also, I think I’m going to hand embroider some sail boats on the front. Is…[Read more]
Darcy Struble joined the group
Sewing for Yourself 9 years ago
Darcy Struble and
Audrey are now friends 9 years ago
Darcy Struble started the topic V Neck in the forum liesl + co: metro t-shirt 9 years ago
Has anyone tried to make the v neck version? Husband wants this in a v neck (I’ve made him a couple regular versions and he likes those but he wants a little variation).
So I guess the question is, if you’ve done it, what did you do? Thanks 🙂
Darcy Struble replied to the topic Favorite TV Show to watch while handsewing in the forum off topic 9 years ago
@lightningmcstitch and @lattemama, we LOVE Doctor Who. My husband is trying to force me to make him a 10th Doctor costume for halloween (or a Lucius Malfoy costume from Harry Potter, trying to figure with one will be easier haha). We are currently out of them on Netflix so we have to wait for the season airing to be over get more 🙁
Lightning…[Read more]
Darcy Struble replied to the topic Vegetarian Lunch Options in the forum
Cooking and Baking 9 years ago
@rhythm, watermelon salad sounds amazing! I’ll definitely be trying that! I’m excited that you have lots! Lunch is what I struggle with most while trying to eat more vegetarian.
@roundtheworldgirl I’m glad you liked it!! I do a good bit of vegan as well, especially dessert 🙂 I love vegan dessert. I don’t know why haha
Darcy Struble and
Lightning McStitch are now friends 9 years ago
Darcy Struble and
vothgirl are now friends 9 years ago
Darcy Struble replied to the topic Fabric sources? in the forum oliver + s: parachute polo + sweatpants 9 years ago
I would say check girlcharlee.com. I have purchased some great stuff on their website. It’s always hard to buy fabric online since you don’t know what it’s going to feel like. I haven’t purchased any fleece from them, though. I think fabric.com does some samples if you have the time (or patience) to wait for fabric samples to come. I bought a…[Read more]
Darcy Struble replied to the topic Favorite TV Show to watch while handsewing in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Top of the Lake sounds awesome. Sounds like my husband would like that one too!
I tried watching Game of Thrones but I think I like the book better (not to be clique hahaha but because I get a little scared of action-y graphic-y stuff and when reading books, it’s only as graphic as your mind lets it be). But Ed is super into Game of Thrones! The…[Read more]
Darcy Struble replied to the topic Favorite TV Show to watch while handsewing in the forum off topic 9 years ago
I think the Mindy Project is on Netflix too! I’ll check that out! What chick shows do you like? I sometimes make my husband suffer through the Vampire Diaries and Gilmore Girls haha
Darcy Struble replied to the topic Ethical concerns in the forum off topic 9 years ago
Sarvi, love this! I love NPR. I’m pretty sure this was the exact story that my husband listened to that caused him to start buying jeans from companies where they make them themselves (right here in North Carolina, actually). And he makes me make his t-shirts and button downs. I’m not complaining to much 😉
Darcy Struble replied to the topic Ethical concerns in the forum off topic 9 years ago
I think about this a lot, actually. I live in the US, I grew up in Charleston, SC, lived in Florence, SC during college, spent the first 5 1/2-ish years after college in Greenville, SC (which used to be a huge textile area but has since died out. I did have some friends living there who were still in the textile industry) and we just moved to…[Read more]
Darcy Struble replied to the topic Ethical concerns in the forum off topic 9 years ago
I think about this a lot, actually. I live in the US, I grew up in Charleston, SC, lived in Florence, SC during college, spent the first 5 1/2-ish years after college in Greenville, SC (which used to be a huge textile area but has since died out. I did have some friends living there who were still in the textile industry) and we just moved to…[Read more]
Darcy Struble and
Masha Richart are now friends 9 years ago
Darcy Struble replied to the topic Favorite TV Show to watch while handsewing in the forum off topic 9 years ago
I haven’t heard of Top of the Lake. What’s it about?
MASH is awesome! We were watching the one called Adam’s Ribs last night and They talked about ribs so much that we had to go out and buy ribs for dinner for tonight haha. They are in the oven now! And thanks @sarvi 🙂
Darcy Struble and
Sarvi are now friends 9 years ago
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