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What are you sewing now?

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    Tamara @justsewit

    All these costumes and plays sound fascinating, I’m glad you ladies are taking a turn as I’m all costumed out for the year – I am still yet to meet with the play group ladies to discuss their costume wish list and then it will start all over again.

    Well I haven’t started sewing the pile yet but when I was shopping yesterday I almost came home with some really bright pink and white striped Lycra type fabric in my shopping bag. What stopped me was the fact the sales lady was adamant I shouldn’t get any to use to make swimsuits from, claiming it would disintegrate in the wash and only last a season in the chlorine and that there is no UV in the fabric. I came home feeling miffed as it felt just like a bought pair I have at home that are now getting to small for Imogen to wear. We used to wear plain old t-shirts in the water as kids and didn’t get burned so personally I think that any protection is better than none.

    The label said dance wear and it had spandex in it but does that really constitute it not being suitable for swimming gear? The fabric I got from fabric.com also said it was suitable for dance wear.

    I have other stuff in the cupboard that needs to be lined and no pink which I know won’t go down well, oh well she will just have to deal with it.

    So today, I will attempt to get something done about the swimming gear as we have swimming club enrolment this week and I think that entails jumping in the pool!

    I wanted to be cutting out other things. Oh well!

    Tamara @justsewit

    Me again…

    I made the red Badminton skorts just to try on and see if Imogen likes them or not. I might make the shorts part in stretch fabric as they look a little snug around the buttocks. She likes them though and has chosen to wear it so I’m happy. She was wearing the pink bijoux skirt today and the elastic broke so it’s a good thing we changed!

    So I have decided to make a couple for school to see how they go but I really have to get onto N’s shorts. Again a couple for school to tide him over and one in (it seems) every colour of the rainbow.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch

    Oh man, I had far too much fun tonight. I started my costume with a cape. It’s a pattern mash up of the Red Riding Hood Cape, a Music Class B collar and a Family Reunion style facing and hem construction. Even with my self drafted pattern pieces it all worked really well, with only the collar needing one redraft.

    I had to keep stopping to look at what I was doing as I’m so excited and it just looks…. awesome.

    Must store this feeling in case it all turns sour. 🙂

    Masha Richart

    Sounds great, Lightning! I can’t wait to see the finished product.

    I finished my Christmas tree skirt, and although I still don’t love the fabrics, it was actually a lot of fun to sew. It’s pieced and quilted and i haven’t done much of that in the past. I got so inspired that I made up a little patchwork table runner pattern today during nap time and cut the fabric from my stash of Valori Wells’ Karavan line. I’ve never bought a whole bunch of coordinating fabrics before, but I just love this line. I made a dozen napkins out of it this past spring, and now I’ll have a runner to match. I’m almost done piecing the top of the runner now. I think I might be tempted to finish the whole thing tonight!

    meleliza @meleliza

    The costumes are fun. Since little kids love dress up, they really get into Halloween. What’s not to like? Costumes, parties, the smell of autumn in the air? Not tonmention the candy! Everyone outside and having fun with neighbors. Most people have fond memories of being a kid at Halloween and enjoy sharing it with their kids. In the city, most parks have some kind of party and there are various neighborhoods that really do it right. Philadelphia loves a good block party! I think it’s an easy thing for Americans to get excited about because it’s not controversial. There is of course a lot of religious significance to All Saints Day, and it is carefully observed in Austria, Poland, France, etc, but Americans find it easy to ignore that and focus on the kids having fun. and it is a really fun time.

    Nicole, I hope you share the Romeo costume! That will be sweet.

    Tamara @justsewit

    I watched a program once where it told the history of Halloween and how people would bake things to put out to “feed the spirits”. I’m wondering how it got from cooking food and putting on the doorstep to dressing up as all sorts of characters and having a party! But then some would argue about the other tradtions we have and why Christians celebrate a supposed Pagan festival.

    I actually did really well yesterday, made the red badminton skorts AND a hula hoop skirt whilst sitting listening intently to “the Kingmaker’s Daughter”.

    Today I’m tracing and cutting a pair of swim shorts for N.

    Robin @Robin

    Justsewit, you’ve reminded me of a student I worked with at a very diverse middle school. I wished him a happy groundhog day. He replies with, “I don’t celebrate those Christian holidays.” Now I need to find out how that started in North America.

    juliamom2009 @juliamom2009

    I had a Halloween outfit totally planned for my daughter who wanted to be Doc McStuffins. I was happier than if she chose to be a princess, or a fairy. Then, the other day, she changed her mind and wants to be a fireman! Costco has a pretty nice fireman outfit for $26. I may just get it and be done, so I can get to the next items on my list I really want to get done…..a pink corduroy apple picking dress, and a dark blue stretch velvet playdate with a white yoke….

    Tamara @justsewit

    Robin that is funny! The truth is that I find the background of things very interesting. It in a way helps me to grasp the why’s of daily life. I also like to lend a little bit of that history to my kids so that they know why it is celebrated and how things come to be celebrated when and how they are today. It is fascinating because North America has alot of traditions they have made their own that actually came from somewhere else, as does Australia but over time it has morphed into what it is now!

    It would be interesting to see what you come up with regarding Ground Hog day – I thought it was to map out the coming of spring?!

    I’ve only just got home from work so after my cuppa and peruse through the new book that arrived today, I may have time to pull out the things to trace the swim shorts pattern and get started! If tomorrow is anything like today in terms of weather though I don’t think my kids will be venturing in the water – Brr!

    Juliamom, that sounds like a perfect idea!

    Masha Richart

    Found out yesterday that baby #3 is a boy! Nesting has kicked in and I made three receiving blankets today and spent the evening cutting out layers for newborn sized fitted diapers. Guess the other stuff will have to wait a few days until I get this out of my system.

    Lightning McStitch @LightningMcStitch


    I’m still staying up sewing til midnight, rubbing my hands together and cackling with glee. This costume is so much fun! ON track for being finished by the weekend, but I think if a Halloween costume is required it’ll be a sheet with eye holes cut out.

    Tamara @justsewit

    Congratulations to you roundtheworldgirl! I hope you are skilled in the “art” of boys. I wasn’t as we only have girls in my family bar my nephew on my husband’s family – they were totally alien to me when N came along. Now I would love to have some write a book about what to expect when you are expecting … a boy! It would be fabulous to get a heads up before something interesting and possibly gross happens hehe! Boys are wonderful though so I hope you find this news just as thrilling as if you were having another girl.

    The swim short didn’t get made or traced – I decided to slightly enlarge the class picnic pattern instead. I got M to get store bought swimwear when he took wool up yesterday just so that I could catch up on the other things. Summer hasn’t even started yet so there is still time to learn the in’s and out’s of sewing swimwear – just not right now.

    Lightning McStitch, the best costumes are the ones that are most fun to sew I think. Glad you are having fun preparing for Halloween.

    Jennifer1568 @Jennifer1568

    Congratulations Round the World Girl! Now you can make really cute boy clothes!

    mle bb @mle bb

    oooh Congratulations roundtheworldgirl! Boys are fun to sew for but i find i have to be a bit more creative to make things boyish enough, little vests pants and pullovers are fun!

    I am currently throwing all my attention into making a quilt for one of my uncles who is going through chemo for bladder cancer. He lives far away and i am trying to finish asap so he has something to keep him warm. I am also trying to finish sewing myself a purse so i can have something to carry my stuff in when i go to NYC this coming week! Wish me luck in FINISHING!

    needlewoman @needlewoman

    Hello forum,

    I have just posted some pictures of the size 6 (lengthened to size 8) pinafore I have made using Little Lisette 2063. The pinwale cord was from my stash, as was the pink cottons that I used for the neck frill, and the piping. I solved the neck closure problem that I asked abt a month or so ago, and I’m pleased with overall result. I hope the following enables you to see my pics. http://www.flickr.com/photos/87355413@NO2. Admiring congrats to all those finishing Halloween costumes, quilts, and the round the world girl on your expected boy.

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